Progressives Killed Eric Garner

Actually it's those of you who somehow believe your "freedom" supercedes the concepts of RIGHT and WRONG and the most basic societal ideals of LAW and ORDER who are destroying this nation, but that's a discussion for another time and place.

My freedom is not dependent upon adherence to your corrupt interpretation of "right" and "wrong." If it were, it would not be freedom.

A person standing in a public location is free to do so. If the police agents of the state wish to question the person, the person is free to not engage with said police.

Those are RIGHTS. They exist regardless of the fact that you think exercising them is some kind of moral wrong. They are protected by the constitution precisely to protect the people from scum like you. You don't have the right to be master upon the rest of us. I realize that your "morality" tells you otherwise. But the fact that your "morality" says as much is proof positive that you have no conception of what is truly right and wrong.
You gonna commit suicide by cop?

When Liberal Democrats gain enough control of society/Government to ban firearms I will die in a pile of brass, when they come for my guns and spend the rest of Eternity in Valhalla.
I prefer to survive surrounded by pile of hand-grenade pins.

When you pull the pin from the hand grenade don't forget which one you're supposed to throw.

That goes without saying.

You're no doubt a hardened veteran of many video game campaigns.
Don't you sane people out there just love it when the RWnuts have to twist themselves into a mental pretzel trying to find some way to blame liberals for everything?
It isn't a twist at all. It's just that you Leftists never own up to the destructive effects of your tax and spend policies.
This guy was selling cigarettes

There's never been any evidence of that. The police had no evidence of that. They merely "suspected" he was, based on the fact that he has a history of it. When he didn't want to talk to them, they arrested him. Let's be very clear about this: Eric Garner died because the police did not appreciate the fact that he was lawfully exercising his right to not participate in a police investigation where the police did not have probable cause to charge him with a crime.
If this is true I hope there's a massive lawsuit.
It's true.
What was the "root cause" of police approaching Garner? He was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.
Now, NY has raised taxes on cigarettes, a favored progressive cause, to unbelievable levels. And of course that invites activity to skirt the tax in any way. The simplest is to load up a van in NC, where the tax is low, drive the cigs to NY, where the tax is high, and sell them. They are like arbitragers.
Garner was simply responding to incentives put out by progressives and their insane tax policies and selling cigs to earn a living. But the result was an unforutnate encounter and his death. Better tax policies in NY would have left this man alive.
I'm not going to read through all these pages. I take those on the right agree, and those on the left disagree.
Truth is high taxes will always create a black market. Look what Prohibition caused. It created the mob, liquor tax created nascar.
War on drugs created black prison over population
Gun control creates Columbine and Sandy Hook
The difference is Eric was killed over a legal product made artificially inaccessible to much of the public by a draconian tax imposed by the Nanny Left. New York is a microcosm of everything wrong with the Left.
It's true.
What was the "root cause" of police approaching Garner? He was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.
Now, NY has raised taxes on cigarettes, a favored progressive cause, to unbelievable levels. And of course that invites activity to skirt the tax in any way. The simplest is to load up a van in NC, where the tax is low, drive the cigs to NY, where the tax is high, and sell them. They are like arbitragers.
Garner was simply responding to incentives put out by progressives and their insane tax policies and selling cigs to earn a living. But the result was an unforutnate encounter and his death. Better tax policies in NY would have left this man alive.
I'm not going to read through all these pages. I take those on the right agree, and those on the left disagree.
Truth is high taxes will always create a black market. Look what Prohibition caused. It created the mob, liquor tax created nascar.
War on drugs created black prison over population
Gun control creates Columbine and Sandy Hook
The difference is Eric was killed over a legal product made artificially inaccessible to much of the public by a draconian tax imposed by the Nanny Left. New York is a microcosm of everything wrong with the Left.
You say that like there's something right with the left... I beg to differ.
Higher tax rate creates black market for cigarettes

The tax rate on cigarettes is so high in Texas that it is sparking a huge draw for illegal cigarettes creating a new kind of organized crime, according to experts.


Gee that in no way refutes anything I wrote.
It totally refutes your claim that cigarette taxes are a progressive thing which leads to smuggling cigarettes, and therefore progressives killed Garner.

Raising cigarette taxes is a bipartisan thing which has caused smuggling to skyrocket in blue AND RED states. Sorry about that. You should have checked before echoing some idiot partisan hack you heard on the radio or TV.

That's what critical thinking is. You hear some hack say "cigarette taxes are a favorite of progressives", and you ask yourself, "Gee, I wonder if any red states have increased their cigarette taxes".

If you had done that, you would have found out the guy in your avatar raised cigarettes taxes so high that smuggling has skyrocketed in his state and you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself.

You would have found out the hack whose piss you drank was full of shit instead of just running to start a topic confirming you are a credulous parroting idiot.
There are leftists in red states too and they often get their way because they control the large cities. It's Leftists who support these taxes no matter what state it's in.
It's true.
What was the "root cause" of police approaching Garner? He was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.
Now, NY has raised taxes on cigarettes, a favored progressive cause, to unbelievable levels. And of course that invites activity to skirt the tax in any way. The simplest is to load up a van in NC, where the tax is low, drive the cigs to NY, where the tax is high, and sell them. They are like arbitragers.
Garner was simply responding to incentives put out by progressives and their insane tax policies and selling cigs to earn a living. But the result was an unforutnate encounter and his death. Better tax policies in NY would have left this man alive.
I'm not going to read through all these pages. I take those on the right agree, and those on the left disagree.
Truth is high taxes will always create a black market. Look what Prohibition caused. It created the mob, liquor tax created nascar.
War on drugs created black prison over population
Gun control creates Columbine and Sandy Hook
The difference is Eric was killed over a legal product made artificially inaccessible to much of the public by a draconian tax imposed by the Nanny Left. New York is a microcosm of everything wrong with the Left.
You say that like there's something right with the left... I beg to differ.
Right, it's got nothing to do with the cops themselves. They were forced to strangle Garner.
It's true.
What was the "root cause" of police approaching Garner? He was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.
Now, NY has raised taxes on cigarettes, a favored progressive cause, to unbelievable levels. And of course that invites activity to skirt the tax in any way. The simplest is to load up a van in NC, where the tax is low, drive the cigs to NY, where the tax is high, and sell them. They are like arbitragers.
Garner was simply responding to incentives put out by progressives and their insane tax policies and selling cigs to earn a living. But the result was an unforutnate encounter and his death. Better tax policies in NY would have left this man alive.
I'm not going to read through all these pages. I take those on the right agree, and those on the left disagree.
Truth is high taxes will always create a black market. Look what Prohibition caused. It created the mob, liquor tax created nascar.
War on drugs created black prison over population
Gun control creates Columbine and Sandy Hook
The difference is Eric was killed over a legal product made artificially inaccessible to much of the public by a draconian tax imposed by the Nanny Left. New York is a microcosm of everything wrong with the Left.
You say that like there's something right with the left... I beg to differ.
Who controls New York, high-speed?
Higher tax rate creates black market for cigarettes

The tax rate on cigarettes is so high in Texas that it is sparking a huge draw for illegal cigarettes creating a new kind of organized crime, according to experts.


Gee that in no way refutes anything I wrote.
It totally refutes your claim that cigarette taxes are a progressive thing which leads to smuggling cigarettes, and therefore progressives killed Garner.

Raising cigarette taxes is a bipartisan thing which has caused smuggling to skyrocket in blue AND RED states. Sorry about that. You should have checked before echoing some idiot partisan hack you heard on the radio or TV.

That's what critical thinking is. You hear some hack say "cigarette taxes are a favorite of progressives", and you ask yourself, "Gee, I wonder if any red states have increased their cigarette taxes".

If you had done that, you would have found out the guy in your avatar raised cigarettes taxes so high that smuggling has skyrocketed in his state and you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself.

You would have found out the hack whose piss you drank was full of shit instead of just running to start a topic confirming you are a credulous parroting idiot.
There are leftists in red states too and they often get their way because they control the large cities. It's Leftists who support these taxes no matter what state it's in.
Floriduh is totally controlled by Republicans. The ciggie tax is a state tax.

Nice fail on your part.
This guy was selling cigarettes

There's never been any evidence of that. The police had no evidence of that. They merely "suspected" he was, based on the fact that he has a history of it. When he didn't want to talk to them, they arrested him. Let's be very clear about this: Eric Garner died because the police did not appreciate the fact that he was lawfully exercising his right to not participate in a police investigation where the police did not have probable cause to charge him with a crime.
If this is true I hope there's a massive lawsuit.
it is not true. There will be no massive lawsuit. The cops were doing their job. It had nothing to do with the cigarettes he was selling. It had to do with law enforcement in NYC burdened with the responsibility to clear non licensed vendors from the front of buildings and store fronts. Goes back 30+ years. Unlicensed street vendors would create crowds on sidewalks blocking the way for pedestrians and forcing them out in the street. When a pedestrian was hit, the owner of the building was held responsible for he/she is responsible for all activities up to the curb.
So NYC government told all building owners to call police if an unlicensed vendor sets up in front of the building and the police will have that person removed.
Police would then randomly check over time to see if the person returns....and if he/she does a certain number of times, they are arrested.
It was designed to protect building owners and pedestrians.
The media in NY covered it properly.
The national media, however, decided to make it something it isn't.
You gonna commit suicide by cop?

When Liberal Democrats gain enough control of society/Government to ban firearms I will die in a pile of brass, when they come for my guns and spend the rest of Eternity in Valhalla.
I prefer to survive surrounded by pile of hand-grenade pins.

When you pull the pin from the hand grenade don't forget which one you're supposed to throw.

That goes without saying.
Higher tax rate creates black market for cigarettes

The tax rate on cigarettes is so high in Texas that it is sparking a huge draw for illegal cigarettes creating a new kind of organized crime, according to experts.


Gee that in no way refutes anything I wrote.
It totally refutes your claim that cigarette taxes are a progressive thing which leads to smuggling cigarettes, and therefore progressives killed Garner.

Raising cigarette taxes is a bipartisan thing which has caused smuggling to skyrocket in blue AND RED states. Sorry about that. You should have checked before echoing some idiot partisan hack you heard on the radio or TV.

That's what critical thinking is. You hear some hack say "cigarette taxes are a favorite of progressives", and you ask yourself, "Gee, I wonder if any red states have increased their cigarette taxes".

If you had done that, you would have found out the guy in your avatar raised cigarettes taxes so high that smuggling has skyrocketed in his state and you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself.

You would have found out the hack whose piss you drank was full of shit instead of just running to start a topic confirming you are a credulous parroting idiot.

So you're claiming there are no progressives in Texas?

Are you willing to claim that Rep. Shelia Jackson (D) isn't from Texas?
Higher tax rate creates black market for cigarettes

The tax rate on cigarettes is so high in Texas that it is sparking a huge draw for illegal cigarettes creating a new kind of organized crime, according to experts.


Gee that in no way refutes anything I wrote.
It totally refutes your claim that cigarette taxes are a progressive thing which leads to smuggling cigarettes, and therefore progressives killed Garner.

Raising cigarette taxes is a bipartisan thing which has caused smuggling to skyrocket in blue AND RED states. Sorry about that. You should have checked before echoing some idiot partisan hack you heard on the radio or TV.

That's what critical thinking is. You hear some hack say "cigarette taxes are a favorite of progressives", and you ask yourself, "Gee, I wonder if any red states have increased their cigarette taxes".

If you had done that, you would have found out the guy in your avatar raised cigarettes taxes so high that smuggling has skyrocketed in his state and you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself.

You would have found out the hack whose piss you drank was full of shit instead of just running to start a topic confirming you are a credulous parroting idiot.
There are leftists in red states too and they often get their way because they control the large cities. It's Leftists who support these taxes no matter what state it's in.
Floriduh is totally controlled by Republicans. The ciggie tax is a state tax.

Nice fail on your part.

That is totally bullshit of course.
Republicans? Who the
Higher tax rate creates black market for cigarettes

The tax rate on cigarettes is so high in Texas that it is sparking a huge draw for illegal cigarettes creating a new kind of organized crime, according to experts.


Gee that in no way refutes anything I wrote.
It totally refutes your claim that cigarette taxes are a progressive thing which leads to smuggling cigarettes, and therefore progressives killed Garner.

Raising cigarette taxes is a bipartisan thing which has caused smuggling to skyrocket in blue AND RED states. Sorry about that. You should have checked before echoing some idiot partisan hack you heard on the radio or TV.

That's what critical thinking is. You hear some hack say "cigarette taxes are a favorite of progressives", and you ask yourself, "Gee, I wonder if any red states have increased their cigarette taxes".

If you had done that, you would have found out the guy in your avatar raised cigarettes taxes so high that smuggling has skyrocketed in his state and you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself.

You would have found out the hack whose piss you drank was full of shit instead of just running to start a topic confirming you are a credulous parroting idiot.
There are leftists in red states too and they often get their way because they control the large cities. It's Leftists who support these taxes no matter what state it's in.
Floriduh is totally controlled by Republicans. The ciggie tax is a state tax.

Nice fail on your part.
Republicans? Who the hell is talking about Republicans?
It's true.
What was the "root cause" of police approaching Garner? He was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.
Now, NY has raised taxes on cigarettes, a favored progressive cause, to unbelievable levels. And of course that invites activity to skirt the tax in any way. The simplest is to load up a van in NC, where the tax is low, drive the cigs to NY, where the tax is high, and sell them. They are like arbitragers.
Garner was simply responding to incentives put out by progressives and their insane tax policies and selling cigs to earn a living. But the result was an unforutnate encounter and his death. Better tax policies in NY would have left this man alive.
I'm not going to read through all these pages. I take those on the right agree, and those on the left disagree.
Truth is high taxes will always create a black market. Look what Prohibition caused. It created the mob, liquor tax created nascar.
War on drugs created black prison over population
Gun control creates Columbine and Sandy Hook
The difference is Eric was killed over a legal product made artificially inaccessible to much of the public by a draconian tax imposed by the Nanny Left. New York is a microcosm of everything wrong with the Left.
You say that like there's something right with the left... I beg to differ.
Right, it's got nothing to do with the cops themselves. They were forced to strangle Garner.
I'm googling the votes that pass cigarette taxes and without exception it's always a majority Democrat vote. Are the Leftists on this thread telling lies again?
It's true.
What was the "root cause" of police approaching Garner? He was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.
Now, NY has raised taxes on cigarettes, a favored progressive cause, to unbelievable levels. And of course that invites activity to skirt the tax in any way. The simplest is to load up a van in NC, where the tax is low, drive the cigs to NY, where the tax is high, and sell them. They are like arbitragers.
Garner was simply responding to incentives put out by progressives and their insane tax policies and selling cigs to earn a living. But the result was an unforutnate encounter and his death. Better tax policies in NY would have left this man alive.
I'm not going to read through all these pages. I take those on the right agree, and those on the left disagree.
Truth is high taxes will always create a black market. Look what Prohibition caused. It created the mob, liquor tax created nascar.
War on drugs created black prison over population
Gun control creates Columbine and Sandy Hook
The difference is Eric was killed over a legal product made artificially inaccessible to much of the public by a draconian tax imposed by the Nanny Left. New York is a microcosm of everything wrong with the Left.
You say that like there's something right with the left... I beg to differ.
Who controls New York, high-speed?
Can you translate this to english?

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