Profile of a MAGA Republican who is a Threat to America

If they were "simply taking selfies in The Capital, after the Capital Police invited them in" ('s spelled "capitol" which denotes a seat of government, "capital" denotes an upper case letter), then why in the hell were windows broken and things stolen?

Like Trump they support lies and chaos.
Hillary's office right?
If they were "simply taking selfies in The Capital, after the Capital Police invited them in" ('s spelled "capitol" which denotes a seat of government, "capital" denotes an upper case letter), then why in the hell were windows broken and things stolen?
Do you really think if the ANTIFA, BLM and FBI Infiltrators and Instigators remained as peaceful as the unaware peaceful protestors around them, that The DemNazi Party could use the peaceful protest on January 6th for Political Theatre and Propaganda?

Since when has BLM and ANTIFA never been violent especially when infiltrating the peaceful rallies of their political opposition?
Hillary's office right?

"Hillary's office"? Apparently, you, as well as the protestor who left the flag (if that is what they thought) are too stupid to realize that she's been out of government service for awhile now.

You'd have gotten more traction on your snark if you had said "Pelosi's office right?" That would have made more sense since she's still in government and is considered a traitor by the right.
Nope, and that was already proven. But your DemNazi Party was egging them on, just like they did in The BLM and ANTIFA Riots.

You may now return to saving Satan's hairy ball sack.

I don't know a single Democrat who supports Antifa or BLM.. nor a single one who's a religious vigilante. I don't know anyone that promotes violence or overturning any election. You got Trump.
I don't know a single Democrat who supports Antifa or BLM.. nor a single one who's a religious vigilante. I don't know anyone that promotes violence or overturning any election. You got Trump.
All Democrats Support ANTIFA and BLM. That is why they were all cheering on ANTIFA and BLM when they raped, looted, burnt and pillaged entire neighborhoods.
1. Retired after 40 years of work, paying federal taxes according to the law throughout

2. Never got so much as a speeding ticket

3. Donates to a wide group of charities, for animals, people, medical research, and so forth

4. Volunteers to local community via school drives, goods to homeless shelter, and time to teaching basic financial literacy

5. Always helped elderly parents as needed, and there for friends and family

6. Never attended a riot

7. Is educated, well-traveled, well-read, speaks well, doesn‘t use drugs, and dresses nicely

8. Given all unprecedented anomalies and biased media coverage, doesn’t believe the official results of the 2020 is a fair indication of who Americans would have wanted for president.

No, the ones rotting in jail are.
Do you really think if the ANTIFA, BLM and FBI Infiltrators and Instigators remained as peaceful as the unaware peaceful protestors around them, that The DemNazi Party could use the peaceful protest on January 6th for Political Theatre and Propaganda?

Since when has BLM and ANTIFA never been violent especially when infiltrating the peaceful rallies of their political opposition?

Some died on January 6 and 140 police officers were injured. Are you an American? Do you believe in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights? Does your faith promote lies and chaos?
Some died on January 6 and 140 police officers were injured. Are you an American? Do you believe in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights? Does your faith promote lies and chaos?
When are you going to finish shaving Putin's balls for your special time together, and why do you enjoy watching police shoot unarmed women?
Meanwhile Democrats use government entities(IRS and FBI) to remove all opposition to their lunatic policies. Sure seems like that is an awful lot like a government takeover.
Just HILARIOUS the way you guys try to frame this stuff.

For example this:
"Meanwhile Democrats use government entities(IRS and FBI) ....."

Government "entities?"
Is this a euphemism for uh.....the LAW?
So the translation of this is "
Meanwhile Democrats use THE LAW to remove all illegal opposition to their lunatic policies. Sure seems like that is an awful lot like a government takeover.

Doesn't quite mean the same thing after translation....does it?
Trump will turn you all into violent liars. He's a champion for the most ignorant of Christians.
Whatever you say Child of Satan. Your Hatred, Your Delusion, Your Lies are dragging you to Hell now as we speak, and at some point there will be no turning back for you.

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