BTW. "well regulated" means well trained, and well equipped, not "restricted" in any way. Anyway, doesn't matter as the militia clause is separate from our NATURAL RIGHT.

You're defining "well regulated" in a way that YOU want.

I on the other hand am looking at the description of a well regulated militia that is described in the Constitution Article 1 Section 8

"To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;"

According to that...the militia was a far different thing from what gun huggers claim.

It was NOT there to overthrow the government but to do exactly the opposite and it was NOT a bunch of clowns sitting in front of a barber shop bitching about the "gubmint"
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The Right to Keep and Bear arms is an individual right separate from any Militia involvement.
BTW. "well regulated" means well trained, and well equipped, not "restricted" in any way. Anyway, doesn't matter as the militia clause is separate from our NATURAL RIGHT.

You're defining "well regulated" in a way that YOU want.

I on the other hand am looking at the description of a well regulated militia that is described in the Constitution Article 1 Section 8

"To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;"

According to that...the militia was a far different thing from what gun huggers claim.

It was NOT there to overthrow the government but to do exactly the opposite and it was NOT a bunch of clowns sitting in front of a barber shop bitching about the "gubmint"
But, see post #222.


Ironically, Daniel himself proved that we do not have to organize. See post #197 above.
yes, you do. They don't whine about gun control, the unorganized militia does.
10USC246 - the federal law you cited - says otherwise, snowflake. Why do you insist on violating federal law? And where are my government-issued, fully automatic firearms?
Our Second Amendment clearly Expresses what is Necessary for the security of a free State; it is not, the Unorganized militia.
The Organized militia does not whine about gun control. The unorganized militia does.
Yes they do. Every single day. Why do you insist on lying every time you post?
You Must be UnOrganized if You do not know your own heavy weapons section.
I know my own “heavy weapons” section very well. I’m just waiting for the government to provide it to me pursuant to the U.S. Constitution and 10USC246.
Well regulated militia actually know their heavy weapons section and practice with them on a well regulated basis.
Our Second Amendment clearly Expresses what is Necessary for the security of a free State; it is not, the Unorganized militia.
You are now running away from your own position. You explicitly stated that we must uphold federal law and then you explicitly cited 10USC246 - which states that the militia is made up of two distinct classes: the organized and the unorganized. It clearly establishes both as part of the same militia.

So basically you spoke out of your ass (as you always do) and now you’re running away from your own position and your own posts. I am a member of the militia (the unorganized class). The 2nd Amendment affords me not only unlimited access to all arms, but that they be provided by the government at no cost to me (according to you).

Good guys (who actually respect and uphold the U.S. Constitution) win again.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Our Second Amendment clearly Expresses what is Necessary for the security of a free State; it is not, the Unorganized militia.
Why are you running from your own positions, Danny boy? Here you are claiming the right doesn’t adhere to federal law:
we already have plenty of laws the right wing refuses to acknowledge unless it is about the Poor. 10USC246 is a fine example.
Now you are the one “refusing” to “acknowledge” federal law. Here is 10USC246:
(b)The classes of the militia are—
(2)the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.​
So why do you refuse to uphold federal law and why are you running away from your own positions? You brought up 10USC246. You whines that the right doesn’t “acknowledge” it. Let’s “acknowledge” it, Danny! Come on. Don’t run away now.

By Danny’s own words, I am entitled to any fully automatic weapon and the government must pay for it.
Well regulated militia actually know their heavy weapons section and practice with them on a well regulated basis.
A. Irrelevant to the discussion. Pursuant to the U.S. Constitution and 10USC246, I am a member of the unorganized class of the militia. Try to focus here.

B. I know my own “heavy weapons” section very well. I’m just waiting for the government to provide it to me pursuant to the U.S. Constitution and 10USC246.

C. I cannot “practice with them on a well regulated basis” because you are violating the U.S. Constitution by not granting me access to them and by not providing them to me. Stop violating the U.S. Constitution and federal law.
Our Second Amendment clearly Expresses what is Necessary for the security of a free State; it is not, the Unorganized militia.
You are now running away from your own position. You explicitly stated that we must uphold federal law and then you explicitly cited 10USC246 - which states that the militia is made up of two distinct classes: the organized and the unorganized. It clearly establishes both as part of the same militia.

So basically you spoke out of your ass (as you always do) and now you’re running away from your own position and your own posts. I am a member of the militia (the unorganized class). The 2nd Amendment affords me not only unlimited access to all arms, but that they be provided by the government at no cost to me (according to you).

Good guys (who actually respect and uphold the U.S. Constitution) win again.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
You confuse our Second Amendment with natural rights. That is why, nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise.
You confuse our Second Amendment with natural rights. That is why, nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise.
I didn’t mention “natural rights”. Why do you run from the issue? Because you know you are dead-wrong.
You confuse our Second Amendment with natural rights. That is why, nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise.
I didn’t mention “natural rights”. Why do you run from the issue? Because you know you are dead-wrong.
I resort to the fewest fallacies. That is how I know, I am Right, even though I am on the Left.
One has to give republicans (dark money) credit, they have managed to brain wash the snowflake base with BS and more BS. If guns make us safe and secure, why so many gun deaths compared to other civilized nations? If the premise were true we'd have few deaths, but instead we lead in a category no one should be proud of. But I give them credit for keeping their base in line. Mention abortion, gun control, welfare, food stamps, immigrants, and the snowflakes sell their soul, work for peanuts, care nothing for living children, and have poor health services, oh and die too from gun violence. While insanity may be expecting different results, one could also say it is following too close slogans sans positive results. And so it goes....

"The trick never ages; the illusion never wears off. Vote to stop abortion; receive a rollback in capital gains taxes. Vote to make our country strong again; receive deindustrialization. Vote to screw those politically correct college professors; receive electricity deregulation. Vote to get government off our backs; receive conglomeration and monopoly everywhere from media to meatpacking. Vote to stand tall against terrorists; receive Social Security privatization. Vote to strike a blow against elitism; receive a social order in which wealth is more concentrated than ever before in our lifetimes, in which workers have been stripped of power and CEOs are rewarded in a manner beyond imagining." Thomas Frank, What's the Matter With Kansas?: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America
Not much needs to be said after that
You know the parkland kid was expelled .

Truth is Florida law does nothing to stop a nut like that from buying high powered weaponry. But go on with your blamestorming .
AR15s are just sporting rifles, Certainly not “high powered”. Quit falling down the well
They're high powered enough to kill people without any problem. We aren't talking about the best gun for killing a rhino here.
Well regulated militia actually know their heavy weapons section and practice with them on a well regulated basis.
A. Irrelevant to the discussion. Pursuant to the U.S. Constitution and 10USC246, I am a member of the unorganized class of the militia. Try to focus here.

B. I know my own “heavy weapons” section very well. I’m just waiting for the government to provide it to me pursuant to the U.S. Constitution and 10USC246.

C. I cannot “practice with them on a well regulated basis” because you are violating the U.S. Constitution by not granting me access to them and by not providing them to me. Stop violating the U.S. Constitution and federal law.

The RIGHT to keep and bear arms is SEPERATE from the Militia clause. Also, "well regulated" means well practiced, and well equipped, not "restricted".

That being said, we are all in the unorganized militia according to U.S. Code.
You know the parkland kid was expelled .

Truth is Florida law does nothing to stop a nut like that from buying high powered weaponry. But go on with your blamestorming .
AR15s are just sporting rifles, Certainly not “high powered”. Quit falling down the well
They're high powered enough to kill people without any problem. We aren't talking about the best gun for killing a rhino here.
People describe them high powered when they don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground
Well regulated militia actually know their heavy weapons section and practice with them on a well regulated basis.
A. Irrelevant to the discussion. Pursuant to the U.S. Constitution and 10USC246, I am a member of the unorganized class of the militia. Try to focus here.

B. I know my own “heavy weapons” section very well. I’m just waiting for the government to provide it to me pursuant to the U.S. Constitution and 10USC246.

C. I cannot “practice with them on a well regulated basis” because you are violating the U.S. Constitution by not granting me access to them and by not providing them to me. Stop violating the U.S. Constitution and federal law.

The RIGHT to keep and bear arms is SEPERATE from the Militia clause. Also, "well regulated" means well practiced, and well equipped, not "restricted".

That being said, we are all in the unorganized militia according to U.S. Code.
Only well regulated militia are Expressly declared Necessary.
Progressives are completely against armed citizens who could fight a Fascist government that would spy on them and subjugate, especially when that Fascist government is headed by a dog eating Kenyan
You do realize you can be progressive on some things and not others right? For instance not all Democrats are for gun control. Not all republicans are against it. There is more crime in big cities because the police force in more taxed and friction is caused when so many people occupie so little space. Here is a democrat who is against gun controll in most cases. The only space I am against guns is where it is mixed with alcohol and or drugs. Then I am not against a sober person having one in these situations. Guns are a tool that can be used for good or bad. I do not want my self limited from the best tool available. Carry your gun but there should be a carry when intoxicated rule just like with a car. Calling people idiots on the other side is not the way to change minds.
You mean the liberal hotbeds of Texas and Florida where these last two big school shootings happened?
Hey stupid? You do realize that every state has progressives in them - including Texas & Florida (just like every state has conservatives in them)?

In fact - here is the election map of Florida from the 2016 election. The blue sections are Dumbocrat sections. Parkland is in Broward Country (lower right corner of the map). Oh wow, smack dab in the center of a Dumbocrat country (surrounded by two other Dumbocrat counties). How “shocking”. I would like to personally thank you Timmy for once again defeating your own position for us.

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You realize that STATES control gun laws . Red state Florida makes it easy for any psycho to buy guns . In fact , the only thing stopping the Florida guy was FED background checks.
Sorry Timmy gun rights are the one of the few things the right is riight on at the moment.Most people are good people and we would be better off if good peoplke have just as effective of tools on thier tool belt as the bad people. If you have ever been in a situation where you were unarmed and was recieving fire the first thing that goes thru your head is I wish I were armed. We have more gun deaths here because of our culture not the tools. There is danger in allowing others to cary more effective tools than your self. Making things illegal only effects supply for a short while. Sooner or later the illegal products demand gets satisfied just at a higher profit margin. We have learned this from the drug war and prohibition.
Progressives are completely against armed citizens who could fight a Fascist government that would spy on them and subjugate, especially when that Fascist government is headed by a dog eating Kenyan
You do realize you can be progressive on some things and not others right? For instance not all Democrats are for gun control. Not all republicans are against it. There is more crime in big cities because the police force in more taxed and friction is caused when so many people occupie so little space. Here is a democrat who is against gun controll in most cases. The only space I am against guns is where it is mixed with alcohol and or drugs. Then I am not against a sober person having one in these situations. Guns are a tool that can be used for good or bad. I do not want my self limited from the best tool available. Carry your gun but there should be a carry when intoxicated rule just like with a car. Calling people idiots on the other side is not the way to change minds.
I didn't call anyone an idiot

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