Zone1 Professor's Theory: Only two positions can be held logically: Catholicism or Agnosticism

It isn't an argument. It's just how it is. Peter stayed in Jerusalem and preached for 15 years to the Jews.
Peter and Paul were believed to be killed by Nero. Constantine didn't come along until 272 AD years and built the basilica where he assumed Peter and Paul were buried.

If the Catholic church is the work of Jesus or Peter, why are Paul's churches that Jesus addresses as His stars, His candlesticks, and not Peter's church too?
Why does Jesus return to the Jews and not to the Vatican when He comes back? Will He be called Pope Jesus, or Rabbi?
They are valid questions...
Was Linus a real Pope or are you going to deny him too?
My father is a professor in mathematics and computer science. He is a devout Catholic who believes the Earth is billions of years old and that Darwin's theory of evolution is the way God created life.

He told me there are only two religious positions that can be believed by a person who applies logic: Catholicism or Agnosticism.

All other faiths and creeds requires one to ignore logic and provable facts to believe in.


That's hilarious.

How is Catholicism more logical than any other form of religion?

He's also gone against the Catholic way of thinking, as prescribed by the Catholic Church.... boom, he just destroyed his own argument.
That's hilarious.

How is Catholicism more logical than any other form of religion?

He's also gone against the Catholic way of thinking, as prescribed by the Catholic Church.... boom, he just destroyed his own argument.
The logic of the Catholic position is that it is the only church founded by Jesus Christ who died, was buried, and rose from the dead.

Every other religion was founded by a man or woman who died and stayed dead.
The logic of the Catholic position is that it is the only church founded by Jesus Christ who died, was buried, and rose from the dead.

Every other religion was founded by a man or woman who died and stayed dead.
So will it be Pope Jesus who is returning? Is there any Biblical proof that Jesus started a church in Rome, or are we taking some man's word for it? The Bible confirms Paul's churches. Who confirms Peter's?
We know about Paul's churches, and Peter's church in Jerusalem, but no mention of Jesus' church in Rome or that Peter started one in Rome. Why?
Jesus was never in Rome btw.

So, every other church is illegitimate? Does Paul know that!? What are Paul's man made churches doing in Revelation and not the Catholic church?
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The logic of the Catholic position is that it is the only church founded by Jesus Christ who died, was buried, and rose from the dead.

Every other religion was founded by a man or woman who died and stayed dead.


First you have the East/West Schism in 1054

Which one is the "original" church? Which one carried on the "true Christianity"?

The reality is that it has nothing to do with the original teachings. It was all a power play from both sides.

Just because the Catholic Church remained in Rome doesn't prove anything. Popes came and went, but that doesn't mean the Catholic church in 1100 was the same as the one founded by Jesus.

Then you have all the other religions. There's no evidence Jesus even existed. No evidence he died. I mean the fact that he died on a Friday and the Friday changes date every year, whereas he was born on the 25th and that stays on the 25th but changes days and calendars were different in those days anyway and the fact that they merely took over existing festivals kinds of suggests that it's all nonsense.

If Jesus didn't exist, then what?

First you have the East/West Schism in 1054

Which one is the "original" church? Which one carried on the "true Christianity"?

The reality is that it has nothing to do with the original teachings. It was all a power play from both sides.

Just because the Catholic Church remained in Rome doesn't prove anything. Popes came and went, but that doesn't mean the Catholic church in 1100 was the same as the one founded by Jesus.

Then you have all the other religions. There's no evidence Jesus even existed. No evidence he died. I mean the fact that he died on a Friday and the Friday changes date every year, whereas he was born on the 25th and that stays on the 25th but changes days and calendars were different in those days anyway and the fact that they merely took over existing festivals kinds of suggests that it's all nonsense.

If Jesus didn't exist, then what?
Jesus was mentioned by several historians and if you haven't read the Gospel of Nicodemus, also called the Acts of Pilate, it goes into great detail about Christ. It is mind blowing.
Jesus was mentioned by several historians and if you haven't read the Gospel of Nicodemus, also called the Acts of Pilate, it goes into great detail about Christ. It is mind blowing.

Yeah, and Harry Potter has been mentioned by several historians too. It's MIND BLOWING.
My father is a professor in mathematics and computer science. He is a devout Catholic who believes the Earth is billions of years old and that Darwin's theory of evolution is the way God created life.

He told me there are only two religious positions that can be believed by a person who applies logic: Catholicism or Agnosticism.

All other faiths and creeds requires one to ignore logic and provable facts to believe in.

So your dad thinks he can defend Catholicism using logic? Congratulations, he would be the first to do so.

It isn't logical to presuppose the accuracy of a book that has wholly impossible claims in it. A book that was drawn up by committee, talking about events hundreds of years in the past, using translations of translations as source material. A book that has been, and needs to be interpreted and reinterpreted in order to remain relevant to it's believers, just so the more fantastical and/or immoral bits can be ignored.

I tell you what. Show this post to your dad and give his logical explanation for the Roman Catholic belief. I'd love to hear that argument.
My father is a professor in mathematics and computer science. He is a devout Catholic who believes the Earth is billions of years old and that Darwin's theory of evolution is the way God created life.

He told me there are only two religious positions that can be believed by a person who applies logic: Catholicism or Agnosticism.

All other faiths and creeds requires one to ignore logic and provable facts to believe in.

IMHO, all religions have the same shortcomings, logic would lead you to none of them, you must first have faith. Since I don't know how the universe was created, or even if it was, I consider myself agnostic on that point. Since I see zero evidence that that creator was the God of the Bible, and plenty of evidence to the contrary, I'm also an atheist.
If I was Baptist my life would be so much easier. I could do anything I wanted and still be "saved."

But since I'm Catholic I have to behave myself.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." --Matthew 7:16,18,20

"Since the primary motive of the evil is disguise, one of the places evil people are most likely to be found is within the church. What better way to conceal one's evil from oneself, as well as from others, than to be a deacon or some other highly visible form of Christian within our culture? . . . . I do not mean to imply that the evil are anything other than a small minority among the religious or that the religious motives of most people are in any way spurious. I mean only that evil people tend to gravitate toward piety for the disguise and concealment it can offer them." --Martin Buber, Good and Evil, (Philosopher/theologian)
Tell that to science and undeniable facts. Like how plants cant survive without the sun.
Everyone of the people I mentioned dealt in undeniable science and facts and were Catholic priests.

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