Prominent Anti-Hillary Clinton Researcher And Critic Found Dead (Shot In The Head)

What a bunch of delusional crackpots you nutters are. Fucking priceless comedy. ROTFLMAO.
Perhaps he did do himself in, he had to live with what he uncovered about the Clintons. That is too heavy a cross for anyone to bear.
if i was running for president and people were getting killed like this, even if i had nothing to do with it i'd still drop out of the running. i'd feel too guilty, wouldn't want this on my conscience. but, that is how i know the clintons are sociopathic psychopaths. their entire lives, all they ever do is gaslight and intimidate people while putting on a show, and everyone knows it. trump says hillary doesn't have the stamina to fight the isis, and that maybe true, but her supporters and the democratic party have proven themselves to be such cowards, they couldn't stand up to a bully to save their own lives. they might as well be the french in ww2, you know, so let them go on ahead and accuse trump of being literally hitler some more, see how it works out for them.
The French in WWII lost because of the enemies superior forces and tactics, nothing to be ashamed about...
Are the Crooked Clintons and their thuggish handlers going to silence everybody who opposes them?

This is becoming a little excessive, don't you think?

Who will be next? Pretty please say ....who???




I'm sure they're working on silencing The Donald, because he's going to beat Hillary.

I'm sure Assange is on the Clintons long, long hit list too!

Hope he knows it and takes the necessary precautions.
Are the Crooked Clintons and their thuggish handlers going to silence everybody who opposes them?

This is becoming a little excessive, don't you think?

Who will be next? Pretty please say ....who???




I'm sure they're working on silencing The Donald, because he's going to beat Hillary.

I'm sure Assange is on the Clintons long, long hit list too!

Hope he knows it and takes the necessary precautions.
I'm betting the pedophile assange is on a lot of parent's lists.
Are the Crooked Clintons and their thuggish handlers going to silence everybody who opposes them?

This is becoming a little excessive, don't you think?

Who will be next? Pretty please say ....who???




I'm sure they're working on silencing The Donald, because he's going to beat Hillary.

I'm sure Assange is on the Clintons long, long hit list too!

Hope he knows it and takes the necessary precautions.

Yes, at least one Leftist psychopath has called for Julian Assange to be dealt with.

I hope the Ecuador Embassy is aware.
Are the Crooked Clintons and their thuggish handlers going to silence everybody who opposes them?

This is becoming a little excessive, don't you think?

Who will be next? Pretty please say ....who???




I'm sure they're working on silencing The Donald, because he's going to beat Hillary.

I'm sure Assange is on the Clintons long, long hit list too!

Hope he knows it and takes the necessary precautions.
I'm betting the pedophile assange is on a lot of parent's lists.

"I'm betting the pedophile assange"

Provide links to back up this.

Are the Crooked Clintons and their thuggish handlers going to silence everybody who opposes them?

This is becoming a little excessive, don't you think?

Who will be next? Pretty please say ....who???




I'm sure they're working on silencing The Donald, because he's going to beat Hillary.

I'm sure Assange is on the Clintons long, long hit list too!

Hope he knows it and takes the necessary precautions.

Yes, at least one Leftist psychopath has called for Julian Assange to be dealt with.

I hope the Ecuador Embassy is aware.

One nut wanted to drone Assange...I'm pretty sure Ecuador would be pissed if we droned their embassy
Check it out, we've got some live ones here, all competing to win this week's dumb-off competition. Let's look at their current list.

Seth Conrad Rich --- A DNC employee who worked in voter outreach, and had no access of any sort to Clinton emails or any conceivable compromising data. The conspiracy theory in the OP says he was going to a secret meeting with the FBI. Huh? If you want to talk to the FBI ... just walk in the front door, during working hours. It's DC. The FBI does have offices there. The FBI doesn't need to hold secret 4AM meetings in dark alleys.

John Ashe -- UN official. Eventually set to testify in his own corruption trial, one that had absolutely nothing to do with Clinton.

Victor Thorn -- Raging anti-semite kook. Nobody except other anti-semite kooks paid any attention to him.

Shawn Lucas -- A process server. The conspiracy theory calls him "lead attorney". No, he was a process server, the guy who delivers the papers. The conspiracy theory is vague on what good retroactively killing the guy who served the papers is supposed to do.

Now, the question. Which paste-eater will jump in and call me a Clinton shill for displaying common sense? If they do, that will be extra dumb-off points for them.
And you are surprised because ____________________?

Because we did not realize just how brazen and corrupt one can blatantly go as public officials.
...and equally surprised our mainstream media is more in bed with the most corrupt govt officials and powers than even we imagined. No matter what crime is committed, they would never even think of exposing any of this.

But to put it your way ---- no, not really surprised any longer.
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Check it out, we've got some live ones here, all competing to win this week's dumb-off competition. Let's look at their current list.

Seth Conrad Rich --- A DNC employee who worked in voter outreach, and had no access of any sort to Clinton emails or any conceivable compromising data. The conspiracy theory in the OP says he was going to a secret meeting with the FBI. Huh? If you want to talk to the FBI ... just walk in the front door, during working hours. It's DC. The FBI does have offices there. The FBI doesn't need to hold secret 4AM meetings in dark alleys.

John Ashe -- UN official. Eventually set to testify in his own corruption trial, one that had absolutely nothing to do with Clinton.

Victor Thorn -- Raging anti-semite kook. Nobody except other anti-semite kooks paid any attention to him.

Shawn Lucas -- A process server. The conspiracy theory calls him "lead attorney". No, he was a process server, the guy who delivers the papers. The conspiracy theory is vague on what good retroactively killing the guy who served the papers is supposed to do.

Now, the question. Which paste-eater will jump in and call me a Clinton shill for displaying common sense? If they do, that will be extra dumb-off points for them.
Get real, Clinton shill. No one would call you a Clinton shill for displaying common sense.
Here's a thought on the suicide. It finally dawned on the guy what a complete loser he was, so he offed himself.

That's why we spend so much time here trying to divert the Clinton-haters here away from embracing similar lives of complete loserdom. It's because we care.

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