Progressives Launching 'October Offensive' To Rival Tea Party


Former White House adviser Van Jones says that progressives are going to launch an "October offensive" to rival the Tea Party, in the spirit of the Arab Spring protests across the Middle East.

"Everybody should hold onto their seats. October is going to be the turning point when it comes to the progressive fight back. You can see it coming," Jones said this week on MSNBC's "The Last Word" with Lawrence O'Donnell.

"You are going to see an American Fall, an American Autumn, just like we saw the Arab Spring," Jones continued. "You can see it right now with these young people on Wall Street. Hold onto your hats, we're going to have an October offensive to take back the American dream and to rescue America's middle class."

More: Van Jones Praises Occupy Wall Street, Says Progressives Launching 'October Offensive' To Rival Tea Party

There is a reason they went after Jones as hard as they did.

The man is brilliant
ok as long as TM is here defending this guy Jones we can all go do something else.....he is in good sure Sallow felt that way when she "joined" his defense team in that other thread.....:lol:
This is not lemmings.

Lemmings follow.

these young people are leading
So if all your young people jumped off a bridge first, would you follow? Even lemmings have a first rodent off the cliff. They don't just 'manifest' out of thin air.

Defending themselves from a country run on greed is not jumping off a cliff.

It is refusing to follow the march off the cliff
This is not lemmings.

Lemmings follow.

these young people are leading
So if all your young people jumped off a bridge first, would you follow? Even lemmings have a first rodent off the cliff. They don't just 'manifest' out of thin air.

Defending themselves from a country run on greed is not jumping off a cliff.

It is refusing to follow the march off the cliff
When you are preaching the destruction of the foundations of this nation and replacing it with.... what? bullshit you're defending yourself. You're attacking the innocent.

Greed is not a crime. And the greediest people I see are the people at those protests. They want the money of others without merit or work. That's fucking greed. Ill gotten gain. Why not have a protest "Muggers Against Wage Earners". That's essentially what they're doing. A am reminded of a bit from Die Hard 3 delivered so well by Jeremy Irons:

"Simple Simon met a pie man
going to the fair
Said Simple Simon to the pie man
give me your pies...

... or I'll cave your head in."

That's all I see with these chanting zombies. When they chant every silly thing that drips out of drips mouths like Cornell West, Roseanne Barr and Michael Moore... they're just the Zombiepocalypse.
This is not lemmings.

Lemmings follow.

these young people are leading
So if all your young people jumped off a bridge first, would you follow? Even lemmings have a first rodent off the cliff. They don't just 'manifest' out of thin air.

Defending themselves from a country run on greed is not jumping off a cliff.

It is refusing to follow the march off the cliff

I've got your greed right here...

This is not lemmings.

Lemmings follow.

these young people are leading
So if all your young people jumped off a bridge first, would you follow? Even lemmings have a first rodent off the cliff. They don't just 'manifest' out of thin air.

Defending themselves from a country run on greed is not jumping off a cliff.

It is refusing to follow the march off the cliff

so i guess what those Tea Parties felt about the leadership is somehow different then those you speak of?......once again do this over and over.....if you agree with it.....its right.....if its something from the right,even though you may not agree with what they are trying to do,but they are doing it the same way as your side....its wrong because the right is doing it.....see why you get so much respect around here?....
CrusaderFrank said:
This will end badly for Liberals as it always does.

Actually it will end badly for everyone. It always does. The only variable is the body count, and who's bodies fill the most graves.

This also determines the winner because these morons do not stop unless they are killed off by age or force.

There you have it.

they plan on killing Americans who dont agree with them
ROFLMAO. You are so fucking stupid I'm astounded to the depths you'll dip to.

The russian revolution, started by communists. Millions killed.
The Chinese "Cultural Revolution" started by Communists. Over 50 million killed.
The Killing Fields of Cambodia started by Communists. Millions killed.
The Third Reich in Germany, started by the National Socialists. over 60 million killed world wide
The Vietnam War
The Korean War
El Salvador

All of these revolutions were started by communist agitators and costs the lives of millions. They only were stopped by the death of the people at the helm of the communist movements to spread their totalitarian control over fellow men because of envy and greed.

All I said is that they refuse to stop save for death because they are insane. I did not once say they must be killed. To say otherwise is a fucking lie, and everyone knows it save you.
There is a reason they went after Jones as hard as they did.

The man is brilliant

He's a certified Marxist

Actually, he's a Communist. At least, that's what he says he is and I tend to take his word for it.

Yes, a self-avowed Communist and proud of it. Too bad he has nothing in common with many other black successful businessmen.

BET founder Robert Johnson on the "FOX News Sunday" program: "Well, I think the president has to recalibrate his message. You don't get people to like you by attacking them or demeaning their success. You know, I grew up in a family of 10 kids, first one to go to college, and I've earned my success. I've earned my right to fly private if I choose to do so.

"And by attacking me it is not going to convince me that I should take a bigger hit because I happen to be wealthy. You know, it is the old -- I think Ted and Fred and I we both sort of take the old Ethel Merman approach to life. I've tried poor and I tried rich and I like rich better. It doesn't mean that I am a bad guy.

"I didn't go in to business to create a public policy success for either party, Republican or Democrat. I went in business to create jobs and opportunity, create opportunity, create value for myself and my investors. And that's what the president should be praising, not demagoguing us simply because Warren Buffet says he pays more than his secretary. He should pay the secretary more and she will pay more."

BET's Robert Johnson To Obama: Stop Attacking The Wealthy | RealClearPolitics
This is not lemmings.

Lemmings follow.

these young people are leading

what young people might that be?......

The unemployed, incoherent dimwits who are camping out on Wall Street because they've heard too much garbage about how "cool" the 60s protesters were. Some people will believe anything.
I just watched "An American Carol". The one scene that kept me chuckling was the "Columbia Peace Studies Lecture" scene where the professors brainwashing the kids there start into a Hair-esque musical about how awesome the 60's were. These gray haired ex hippies now tenured professors because they couldn't survive in the real world dancing and singing about how awesome they were as kids was funny and pathetic.

But that's pretty much what's going on too. The boomers, particularly former radicals, desperate to hold onto their youth and relevance are getting crazier as time goes on, and till age finally ends them, we're going to have to suffer them.
Someone said above that self-professed conservatives outnumber self-professed liberals two to one, or some such. However, going by issue polls, liberals outnumber self-professed liberals by more than two to one. That is, many people who don't call themselves liberals really are.

This country isn't center-right. On most issues, it's center left:

For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

Polls: More support for unions in Wisconsin labor battle – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Polls show most Americans support raising taxes on wealthy - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

In U.S., Majority Still Wants Less Corporate Influence

The views of those involved in these left-wing protests (the Wisconsin uprising, Occupy Wall Street, and now this) are supported by a majority of the people, according to polls, while those supporting the positions of the Tea Party are no more than 25% of the people.

The "October Offensive" isn't going to "rival" the Tea Party. It's going to dwarf it, swamp it, overwhelm it. This is the real thing, and you guys aren't going to be laughing much longer.
He's a certified Marxist

Actually, he's a Communist. At least, that's what he says he is and I tend to take his word for it.

Yes, a self-avowed Communist and proud of it. Too bad he has nothing in common with many other black successful businessmen.

BET founder Robert Johnson on the "FOX News Sunday" program: "Well, I think the president has to recalibrate his message. You don't get people to like you by attacking them or demeaning their success. You know, I grew up in a family of 10 kids, first one to go to college, and I've earned my success. I've earned my right to fly private if I choose to do so.

"And by attacking me it is not going to convince me that I should take a bigger hit because I happen to be wealthy. You know, it is the old -- I think Ted and Fred and I we both sort of take the old Ethel Merman approach to life. I've tried poor and I tried rich and I like rich better. It doesn't mean that I am a bad guy.

"I didn't go in to business to create a public policy success for either party, Republican or Democrat. I went in business to create jobs and opportunity, create opportunity, create value for myself and my investors. And that's what the president should be praising, not demagoguing us simply because Warren Buffet says he pays more than his secretary. He should pay the secretary more and she will pay more."

BET's Robert Johnson To Obama: Stop Attacking The Wealthy | RealClearPolitics

Johnson is right. Many of the 'evil rich' come from poverty. And they have earned their slice of the American Dream. No one has the right to criticize them for it.

Van Jones is the Watermelon Man. Green on the outside, red on the inside.
He's a certified Marxist

Actually, he's a Communist. At least, that's what he says he is and I tend to take his word for it.

Yes, a self-avowed Communist and proud of it. Too bad he has nothing in common with many other black successful businessmen.

BET founder Robert Johnson on the "FOX News Sunday" program: "Well, I think the president has to recalibrate his message. You don't get people to like you by attacking them or demeaning their success. You know, I grew up in a family of 10 kids, first one to go to college, and I've earned my success. I've earned my right to fly private if I choose to do so.

"And by attacking me it is not going to convince me that I should take a bigger hit because I happen to be wealthy. You know, it is the old -- I think Ted and Fred and I we both sort of take the old Ethel Merman approach to life. I've tried poor and I tried rich and I like rich better. It doesn't mean that I am a bad guy.

"I didn't go in to business to create a public policy success for either party, Republican or Democrat. I went in business to create jobs and opportunity, create opportunity, create value for myself and my investors. And that's what the president should be praising, not demagoguing us simply because Warren Buffet says he pays more than his secretary. He should pay the secretary more and she will pay more."

BET's Robert Johnson To Obama: Stop Attacking The Wealthy | RealClearPolitics

He does not speak for blacks, he's an Uncle Tom, a house Negro, amiright?

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