Project 2025 is NOT the Trump plan. All liberal threads discussing it are dishonest.

Project 2025...
This months version of media generated agitprop fear porn. Throw it in the heap with The neo Hitler, Putin loving, fat, orange, demon, facist, dictator...blah, blah, blah...

Why didn't Trump pass whatever the hell this is when he became Dictator before? Pretty shitty dictator to lose office and have to run in a free election to a blithering senile idiot. Oh, oops, now the cackling moron.

I propose a drinking game for the debate.

Take a shot every time Walz says Project 2025.
Watch for alcohol poisoning as he is gonna parrot the shit out of it.

It's nothing but pathetic sloganeering that literally doesn't change a single vote.
The whole thing is hilarious and rather sad at the same time.

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