Projected Voter turnout 2016---Bad News for GOP

Correct. Since 1980, the percentage of the electorate that is white has steadily shrunk, so the possibility that it rises above the 72% from 2012 is extremely slim. It is far more likely that the trend will continue and that in 2016, the electorate will be 69-70% White.

And then there's the female vote, where Hillary is usually sailing above any GOP comer by between +20 and +39, WAY above Obama's +11 in this rubrik in 2012.

And indeed, there is the so-called BLUE WALL, which I have been describing since 2012:

Statistikhengst s ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2015 and beyond ELECTORAL COLUMNS - a map display

Also, this may be interesting to read:

Statistikhengst s ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2015 and beyond Preliminary Totals III 11 12 2012 REDUX 2004 in reverse colors Gilded Age II

(Please remember, that write-up only dealt with preliminary totals).

The Blue Wall is at least 242 EV, but with New Hampshire and New Mexico, is likely 251 EV. Just 19 more to go...

Good and sound assessment......but we must consider our right winger friends' sensibilities and fragile egos, and offer them "hope," by stating:

Fiorina will neutralize the women's vote
Carson will neutralize the blacks' vote
Rubio and Cruz will neutralize the Hispanic vote
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...the Hispanic/Latino and Asian segment is fast and steadily growing.

and every fucking one of them are ILLEGALS, do you support these criminals invading my country ?


You see, this is the moment where Conservatives shoot themselves squarely in the ass.

If you really think that all Latinos and Asians who live in the USA are illegals, then you are going to be doing excellent Latino and Asian voter recruiting in 2016 - for the Democratic Party.

Now contrast that to the Democrat party which has ONE UBER RICH WHITE WOMAN who is a corporatist.

you forgot to add a commie loving bitch who hates what the U.S.A. stands for, she hates the Constitution, Bill Of Rights, and most especially the 2nd Amdt., she hates individual "rights". FEEELS the Gvmt. should be the all encompassing controller.
Correct. Since 1980, the percentage of the electorate that is white has steadily shrunk, so the possibility that it rises above the 72% from 2012 is extremely slim. It is far more likely that the trend will continue and that in 2016, the electorate will be 69-70% White.

And then there's the female vote, where Hillary is usually sailing above any GOP comer by between +20 and +39, WAY above Obama's +11 in this rubrik in 2012.

And indeed, there is the so-called BLUE WALL, which I have been describing since 2012:

Statistikhengst s ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2015 and beyond ELECTORAL COLUMNS - a map display

Also, this may be interesting to read:

Statistikhengst s ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2015 and beyond Preliminary Totals III 11 12 2012 REDUX 2004 in reverse colors Gilded Age II

(Please remember, that write-up only dealt with preliminary totals).

The Blue Wall is at least 242 EV, but with New Hampshire and New Mexico, is likely 251 EV. Just 19 more to go...

Good and sound assessment......but with must consider our right winger friends' sensibilities and fragile egos, and offer them "hope," by stating:

Fiorina will neutralize the women's vote
Carson will neutralize the blacks' vote
Rubio and Cruz will neutralize the Hispanic vote

Only, polling shows no evidence of this. In the sparse polling Hillary vs. Fiorina (just one matchup to date), Carson (many matchups) and Rubio (many matchups), Hillary is swamping them in the core group that they are supposed to neutralize.

And Cruz.

Pardon me, I need to leave the room to laugh for a minute. REALLY LOUD.

Ok, I'm back.

If the GOP wants to lose ala LBJ vs. Goldwater 1964, then by all means, it should nominate Ted Cruz. He is the candidate over whom Hillary comes close to +39 in the female vote. In Ohio, Cruz is 15 points behind Hillary. In OHIO.
you forgot to add a commie loving bitch who hates what the U.S.A. stands for, she hates the Constitution, Bill Of Rights, and most especially the 2nd Amdt., she hates individual "rights". FEEELS the Gvmt. should be the all encompassing controller.

Yes, keep saying that word. That also helps....

... the Democratic Party, that is.

Thanks, l'il slugger.
[QUOTE="Statistikhengst, post: 11265701, member: 46168"]If you really think that all Latinos and Asians who live in the USA are illegals,...[/QUOTE]

i NEVER said that you fucking idiot, your reading comprehension is as bad as Mr. Moonpie.

[QUOTE="Statistikhengst, post: 11265701, member: 46168"]If you really think that all Latinos and Asians who live in the USA are illegals,...

i NEVER said that you fucking idiot, your reading comprehension is as bad as Mr. Moonpie.


Just to remind YOU of what you wrote (but you did write the first post about 12 minutes ago and since your memory is not what it used to be, we forgive you):

and every fucking one of them are ILLEGALS, do you support these criminals invading my country ?
Regardless of who will win the primaries later this year, the demographics entailed in the population growth of our country will constitute the main factor in determining who will sit in the oval office....
It is a stark reality that the US white, evangelical and republican-leaning population is dwindling, while the Hispanic/Latino and Asian segment is fast and steadily growing.
These latter segments have been ill-courted by the GOP and tend to heavily favor democrats' policies........The US House will likely remain in republican hands, but the Senate might experience a shift toward democrats (if not a majority) and the WH with guarded surety will remain "blue."

Republicans have two major problems when it comes to winning presidential elections: demograpics and the Electoral College. And as the 2016 election gets off the ground, both of these problems are getting worse.

On the Electoral College front, Democrats quite simply have more electoral votes "in the bank" (i.e. safe blue states) and need to win fewer swing states than Republicans do. And demographically, the Democrats' gains among Hispanic voters in particular pose a real long-term problem for Republicans, given this population is growing extremely fast and the white population is, well, not.

The GOP s major 2016 problem in 3 maps - The Washington Post

When Jindal, Fiorina, and Carson announce their candidacy, the GOP will have an African-American, a women, an American Inidan, a Cuban, and two white guys.

Now contrast that to the Democrat party which has ONE UBER RICH WHITE WOMAN who is a corporatist.

So, you go ahead with your idyll speculation on racial blocks and how they vote, ignore that second coat of shellack that was administered last year, and stick with the Dems have the white house locked up, meme. Everyone needs a fantasy.

Same Idea's Different Packages~

Eagle...actually Cruz reminds me a LOT of this "charming" guy......

These threads are funny! "My side's gonna win because", "no, my side's gonna win because", "you're full of shit", no, you're full of shit"...........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
These threads are funny! "My side's gonna win because", "no, my side's gonna win because", "you're full of shit", no, you're full of shit"...........

Doesn't that fence post hurt your ass?
As an offer of good-will and solidarity with my right wing brethren, let me state that most likely, you will STILL have the mandarin-shaded one as House leader.

Feel better?
The party that just got its ass handed to them in an epic beat down only months ago predicting a win, hilarious :laugh:

Uhm, exactly who here among Libs in USMB was predicting a 2014 win for the Left?

Please, enlighten us.

Apparently my post was way over your head.

Actually, it's way below my niveau, but I wanted to give you a chance.

Better luck next time.

New day, same old Statistikhengst.
Sorry, but it isn't going to be quite that easy to cover Hillary's ample ass. Her opponents aren't even warming up in the bull pen yet.

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