Progressives Launching 'October Offensive' To Rival Tea Party

October 2011

October 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan and the beginning of the 2012 federal austerity budget. It is time to light the spark that sets off a true democratic, nonviolent transition to a world in which people are freed to create just and sustainable solutions.

Starting on October 6, 2011, thousands of concerned Americans will assemble in Freedom Plaza, in Washington DC to take control of our country and our lives. We will occupy the plaza and hold a People's Assembly where we come up with just and sustainable solutions to the crises we face and demand that these solutions be presented and that the people's needs be addressed. We will plan and engage in creative acts of civil resistance and demand that our inherent rights and freedoms be protected, and that our children have a chance to live in peace,to breathe clean air, and to grow edible natural food.

Will you stand with us and denounce the systems and institutions that support endless war and unrestrained corporate greed?

October 2011 | Human Needs, Not Corporate Greed
Oh this is great...

I was once on your side, but I grew up and got a job and embraced capitalism instead of hating the model..



Conservative Party Conference 2011: 35,000 Protestors Take To The Streets Of Manchester

Looks like young people are also fed up in England.
I bet none of the Occupy Wall Street protesters ever bombed an abortion clinic. They are not violent people.

No just police stations and ironically college universities.

Wait until they start smashing storefronts an steal shit - you'll have a fun time defending them then.

Yeah that's what the cavemen do when society tells their message to fuck off...

It's only a matter of time - tick, tick tick...

Oh and don't be shocked if the tea party gets involved if you riot...

"please police the man is beating me for stealing a free TV from a smashed store window - brutality - someone help me, brutality - it's mine."

Fucking dirty pieces of shit.....

You don't see how ridiculous you look here?

There's been no "violence". There's been no "riots".

You're raging against some fantasy in your own head. You don't know who the people there are - I'm sure there are plenty of trust-fund kids and "Socialists", but they're not the only ones there. Just like there are some people at "Tea Parties" that you guys are probably pretty ashamed of as well.

Reality doesn't fit your "all conservatives are hard-working, America-loving good ol' boys and all liberals are on the verge of rioting like the animals they are" nonsense.


Yeah that's what communists do..

I would warn against doing what they do because I would recommend individuals throwing people around.

Yes, violence against opposition is the only way! Crush their dreams mein Führer!

Yeah you play games...You would put a Jew on the oven..
I bet none of the Occupy Wall Street protesters ever bombed an abortion clinic. They are not violent people.

No just police stations and ironically college universities.

Wait until they start smashing storefronts an steal shit - you'll have a fun time defending them then.

Yeah that's what the cavemen do when society tells their message to fuck off...

It's only a matter of time - tick, tick tick...

Oh and don't be shocked if the tea party gets involved if you riot...

"please police the man is beating me for stealing a free TV from a smashed store window - brutality - someone help me, brutality - it's mine."

Fucking dirty pieces of shit.....

You don't see how ridiculous you look here?

There's been no "violence". There's been no "riots".

You're raging against some fantasy in your own head. You don't know who the people there are - I'm sure there are plenty of trust-fund kids and "Socialists", but they're not the only ones there. Just like there are some people at "Tea Parties" that you guys are probably pretty ashamed of as well.

Reality doesn't fit your "all conservatives are hard-working, America-loving good ol' boys and all liberals are on the verge of rioting like the animals they are" nonsense.

I suppose property rights go out the window today...

Strong man..........

First they tried the 'Coffee Party'.... Epic Fail.

Then they tried the 'citizen journalists' (via the HuffPuff).... Epic Fail.

So now they're trying an 'October Offensive'.... Who gives a fuck? Bring it on. This country is, by nature, center right. Live with it, Lefties. Your constant fails are fun.

And everyone can clearly see who's REALLY destroying America.

. . . Oh, except for Lakhota, who has his head too far up Obama's ass to see anything very clearly. Maybe he can get his Messiah to put a peephole in his belly button.

First they tried the 'Coffee Party'.... Epic Fail.

Then they tried the 'citizen journalists' (via the HuffPuff).... Epic Fail.

So now they're trying an 'October Offensive'.... Who gives a fuck? Bring it on. This country is, by nature, center right. Live with it, Lefties. Your constant fails are fun.

Oh ok, might as well just get rid of the opposing side entirely then, right?


Why? Watching you mouthbreathers step on your johnsons every couple of days is so much fun.
Yes, everything was sooo perfect when he took office...

And instead of passing policies that made things better he doubled down on the ones that ended up making things worse. You can only blame Bush for so long, it's been 3 years, and after 2 years Bammie has to take credit now.

How long did it take to recover from the Great Depression? Also, was Obama just supposed to walk away from Bush's TWO wars? At least Obama is whacking the evildoers.

A lot longer than it had to, since the nation was stuck with a dumbass, big-government liberal who wanted to spend money like it was water.

Sounds familiar.
Jones is nothing more than a professed communist that would love to see our society replaced by socialism. And idiots think he is doing the right thing, IDIOTS!!!!!

Van Jones is a "former" communist.

Yea, he conveniently 'converted' when power called. If you believe that, I got some land in Florida you're gonna love.

He is a self proclaimed 'radical communist'. He's yours. We don't want him. We do not do communism in the US. It goes against our Constitution. Only the weak follow communists... and, historically, it hasn't worked out to well for them. :lol:
I bet none of the Occupy Wall Street protesters ever bombed an abortion clinic. They are not violent people.

No just police stations and ironically college universities.

Wait until they start smashing storefronts an steal shit - you'll have a fun time defending them then.

Yeah that's what the cavemen do when society tells their message to fuck off...

It's only a matter of time - tick, tick tick...

Oh and don't be shocked if the tea party gets involved if you riot...

"please police the man is beating me for stealing a free TV from a smashed store window - brutality - someone help me, brutality - it's mine."

Fucking dirty pieces of shit.....

You don't see how ridiculous you look here?

There's been no "violence". There's been no "riots".

You're raging against some fantasy in your own head. You don't know who the people there are - I'm sure there are plenty of trust-fund kids and "Socialists", but they're not the only ones there. Just like there are some people at "Tea Parties" that you guys are probably pretty ashamed of as well.

Reality doesn't fit your "all conservatives are hard-working, America-loving good ol' boys and all liberals are on the verge of rioting like the animals they are" nonsense.

Where were you when the left was raging about the TEA Party protests? There was no violence there either.

Your 'non partisanship' needs some work.

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