Progs don't like POTUS going to Texas. They want him to stay in DC so they can blast him.s

Eff'em, they're long past annoying with their whines and bawling.

Every fucking day some new outrage. Miserable assholes
Sure interesting what happens when an adult is in charge .... it would seem the federal response has been appropriate and timely.
No matter what he does, the left will complain.

Look at a voting map. There is little blue and less every year. The demofarts are being pushed into the sea on both coasts.
Remember, the progs lost their shit when Bush waited to visit New Orleans?.....this while the Liberals are scrounging for a racial element to Harvey as they did Katrina.
It's a favorite pastime of progs and commies to jeer at and wish bad things upon Texans. For some reason they find Texans really threatening. It's laughable that now they are pretending to care about them.

The etiquette concerning presidential visits to disaster zones is to either wait for the governor to issue an invite or not go to areas where recovery efforts will be hampered by the visit. Seems the White House is (for once) following protocol, don't see a problem here.
I can't wait till you righties cheer him as he starts handing out welfare checks in Texas .

And it comical to see you complain considering what you did to obama all those years .
Good for him! He gonna make sure they don't run out of Play-Doh. :rock:


Hey, if he gets there while floods are still going on he can finally honestly say he saw "thousands of people on rooftops". :rofl:
Anything he does is wrong, of course.

People doesn't know that the Corpus Christi area is predominately Hispanics and Houston area is predominately Blacks. And all other cities below are totally Hispanics and all of the States from East texas to Georgia are predominately Blacks. Especially southern part of Louisiana.. And so he shouldn't help them since the Libretards doesn't want him to help them.

Trump visits Louisiana flood after Governor said "stay away" - risks disrupting disaster relief - AMERICAblog News
You know he can't help himself. Somehow, he will say something that will embarrass the nation in front of the world, again.

Remember the "Play-doh" debacle. Had his picture taken for an entire 24 seconds and then took off?

Watch Donald Trump Spend Exactly 49 Seconds ‘Helping Out’ Louisiana Flood Victims

Oh, I'm sorry. It wasn't 24 seconds, no, it was 49 seconds. It's on video. My bad. He worked twice as long as I thought.
Trump embarrassed the President and Hillary last disaster by showing up and providing much needed attention to the victims' plight.

Barry was shamed into going. Hillary simply didn't give a shit about going and did not mind who knew.
You know he can't help himself. Somehow, he will say something that will embarrass the nation in front of the world, again.

Remember the "Play-doh" debacle. Had his picture taken for an entire 24 seconds and then took off?

Watch Donald Trump Spend Exactly 49 Seconds ‘Helping Out’ Louisiana Flood Victims

Oh, I'm sorry. It wasn't 24 seconds, no, it was 49 seconds. It's on video. My bad. He worked twice as long as I thought.
Well, 49 seconds is a very long time to a pregnant women that is having contractions..How long can you hold your breath underwater? That was a lot of food that was distributed in 49 seconds. You go to these fast food joints, that it takes around 3 minutes for them to handout you food.
Trump embarrassed the President and Hillary last disaster by showing up and providing much needed attention to the victims' plight.

By handing out Play Doh :rofl:

Yep, the first thing you think when you're surrounded by water and cut off from food and survival connections is, "damn, if only I had some Play Doh, I could make cute little fake turds".
On CNN a seemingly transgender Brown person (I think it wants to be seen as a female) suggested The Donald should should not visit Texas because it will endanger Blacks and Browns too stupid to move to higher ground who are being saved by White people.

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