Progressives continue their racism

miketx said:
Seeing how you don't know what you speak of, you'd make a great politician. But if these stupid negroes would comply with police orders they wouldn't get shot. The ones who don't, and get shot, deserve it.
Thank you for agreeing. If those idiots would follow LE orders, they wouldn't get shot.

I don't agree. I'm just poking holes in your little "reverse racism" shield. Says a lot about someone to call others stupid negroes... something a racist Texas good old boy might say!
It's really telling how you invent things people say. It's not reverse racism. It's stupid blacks getting shot because they won't obey the officers instructions. You go ahead and lie and sling your crap all you want to, nothing will change until the behavior changes, that behavior being when told to stop by a cop, you pretend to draw a gun. Or you really do draw one.
The comparison was about the inability to alter the pathology you nitwit

So you're saying Carson has an innate and irreversible violent pathology? Hmm.... sounds like a very republican thing to say about a black person.
Again...yet another lie by PoS ToS. I never said anything. I was merely explaining to you what you claim Donald Trump said (because you don't have the intellect to understand what was said).

I think your hate for black people and Dr. Ben Carson's success has you blinded by rage right now.
Hmm so you support a candidate who said his black opponent has an innate and irreversible violent pathology like a child molester, and refuse to say that it was a horrific and false accusation against him.

Not good Rotty.
Hmm so you support a candidate who said his black opponent has an innate and irreversible violent pathology like a child molester, and refuse to say that it was a horrific and false accusation against him.

Not good Rotty.
Uh....remind me again when I said I "supported" Donald Trump? And come talk to me when you can provide proof that he actually said that. According to you, Breitbart is completely unreliable.
Hmm so you support a candidate who said his black opponent has an innate and irreversible violent pathology like a child molester, and refuse to say that it was a horrific and false accusation against him.

Not good Rotty.
Uh....remind me again when I said I "supported" Donald Trump? And come talk to me when you can provide proof that he actually said that. According to you, Breitbart is completely unreliable.
Already posted other links in this thread. Added the Breitbart link because it's the only source you'll believe that won't riddle my computer with viruses and spyware.
"Trump said the 'pathological temper' Carson said he had as a child cannot be cured, much like a child molester can't be cured"

about what I thought,

poor attempt at spin
No it was a great attempt at spin. I even provided a link where Carson admits that it worked. Trump is an outstanding pathological liar, perfect for you alt-righties..

I have yet to meet a child that didnt' believe what he did was 'great'.

I'm sure your parents are proud of your efforts to mislead
What who did? Sleepy, mind like a child molester Ben?
What who did?

You've never met a child that didn't believe what I do is great? Thanks I'm flattered!

more spin
No it was a great attempt at spin. I even provided a link where Carson admits that it worked. Trump is an outstanding pathological liar, perfect for you alt-righties..

I have yet to meet a child that didnt' believe what he did was 'great'.

I'm sure your parents are proud of your efforts to mislead
What who did? Sleepy, mind like a child molester Ben?
What who did?

You've never met a child that didn't believe what I do is great? Thanks I'm flattered!

more spin
This entire thread was born around spin. Where do you think you're posting right now?
The left was the party of racism and continues to be the party of racism. This man is an officer upholding the law. Nobody could claim that these attacks are about anything other than his skin color...

CNN commentator: Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke is ‘like a terrorist’

How can one not crazy not like Sheriff Clarke?

Because he's a self-contradicting blowhard.

Yer crazy.

Nah, he's a racist

Oh, he's much more than that.
What who did? Sleepy, mind like a child molester Ben?
Racist TheOldSchool is furious that America affords people of all races - including blacks - to become successful physicians while he toils away as a welfare queen.

That's how racism works - find a excuse for your own failures and blame it all on that race. Hateful people, progressives like ToS.
What who did? Sleepy, mind like a child molester Ben?
Racist TheOldSchool is furious that America affords people of all races - including blacks - to become successful physicians while he toils away as a welfare queen.

That's how racism works - find a excuse for your own failures and blame it all on that race. Hateful people, progressives like ToS.
Just quoting Trump.

So what is it, Trump knowingly made a horrible and false accusation? Or Ben Carson has a mind like a child molester? Been waiting a few hours now for you to answer that.
I didn't say anything about the color of his skin, idiot. You did. I said he was a self-contradicting blowhard.
And why did you say something like that (which isn't true)? Because of the color of his skin. And you know it.

This is a man who puts his life on the line to serve his community and you're going to bash him?!? Racist, much?
So what is it, Trump knowingly made a horrible and false accusation? Or Ben Carson has a mind like a child molester? Been waiting a few hours now for you to answer that.
I answered it hours ago (and multiple times) - it's you being racist. Trump said no such thing and I've already proven as much. got caught being extremely racist. Stop digging. Either go away or type up a sincere mea-culpa.
The ugly progressive racism continues...

Symone Sanders, former spokeswoman for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, appeared on CNN Wednesday afternoon to weigh in on the future of the DNC and the Democratic party. Sanders dismissed the idea of Howard Dean returning as DNC chairman commenting, “we don’t need white people leading the Democratic party right now.”

Uh...what?!? Progressives are openly admitting that they don't look for people who are qualified. They look for minorities only (to exploit) and refuse to accept white Americans.

Whoa: Former Sanders spokesperson lets slip why Dems may NEVER win again - Allen B. West -

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So Nancy Pelosi claims that the world's most elite neurosurgeon - a man who had done things that had never been done before - is not (and I quote) "qualified to run HUD". Uh.....what?!? He literally one of the brightest men in the world. He would run circles around Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, and Paul Allen. Yet he's not capable of running HUD? Really?

This is undeniably and indisputably progressive racism at its ugliest.

Pelosi: Carson 'disturbingly unqualified'

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