Progressives Today. This Is The Left Trying To Stop Freedom Of Speech And Fair Elections

I would tell you to stop being full of shit.
Dicks aren't full of shit. That's assholes. You pussy.
Trump supporters should start exercising their second admendment right and see who are the pussies. Maybe someone should grab cankles leg and break it, would you still call conservatives pussies? Conservatives will fight back and it won't be pretty.
Yeah cons are always boasting how people shouldn't tread on them because they're armed and ready to blast away. So they finally get the chance and what do they do? The puss out like little bitches.
It was a gun free zone. Everyone was searched before entering.
Trump supporters should start exercising their second admendment right and see who are the pussies. Maybe someone should grab cankles leg and break it, would you still call conservatives pussies? Conservatives will fight back and it won't be pretty.
Yeah cons are always boasting how people shouldn't tread on them because they're armed and ready to blast away. So they finally get the chance and what do they do? The puss out like little bitches.
When we do start to put them in their place, you will need to keep your mouth shut. It is time to take Liberian out for good. Your kind is fixing to wake a sleeping giant.
I'm not saying I'm a badass, but the marines I know are and they are getting tired of liberal shit.
So the Marines you know are crazed and ready to kill their countrymen? That's strange. The Marines I know are all sensible, well adjusted people.
Yes it is possible and that's exactly what happened. The Secret Service was involved in the security and everyone was frisked. Keep saying it didn't happen like an idiot.
Trump supporters should start exercising their second admendment right and see who are the pussies. Maybe someone should grab cankles leg and break it, would you still call conservatives pussies? Conservatives will fight back and it won't be pretty.
Yeah cons are always boasting how people shouldn't tread on them because they're armed and ready to blast away. So they finally get the chance and what do they do? The puss out like little bitches.
It was a gun free zone. Everyone was searched before entering.
When we do start to put them in their place, you will need to keep your mouth shut. It is time to take Liberian out for good. Your kind is fixing to wake a sleeping giant.
I'm not saying I'm a badass, but the marines I know are and they are getting tired of liberal shit.
So the Marines you know are crazed and ready to kill their countrymen? That's strange. The Marines I know are all sensible, well adjusted people.
Not talking about killing just stopping liberal lunacy we saw last night with force. According how far you liberal backwards red necks want to take it, I guess.
What is it they're afraid of?
Not fear, but a guy standing in front of a Trump rally with a T-shirt that says a vote for Trump will get you jumped. Needs to be taken care of.

What the left did now against Trump just CROSSED THE LINE ... - Allen B. West -
I can tell you Saul Alinsky is from Chicago, along with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, David Plouffe, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, Rev. Jeremiah Wright…I think you get my point. The birthplace of “Rules for Radicals” is Chicago and they showed out last night. First thing, there’s no doubt there was coordination between the line of questioning from CNN’s Jake Tapper at Thursday evening’s GOP presidential debate and the call to arms across progressive socialist online sites for disruption and violence at the Trump rally planned in the Windy City. This is today’s liberal progressive left, and this is how they operate: complete collusion between the media and their actions.

However, the left has just crossed the line and its antics will come back to seriously bite them. Instead of allowing open political discourse and opposition, they have chosen the tactics of Alinsky. This is a different time and everyday Americans are no longer tolerant of the intolerant. They will no longer be intimidated into silence. Americans have sat back and watched the most divisive president we’ve ever known and taken it — no more. Barack Obama has said the police “acted stupidly.” Obama has told supporters to punish their political enemies and opposition. He has admonished them to “not take a knife to a gunfight.” In all of those cases, to include the disrespectful “if you own a business, you didn’t build that,” there were no rising voices of angst. The left does not want political debate; it wants surrender, acquiescence.

As Monica Crowley wrote in her Washington Times oped piece, Donald Trump is the first GOP street fighter, willing to fight back. And as my black driver last night stated as we drove to the hotel, get ready for President Trump because he’s a rich guy that speaks to common folks. And I must agree, what the chuckleheads in Chicago did last night was to elevate Donald J. Trump into martyr status. They have made Trump a symbol and the common folk will rally to him. Americans will no longer be intimidated into silence. And these high-brow folks who keep referring to Trump supporters as uninformed and illiterate neanderthals are totally wrong. My wife Angela has a dual major, an MBA and a PhD. She was a college business professor and she supports Donald J. Trump. And she has some pretty intelligent and accomplished friends who support Trump as well. I’m getting tired of folks referring to my wife in such a denigrating manner.

What’s happened in America where people are not free to speak, assemble and select their own political candidate without ridicule and disparagement? I can tell you this, the silent majority is not going back into the bottle. Folks once upon a time, in both political parties, labeled a man out of touch and not smart, and he led an insurgent movement. That was Ronald Reagan. Now, I’m not comparing Reagan to Trump, but understand something: never disregard the movement of people who embrace fundamental American principles, the common folk. Trump is bringing together people from across various demographics — say what you wish — and the left just took the wrong approach.​
Spot on Col West.

What the left did now against Trump just CROSSED THE LINE ... - Allen B. West -
I can tell you Saul Alinsky is from Chicago, along with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, David Plouffe, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, Rev. Jeremiah Wright…I think you get my point. The birthplace of “Rules for Radicals” is Chicago and they showed out last night. First thing, there’s no doubt there was coordination between the line of questioning from CNN’s Jake Tapper at Thursday evening’s GOP presidential debate and the call to arms across progressive socialist online sites for disruption and violence at the Trump rally planned in the Windy City. This is today’s liberal progressive left, and this is how they operate: complete collusion between the media and their actions.

However, the left has just crossed the line and its antics will come back to seriously bite them. Instead of allowing open political discourse and opposition, they have chosen the tactics of Alinsky. This is a different time and everyday Americans are no longer tolerant of the intolerant. They will no longer be intimidated into silence. Americans have sat back and watched the most divisive president we’ve ever known and taken it — no more. Barack Obama has said the police “acted stupidly.” Obama has told supporters to punish their political enemies and opposition. He has admonished them to “not take a knife to a gunfight.” In all of those cases, to include the disrespectful “if you own a business, you didn’t build that,” there were no rising voices of angst. The left does not want political debate; it wants surrender, acquiescence.

As Monica Crowley wrote in her Washington Times oped piece, Donald Trump is the first GOP street fighter, willing to fight back. And as my black driver last night stated as we drove to the hotel, get ready for President Trump because he’s a rich guy that speaks to common folks. And I must agree, what the chuckleheads in Chicago did last night was to elevate Donald J. Trump into martyr status. They have made Trump a symbol and the common folk will rally to him. Americans will no longer be intimidated into silence. And these high-brow folks who keep referring to Trump supporters as uninformed and illiterate neanderthals are totally wrong. My wife Angela has a dual major, an MBA and a PhD. She was a college business professor and she supports Donald J. Trump. And she has some pretty intelligent and accomplished friends who support Trump as well. I’m getting tired of folks referring to my wife in such a denigrating manner.

What’s happened in America where people are not free to speak, assemble and select their own political candidate without ridicule and disparagement? I can tell you this, the silent majority is not going back into the bottle. Folks once upon a time, in both political parties, labeled a man out of touch and not smart, and he led an insurgent movement. That was Ronald Reagan. Now, I’m not comparing Reagan to Trump, but understand something: never disregard the movement of people who embrace fundamental American principles, the common folk. Trump is bringing together people from across various demographics — say what you wish — and the left just took the wrong approach.​
Spot on Col West.
What trump did was brilliant. He exposed the left and there true intentions of interfering with the right to vote!

BTW, a statement I've made on here before. The left our haters and losers.

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