Progressives Launching 'October Offensive' To Rival Tea Party

No just police stations and ironically college universities.

Wait until they start smashing storefronts an steal shit - you'll have a fun time defending them then.

Yeah that's what the cavemen do when society tells their message to fuck off...

It's only a matter of time - tick, tick tick...

Oh and don't be shocked if the tea party gets involved if you riot...

"please police the man is beating me for stealing a free TV from a smashed store window - brutality - someone help me, brutality - it's mine."

Fucking dirty pieces of shit.....

You don't see how ridiculous you look here?

There's been no "violence". There's been no "riots".

You're raging against some fantasy in your own head. You don't know who the people there are - I'm sure there are plenty of trust-fund kids and "Socialists", but they're not the only ones there. Just like there are some people at "Tea Parties" that you guys are probably pretty ashamed of as well.

Reality doesn't fit your "all conservatives are hard-working, America-loving good ol' boys and all liberals are on the verge of rioting like the animals they are" nonsense.

Where were you when the left was raging about the TEA Party protests? There was no violence there either.

Your 'non partisanship' needs some work.

I'm not "non-partisan", but I certainly did call out the left countless times for claiming the Tea Partiers were violent, or inspired violence.
You don't see how ridiculous you look here?

There's been no "violence". There's been no "riots".

You're raging against some fantasy in your own head. You don't know who the people there are - I'm sure there are plenty of trust-fund kids and "Socialists", but they're not the only ones there. Just like there are some people at "Tea Parties" that you guys are probably pretty ashamed of as well.

Reality doesn't fit your "all conservatives are hard-working, America-loving good ol' boys and all liberals are on the verge of rioting like the animals they are" nonsense.

Where were you when the left was raging about the TEA Party protests? There was no violence there either.

Your 'non partisanship' needs some work.

I'm not "non-partisan", but I certainly did call out the left countless times for claiming the Tea Partiers were violent, or inspired violence.

:lol: Yea, sure you did.
The left is free to do and think whatever they like, unlike the ideologues on the right, who all fall in line behind whatever corporate and conservative think tank and media are telling them to repeat. Note how many apologies the republican presidential candidates give every time they have an individual thought or engage a talking point that is sacrosanct. Freedom for the right is slogan, marching in line behind the ideological lines is their only refuge. The question on taxes at the debate exemplifies the right's lack of free thought. And their booing a gay soldier nailed them. Of course the left suffers politically because of their inclusion of all people and all ideas, but that at least is more American and democratic than the lemmings on the right.
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Where were you when the left was raging about the TEA Party protests? There was no violence there either.

Your 'non partisanship' needs some work.

I'm not "non-partisan", but I certainly did call out the left countless times for claiming the Tea Partiers were violent, or inspired violence.

:lol: Yea, sure you did.

You know, there aren't that many things that I care less about than whether or not you believe me.

I do think it's funny though, because I'm fairly certain you were in the Giffords thread, and I'm fairly certain you thanked a number of my posts...
The left is free to do and think whatever they like, unlike the ideologues on the right, who all fall in line behind whatever corporate and conservative think tank and media are telling them to repeat. Note how many apologies the republican presidential candidates give every time they have an individual thought or engage a talking point that is sacrosanct. Freedom for the right is slogan, marching in line behind the ideological lines is their only refuge. The question on taxes at the debate exemplifies the right's lack of free thought. And their booing a gay soldier nailed them. Of course the left suffers politically because of their inclusion of all people and all ideas, but that at least is more American and democratic than the lemmings on the right.

I'm not "non-partisan", but I certainly did call out the left countless times for claiming the Tea Partiers were violent, or inspired violence.

:lol: Yea, sure you did.

You know, there aren't that many things that I care less about than whether or not you believe me.

I do think it's funny though, because I'm fairly certain you were in the Giffords thread, and I'm fairly certain you thanked a number of my posts...

The shooting of Giffords has nothing to do with the right. The only ones who claim otherwise are the moronic left. That's no big claim to logic. It does not take the brain of a rocket scientist to see that.
The left is free to do and think whatever they like, unlike the ideologues on the right, who all fall in line behind whatever corporate and conservative think tank and media are telling them to repeat. Note how many apologies the republican presidential candidates give every time they have an individual thought or engage a talking point that is sacrosanct. Freedom for the right is slogan, marching in line behind the ideological lines is their only refuge. The question on taxes at the debate exemplifies the right's lack of free thought. And their booing a gay soldier nailed them. Of course the left suffers politically because of their inclusion of all people and all ideas, but that at least is more American and democratic than the lemmings on the right.


Tell that to your moronic borg. The ones who parrot the left wing talking points provided to them by the left wing media.

It is laughable to claim one side is any better than the other when it comes to parroting bullshit.... But you would need to use some critical thinking to see that.
:lol: Yea, sure you did.

You know, there aren't that many things that I care less about than whether or not you believe me.

I do think it's funny though, because I'm fairly certain you were in the Giffords thread, and I'm fairly certain you thanked a number of my posts...

The shooting of Giffords has nothing to do with the right. The only ones who claim otherwise are the moronic left. That's no big claim to logic. It does not take the brain of a rocket scientist to see that.

I don't think I have any idea what you're talking about, actually.

I agree with your post above. What was your point?
You know, there aren't that many things that I care less about than whether or not you believe me.

I do think it's funny though, because I'm fairly certain you were in the Giffords thread, and I'm fairly certain you thanked a number of my posts...

The shooting of Giffords has nothing to do with the right. The only ones who claim otherwise are the moronic left. That's no big claim to logic. It does not take the brain of a rocket scientist to see that.

I don't think I have any idea what you're talking about, actually.

I agree with your post above. What was your point?

If you don't get the point, then that's your problem, I won't make it mine.
The left is free to do and think whatever they like, unlike the ideologues on the right, who all fall in line behind whatever corporate and conservative think tank and media are telling them to repeat. Note how many apologies the republican presidential candidates give every time they have an individual thought or engage a talking point that is sacrosanct. Freedom for the right is slogan, marching in line behind the ideological lines is their only refuge. The question on taxes at the debate exemplifies the right's lack of free thought. And their booing a gay soldier nailed them. Of course the left suffers politically because of their inclusion of all people and all ideas, but that at least is more American and democratic than the lemmings on the right.

LOL, it's not our fault the left doesn't have ANY CORE princibles and you all run around in circles tring to figure out what you all believe in. Just look at the Wall Street protesters, just WHO is marching in line or I should say, BEING LED BY THE NOSE.
Someone has to take back America from the looney right before she's completely destroyed.

yeah, all those far right policies like the health care law and the stimulus packages are just killing us and ratcheting up the deficit.... oh wait, those were from the left.

Former White House adviser Van Jones says that progressives are going to launch an "October offensive" to rival the Tea Party, in the spirit of the Arab Spring protests across the Middle East.

Yes, because nothing wins over votes than a bunch of radical blood in their eye nutbags threatening to burn things down...

The thing I have always criticized the Union movement for is that they expect the government to do their jobs for them.

When I was a kid, I grew up in a Union household. We didn't need the government. When an employer had a strike called against it, you didn't do business with it. You bought products that said "Made in the USA".

Today we whine why the government doesn't do more when we take our fat asses to WalMart and buy cheap made in China crap that falls apart in a week.
Yeah, it okay when moronic teabaggers protest - but it's un-American when the left does it. Right?

I've yet to see any of the Wall Street protestors packing weapons or stomping heads.

It's patriotic dissent when a Republican is in the White House -- but it's treason when there's a Democrat in the White House. Right?
They are barely getting any recognition.

Maybe they need to take over some university campuses and set fire to some admin buildings.

Exactly, and I'd like to see some "moran" signs and weapons like the teabaggers.

If you're referring to the carbine that was held by the black man...
Oh, the black man video of whom that MSDNC edited to so they could talk about scary white TEA Party racists with guns? :lol:
Van Jones is a great American patriot. I'm sure you prefer Ayn Rand types.

Van Jones is a patriot, but not for the United States. He's a patriot for the USSR.

I think he would be leaning more closer to China right now than the USSR, but you never know, he maybe hauling for both of them for all we know.
Either one. He certainly hates the way America is set up now.
They really believe they are accomplishing something I guess..

What a pathetic bunch, mostly college kids...I hope they look back someday when they have a job on Wall street and see how stupid they were.:lol::lol:

Yeah, just like those misguided kids at Kent State. Oh wait - they're dead.

They're dead because leftists got violent.

I can guarantee you that everything you believe about Kent State is a lie.

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