Progressives Launching 'October Offensive' To Rival Tea Party

Van Jones is a communist. I suggest he, and anyone who agrees with him, move to China.

Van Jones is a great American patriot. I'm sure you prefer Ayn Rand types.

Van Jones is a hater. An instigator. An agitator. An inflamer. One who incites violence like he's doing now. Are you working for him and his ilk? I imagine there will be more of you joining boards like this over the coming days and months.
Someone said above that self-professed conservatives outnumber self-professed liberals two to one, or some such. However, going by issue polls, liberals outnumber self-professed liberals by more than two to one. That is, many people who don't call themselves liberals really are.

This country isn't center-right. On most issues, it's center left:

For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

Polls: More support for unions in Wisconsin labor battle – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Polls show most Americans support raising taxes on wealthy - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

In U.S., Majority Still Wants Less Corporate Influence

The views of those involved in these left-wing protests (the Wisconsin uprising, Occupy Wall Street, and now this) are supported by a majority of the people, according to polls, while those supporting the positions of the Tea Party are no more than 25% of the people.

The "October Offensive" isn't going to "rival" the Tea Party. It's going to dwarf it, swamp it, overwhelm it. This is the real thing, and you guys aren't going to be laughing much longer.

I'd say those polls reflect less of an overall political positioning than they do the success of media-driven propaganda. It's funny how, when you get past the specific, propagandized phrasing of poll questions to a detailed discussion of the real issues, people who thought they supported the more liberal side find out that they didn't really.
It's about damn time the middle class stood up to the bullies!

got news for ya, those fuckers out in the streets aren't middle class,, they are basement dwellers. lasy fucking basement dwellers.

'Cause if they were middle-class, they wouldn't have TIME to camp out for weeks on Wall Street. They'd have fucking JOBS to go to.

The fact that Mommy and Daddy back home, paying the bills for these twits, are middle-class isn't exactly the same thing.
Van Jones is a communist. I suggest he, and anyone who agrees with him, move to China.

Van Jones is a great American patriot. I'm sure you prefer Ayn Rand types.

Van Jones is a hater. An instigator. An agitator. An inflamer. One who incites violence like he's doing now. Are you working for him and his ilk? I imagine there will be more of you joining boards like this over the coming days and months.

I agree wholeheartedly!!!
I'd say those polls reflect less of an overall political positioning than they do the success of media-driven propaganda.

And I would say that's an excuse, and a blame-tossing explanation of why people believe as they do, which in no way changes the fact that they do.

It's funny how, when you get past the specific, propagandized phrasing of poll questions to a detailed discussion of the real issues, people who thought they supported the more liberal side find out that they didn't really.

That would be funny, if it were true. Do you have any evidence that it is?
Someone said above that self-professed conservatives outnumber self-professed liberals two to one, or some such. However, going by issue polls, liberals outnumber self-professed liberals by more than two to one. That is, many people who don't call themselves liberals really are.

This country isn't center-right. On most issues, it's center left:

For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

Polls: More support for unions in Wisconsin labor battle – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Polls show most Americans support raising taxes on wealthy - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

In U.S., Majority Still Wants Less Corporate Influence

The views of those involved in these left-wing protests (the Wisconsin uprising, Occupy Wall Street, and now this) are supported by a majority of the people, according to polls, while those supporting the positions of the Tea Party are no more than 25% of the people.

The "October Offensive" isn't going to "rival" the Tea Party. It's going to dwarf it, swamp it, overwhelm it. This is the real thing, and you guys aren't going to be laughing much longer.

Union agitation. Tell us dear, what are you going to replace capitalism with? Ya got a plan?
Someone said above that self-professed conservatives outnumber self-professed liberals two to one, or some such. However, going by issue polls, liberals outnumber self-professed liberals by more than two to one. That is, many people who don't call themselves liberals really are.

This country isn't center-right. On most issues, it's center left:

For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

Polls: More support for unions in Wisconsin labor battle – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Polls show most Americans support raising taxes on wealthy - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

In U.S., Majority Still Wants Less Corporate Influence

The views of those involved in these left-wing protests (the Wisconsin uprising, Occupy Wall Street, and now this) are supported by a majority of the people, according to polls, while those supporting the positions of the Tea Party are no more than 25% of the people.

The "October Offensive" isn't going to "rival" the Tea Party. It's going to dwarf it, swamp it, overwhelm it. This is the real thing, and you guys aren't going to be laughing much longer.

Union agitation. Tell us dear, what are you going to replace capitalism with? Ya got a plan?
a five year CENTRAL plan I bet.
Someone said above that self-professed conservatives outnumber self-professed liberals two to one, or some such. However, going by issue polls, liberals outnumber self-professed liberals by more than two to one. That is, many people who don't call themselves liberals really are.

This country isn't center-right. On most issues, it's center left:

For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

Polls: More support for unions in Wisconsin labor battle – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Polls show most Americans support raising taxes on wealthy - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

In U.S., Majority Still Wants Less Corporate Influence

The views of those involved in these left-wing protests (the Wisconsin uprising, Occupy Wall Street, and now this) are supported by a majority of the people, according to polls, while those supporting the positions of the Tea Party are no more than 25% of the people.

The "October Offensive" isn't going to "rival" the Tea Party. It's going to dwarf it, swamp it, overwhelm it. This is the real thing, and you guys aren't going to be laughing much longer.

Union agitation. Tell us dear, what are you going to replace capitalism with? Ya got a plan?

Yeah, it's called universal poverty.
Someone said above that self-professed conservatives outnumber self-professed liberals two to one, or some such. However, going by issue polls, liberals outnumber self-professed liberals by more than two to one. That is, many people who don't call themselves liberals really are.

This country isn't center-right. On most issues, it's center left:

For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

Polls: More support for unions in Wisconsin labor battle – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Polls show most Americans support raising taxes on wealthy - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

In U.S., Majority Still Wants Less Corporate Influence

The views of those involved in these left-wing protests (the Wisconsin uprising, Occupy Wall Street, and now this) are supported by a majority of the people, according to polls, while those supporting the positions of the Tea Party are no more than 25% of the people.

The "October Offensive" isn't going to "rival" the Tea Party. It's going to dwarf it, swamp it, overwhelm it. This is the real thing, and you guys aren't going to be laughing much longer.

Union agitation. Tell us dear, what are you going to replace capitalism with? Ya got a plan?
a five year CENTRAL plan I bet.

I bet HE doesn't have an answer.
See? I knew you didn't have an answer.

That's because you didn't have a question.

Nobody's proposing to replace capitalism with anything. Asking that question is asking nothing.

then what's yer point? why all the marching and beating of one's chest? why all the demonizing? what's up? a lesson in futility? you're even dumber than I thought. all that energy and no plan?? figures.
Someone said above that self-professed conservatives outnumber self-professed liberals two to one, or some such. However, going by issue polls, liberals outnumber self-professed liberals by more than two to one. That is, many people who don't call themselves liberals really are.

This country isn't center-right. On most issues, it's center left:

For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

Polls: More support for unions in Wisconsin labor battle – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Polls show most Americans support raising taxes on wealthy - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

In U.S., Majority Still Wants Less Corporate Influence

The views of those involved in these left-wing protests (the Wisconsin uprising, Occupy Wall Street, and now this) are supported by a majority of the people, according to polls, while those supporting the positions of the Tea Party are no more than 25% of the people.

The "October Offensive" isn't going to "rival" the Tea Party. It's going to dwarf it, swamp it, overwhelm it. This is the real thing, and you guys aren't going to be laughing much longer.

Union agitation. Tell us dear, what are you going to replace capitalism with? Ya got a plan?

Thats the funny part...

allegedly their economic plan resembles Stalinism - they claim they're not communists yet they want the government to dictate economy - putting unions at the front of the line. They want wealth redistributed by the government - yet they're not communists.

Of course they will all insist they're not communists - yet they look to the GOVERNMENT for answers...

It really shows how ignorant they are..
Someone said above that self-professed conservatives outnumber self-professed liberals two to one, or some such. However, going by issue polls, liberals outnumber self-professed liberals by more than two to one. That is, many people who don't call themselves liberals really are.

This country isn't center-right. On most issues, it's center left:

For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

Polls: More support for unions in Wisconsin labor battle – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Polls show most Americans support raising taxes on wealthy - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

In U.S., Majority Still Wants Less Corporate Influence

The views of those involved in these left-wing protests (the Wisconsin uprising, Occupy Wall Street, and now this) are supported by a majority of the people, according to polls, while those supporting the positions of the Tea Party are no more than 25% of the people.

The "October Offensive" isn't going to "rival" the Tea Party. It's going to dwarf it, swamp it, overwhelm it. This is the real thing, and you guys aren't going to be laughing much longer.

Union agitation. Tell us dear, what are you going to replace capitalism with? Ya got a plan?

Thats the funny part...

allegedly their economic plan resembles Stalinism - they claim they're not communists yet they want the government to dictate economy - putting unions at the front of the line. They want wealth redistributed by the government - yet they're not communists.

Of course they will all insist they're not communists - yet they look to the GOVERNMENT for answers...

It really shows how ignorant they are..

Wait Wait,,, don't jump the gun.. Dragon is gonna tell us how they intend to CHANGE capitalism.. I'm making the popcorn,, run get some cold beer. We'll have a beer summit.
Okay, How are you going to CHANGE capitalism? what's yer plan?

I could give you my own ideas, and have done so elsewhere in this forum, but you're asking about the leftist insurgency generally rather than me, so I'll refer you to begin with to the Declaration of the Occupation of New York City. Think of this as a list of grievances similar to those in the Declaration of Independence (on which it may have been patterned):

Declaration of the Occupation of New York City | NYC General Assembly

"They have taken our houses through an illegal foreclosure process, despite not having the original mortgage.
They have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity, and continue to give Executives exorbitant bonuses.
They have perpetuated inequality and discrimination in the workplace based on age, the color of one’s skin, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.
They have poisoned the food supply through negligence, and undermined the farming system through monopolization.
They have profited off of the torture, confinement, and cruel treatment of countless animals, and actively hide these practices.
They have continuously sought to strip employees of the right to negotiate for better pay and safer working conditions.
They have held students hostage with tens of thousands of dollars of debt on education, which is itself a human right.
They have consistently outsourced labor and used that outsourcing as leverage to cut workers’ healthcare and pay.
They have influenced the courts to achieve the same rights as people, with none of the culpability or responsibility.
They have spent millions of dollars on legal teams that look for ways to get them out of contracts in regards to health insurance.
They have sold our privacy as a commodity.
They have used the military and police force to prevent freedom of the press. They have deliberately declined to recall faulty products endangering lives in pursuit of profit.
They determine economic policy, despite the catastrophic failures their policies have produced and continue to produce.
They have donated large sums of money to politicians, who are responsible for regulating them.
They continue to block alternate forms of energy to keep us dependent on oil.
They continue to block generic forms of medicine that could save people’s lives or provide relief in order to protect investments that have already turned a substantial profit.
They have purposely covered up oil spills, accidents, faulty bookkeeping, and inactive ingredients in pursuit of profit.
They purposefully keep people misinformed and fearful through their control of the media.
They have accepted private contracts to murder prisoners even when presented with serious doubts about their guilt.
They have perpetuated colonialism at home and abroad. They have participated in the torture and murder of innocent civilians overseas.
They continue to create weapons of mass destruction in order to receive government contracts."

Do otherwise than all of the above, for starters.

I can get more economics-technical for you if you like, but there's no evidence I can see from any of your posts that you would understand it, so for the moment I'll let this speak for itself.

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