Progressives Launching 'October Offensive' To Rival Tea Party

the guy's a 9/11 truther. How long will it take for everyone to figure that out and laugh at him?
This will end badly for Liberals as it always does.

If they "win" and topple Wall Street and America, just like in every other successful Progressive Jihad (China, USSR, Cambodia, Hitler's Germany, Cuba) the new leaders will round up the protesters and make them disappear because they betrayed they country and were easily manipulated into doing so, you can't have people that stupid breathing the same air as the new rulers.

When they "lose" in the 2012 Landslide they will have successfully pulled the Dem Party down on the ash heap of history be exposing the true Neo-Marxist face of the Dem Party.

It's a Lose-Lose for USMB Progressive and why I will do my part and volunteer at a Suicide Prevention hotline after the November Landslide.
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the guy's a 9/11 truther. How long will it take for everyone to figure that out and laugh at him?

:lol: Yea, that one came back and bit his ass. :lol: Very entertaining.

It's also very funny how the left seem so scared to admit that Jones is a commie. If it's nothing to be ashamed of, why not be proud of it?

Seems to me, green is the new red.
Jones is nothing more than a professed communist that would love to see our society replaced by socialism. And idiots think he is doing the right thing, IDIOTS!!!!!

Van Jones is a "former" communist.
like your buddy Dean cant take the republican out of the republican.....well you cant take the communist out of the commie....
The left is free to do and think whatever they like, unlike the ideologues on the right, who all fall in line behind whatever corporate and conservative think tank and media are telling them to repeat. Note how many apologies the republican presidential candidates give every time they have an individual thought or engage a talking point that is sacrosanct. Freedom for the right is slogan, marching in line behind the ideological lines is their only refuge. The question on taxes at the debate exemplifies the right's lack of free thought. And their booing a gay soldier nailed them. Of course the left suffers politically because of their inclusion of all people and all ideas, but that at least is more American and democratic than the lemmings on the right.
i hate to blow your dream sequence here.....but there are a hell of a lot of Lemmings on the left as well as the don't think its an exclusive club....
This is not lemmings.

Lemmings follow.

these young people are leading
So if all your young people jumped off a bridge first, would you follow? Even lemmings have a first rodent off the cliff. They don't just 'manifest' out of thin air.
LOL, it's not our fault the left doesn't have ANY CORE princibles and you all run around in circles tring to figure out what you all believe in. Just look at the Wall Street protesters, just WHO is marching in line or I should say, BEING LED BY THE NOSE.

No one is asking you to, America was founded on diversity and tolerance of all ideas, an open idea you can call it core if you like but it doesn't fit your ideology. And do you think Enron, Arthur Anderson, and all the corruption that lead to the near collapse of the economy in 2008 under a republican was just wonderful? Seems you are so brainwashed you fail to see reality. Protest is American, whining about freedom and justice for all is right wing conservative republican.

Why aren't you toleant then? Why do you hate the American way?

thats why i call him Mid Cant Reb..........
CrusaderFrank said:
This will end badly for Liberals as it always does.

Actually it will end badly for everyone. It always does. The only variable is the body count, and who's bodies fill the most graves.

This also determines the winner because these morons do not stop unless they are killed off by age or force.
CrusaderFrank said:
This will end badly for Liberals as it always does.

Actually it will end badly for everyone. It always does. The only variable is the body count, and who's bodies fill the most graves.

This also determines the winner because these morons do not stop unless they are killed off by age or force.

There you have it.

they plan on killing Americans who dont agree with them

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