Progressives continue their racism

The left was the party of racism and continues to be the party of racism. This man is an officer upholding the law. Nobody could claim that these attacks are about anything other than his skin color...

CNN commentator: Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke is ‘like a terrorist’

equating one commentator trying to be controversial with the entire party is moronic.
I agree
You are correct Melinda Byerley. Nobody wants to live in a shithole with stupid people. That's why all of us educated people avoid you and San Fransicso like the plague.

Say uh buh-bye to your career sweetie...

Liberal CEO Slams Middle America: ‘No Educated Person Wants to Live in Sh*thole With Stupid People’
Please make your ignorance of San Francisco complete, and buzz off.

Stop thinking about them entirely, and never go there.
San Francisco allows trash to shit in the street.
You are correct Melinda Byerley. Nobody wants to live in a shithole with stupid people. That's why all of us educated people avoid you and San Fransicso like the plague.

Say uh buh-bye to your career sweetie...

Liberal CEO Slams Middle America: ‘No Educated Person Wants to Live in Sh*thole With Stupid People’
Please make your ignorance of San Francisco complete, and buzz off.

Stop thinking about them entirely, and never go there.
San Francisco allows trash to shit in the street.
Stop thinking about them entirely, and never go there.

They've never given you a first thought
if the FACEBOOK killer was a WHITE GUY who MURDERED an ELDERLY BLACK MAN, Trump would be blamed 100% by the cvnt media. Let there be NO mistake.
They only like the "useful idiot" dark skinned. They have nothing but contempt for the African-American who thinks for themselves, embraces liberty, and respects the U.S. Constitution.

Black conservative woman's column suspended by major paper

Ahhh...the tolerant and open minded left.

If you are not in lockstep, you will be attacked and they will try to destroy you professionally and personally.

Maybe Pubs need to start doing this shit.
The left believes that white people should not be allowed to make a living cooking ethnic foods...
Still, people of color (POC) in the Portland community want to take more steps toward preventing cultural appropriation from taking over their food culture. In response, a Google Doc called "(Alternatives To) White-Owned Appropriative Restaurants in Portland" is now in circulation, featuring an extensive list of what the creators deem to be appropriative establishments in Portland.
A Group Has Now Created a List of Every Culturally Appropriative Restaurant in Portland

Forum List
