Progressives continue their racism

They've already started. A couple of them were whining about Carson being offered HUD
Only because of reports that he is like a child molester
You've seen reports that Carson is 'like a child molestor'?
No he hasn't. TheOldSchool is just a vicious racist dirt-bag. He's lying about Dr. Ben Carson because he's furious that conservatives "dared" to "allow" a black man to become a physician. ToS thinks that black people belong in the cotton fields or in the projects.
They've already started. A couple of them were whining about Carson being offered HUD
Only because of reports that he is like a child molester
You've seen reports that Carson is 'like a child molestor'?
No he hasn't. TheOldSchool is just a vicious racist dirt-bag. He's lying about Dr. Ben Carson because he's furious that conservatives "dared" to "allow" a black man to become a physician. ToS thinks that black people belong in the cotton fields or in the projects.

This is just pathetic.
Since Clarke supports law and order and the L.D.M's don't, we must conclude that liberals support lawlessness and crime.

(LDM = liberal douche morons) ;)

Was that initialism really necessary? Are you too retarded to see that you've used more characters than it would have taken to just spell out what you wanted to in full?
You still can't seem to grasp it can you?
Only because of reports that he is like a child molester
Shocking....racist TheOldSchool making a horrible and false accusation about a world-renowned and honorable black man.
No that would by your Lord and Savior Komrade Trump who made a horrible and false accusation about Sleepy Ben
So you just admitted that you just lied about Dr. Ben Carson. We would expect nothing less from racists like you.
Only because of reports that he is like a child molester
Shocking....racist TheOldSchool making a horrible and false accusation about a world-renowned and honorable black man.
No that would by your Lord and Savior Komrade Trump who made a horrible and false accusation about Sleepy Ben
So you just admitted that you just lied about Dr. Ben Carson. We would expect nothing less from racists like you.
To these losers any black how doesn't call all whites racists and vow to join BLM is a very bad black person. And that is just the tip on the mental illness iceberg that is liberals/
No he hasn't. TheOldSchool is just a vicious racist dirt-bag. He's lying about Dr. Ben Carson because he's furious that conservatives "dared" to "allow" a black man to become a physician. ToS thinks that black people belong in the cotton fields or in the projects.

This is just pathetic.
And apparently Cowman is equally as outraged.
Only because of reports that he is like a child molester
Shocking....racist TheOldSchool making a horrible and false accusation about a world-renowned and honorable black man.
No that would by your Lord and Savior Komrade Trump who made a horrible and false accusation about Sleepy Ben
So you just admitted that you just lied about Dr. Ben Carson. We would expect nothing less from racists like you.
No I'm just concerned about reports from a very high ranking official that Carson is like a child molester. And now you claim that this is a horrible and false accusation?! Who do I believe?!
Only because of reports that he is like a child molester
Shocking....racist TheOldSchool making a horrible and false accusation about a world-renowned and honorable black man.
No that would by your Lord and Savior Komrade Trump who made a horrible and false accusation about Sleepy Ben
So you just admitted that you just lied about Dr. Ben Carson. We would expect nothing less from racists like you.
To these losers any black how doesn't call all whites racists and vow to join BLM is a very bad black person. And that is just the tip on the mental illness iceberg that is liberals/

So I take it you're supportive of all black people?
Only because of reports that he is like a child molester
Shocking....racist TheOldSchool making a horrible and false accusation about a world-renowned and honorable black man.
No that would by your Lord and Savior Komrade Trump who made a horrible and false accusation about Sleepy Ben
So you just admitted that you just lied about Dr. Ben Carson. We would expect nothing less from racists like you.
To these losers any black how doesn't call all whites racists and vow to join BLM is a very bad black person. And that is just the tip on the mental illness iceberg that is liberals/
Seems like you're suffering from a pretty severe mental illness yourself
No I'm just concerned about reports from a very high ranking official that Carson is like a child molester. And now you claim that this is a horrible and false accusation?! Who do I believe?!
And the racist PoS ToS continues to perpetuate a horrific lie against a world-renowned and honorable me man simply because that man is black.
miketx said:
Seeing how you don't know what you speak of, you'd make a great politician. But if these stupid negroes would comply with police orders they wouldn't get shot. The ones who don't, and get shot, deserve it.
No I'm just concerned about reports from a very high ranking official that Carson is like a child molester. And now you claim that this is a horrible and false accusation?! Who do I believe?!
And the racist PoS ToS continues to perpetuate a horrific lie against a world-renowned and honorable me man simply because that man is black.
Horrific lie? How do you know?

"Trump said the 'pathological temper' Carson said he had as a child cannot be cured, much like a child molester can't be cured"

about what I thought,

poor attempt at spin
No it was a great attempt at spin. I even provided a link where Carson admits that it worked. Trump is an outstanding pathological liar, perfect for you alt-righties..
If the right would have wanted a pathological liar, hillary would have been president elect instead of a bitter old broken down hag sitting in her bathroom getting drunk
Oh what a burn :cuckoo:
I do apologize for not being able to live up to the standards of ignorance that have been set by you and your liberal party, If you will forgive me this inadequacy, I will promise to study the responses of you and your racist friends so that I might better meet your standards in the near future.
No I'm just concerned about reports from a very high ranking official that Carson is like a child molester. And now you claim that this is a horrible and false accusation?! Who do I believe?!
And the racist PoS ToS continues to perpetuate a horrific lie against a world-renowned and honorable me man simply because that man is black.
Horrific lie? How do you know?
Because no child has even made an accusation against him for this - much less a court of law actually finding him guilty.

You spent all last week advocating for violence against anyone who supports the U.S. Constitution and now you're spending this week making false accusations of "child molestation" against anyone who is black.

You really are the worst of the worst. You're the reason we have President Trump today.

"Trump said the 'pathological temper' Carson said he had as a child cannot be cured, much like a child molester can't be cured"

about what I thought,

poor attempt at spin
No it was a great attempt at spin. I even provided a link where Carson admits that it worked. Trump is an outstanding pathological liar, perfect for you alt-righties..
If the right would have wanted a pathological liar, hillary would have been president elect instead of a bitter old broken down hag sitting in her bathroom getting drunk
Oh what a burn :cuckoo:
I do apologize for not being able to live up to the standards of ignorance that have been set by you and your liberal party, If you will forgive me this inadequacy, I will promise to study the responses of you and your racist friends so that I might better meet your standards in the near future.
You're better off spending that time trying to find a personality

No he hasn't. TheOldSchool is just a vicious racist dirt-bag. He's lying about Dr. Ben Carson because he's furious that conservatives "dared" to "allow" a black man to become a physician. ToS thinks that black people belong in the cotton fields or in the projects.

This is just pathetic.
And apparently Cowman is equally as outraged.
They are searching for black safety pins to bind to themselves as we talk.....

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