Promoting a more positive political consciousness


Apr 13, 2015
I know I'm supposed to sit back, relax and accept the constant harranguing and bitter warfare between the parties that rule us and the other countries of the world. But, honestly, I'm just sick and tired of it. In my youth I dreamed of a U.S. that really lived up to the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence. I want my country to treat every citizen with the same respect regardless of their color, religion, ethnic background, political or social preferences, gender, or sexual orientation. I want every individual from an early age to be encouraged to pursue their own interests in life toward a career or avocation. I want open access to medical services for every citizen regardless of personal circumstances. I want to live in and promote a country that values other things in life above money. I want a nation that treats animals, both wild and domestic, with the same respect that they expect for themselves. I want every job to pay more than needed for a living wage, and to every worker regardless of race, gender, or any other factor formerly subject to personal prejudice. I want an electoral system that rejects the whole idea of gerrymandering as both illegal and immoral. I want a nation that elects officials of both genders equally, from every race claiming citizenship here, and every possible interest or specialty background. I want our leaders to work together for the benefit of their country rather than their own self-serving, selfish interests. I want to eliminate the stranglehold corporate and wealthy interests currently have on our political system, by passing laws that restrict them substantially and enforcing that law with determination. I want to see new leaders from backgrounds different from business and law, so we can broaden the vision of our government. I want a country that encourages each of us to pursue our personal joy in life because when we are joyful we become better citizens and better persons, and that affects everything and everyone we touch. I want a country that resorts to war only as a last resort, and looks to dialogue as a better way to resolve conflict. I want a country dedicated to the proposition that peace is always preferable to war. I want a country that supports the notion that we can strive to fulfill our dreams, both personally and as a nation, in any way imaginable, except we can not knowingly accept harming another living being in our pursuit of that goal.

I want to know how YOU feel about all this. :)
I know I'm supposed to sit back, relax and accept the constant harranguing and bitter warfare between the parties that rule us and the other countries of the world. But, honestly, I'm just sick and tired of it. In my youth I dreamed of a U.S. that really lived up to the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence. I want my country to treat every citizen with the same respect regardless of their color, religion, ethnic background, political or social preferences, gender, or sexual orientation. I want every individual from an early age to be encouraged to pursue their own interests in life toward a career or avocation. I want open access to medical services for every citizen regardless of personal circumstances. I want to live in and promote a country that values other things in life above money. I want a nation that treats animals, both wild and domestic, with the same respect that they expect for themselves. I want every job to pay more than needed for a living wage, and to every worker regardless of race, gender, or any other factor formerly subject to personal prejudice. I want an electoral system that rejects the whole idea of gerrymandering as both illegal and immoral. I want a nation that elects officials of both genders equally, from every race claiming citizenship here, and every possible interest or specialty background. I want our leaders to work together for the benefit of their country rather than their own self-serving, selfish interests. I want to eliminate the stranglehold corporate and wealthy interests currently have on our political system, by passing laws that restrict them substantially and enforcing that law with determination. I want to see new leaders from backgrounds different from business and law, so we can broaden the vision of our government. I want a country that encourages each of us to pursue our personal joy in life because when we are joyful we become better citizens and better persons, and that affects everything and everyone we touch. I want a country that resorts to war only as a last resort, and looks to dialogue as a better way to resolve conflict. I want a country dedicated to the proposition that peace is always preferable to war. I want a country that supports the notion that we can strive to fulfill our dreams, both personally and as a nation, in any way imaginable, except we can not knowingly accept harming another living being in our pursuit of that goal.

I want to know how YOU feel about all this. :)
I agree with everything you've said.
Don't vote for Hillary, or back her in any way, and you'll be OK...
Don't vote for Hillary, or back her in any way, and you'll be OK...
Have you seen his talking points? Do you agree with them? If so, hillary is the more rational choice when comparing ANY of the GOP runners.
I saw their talking points, and they seem like a nice person... Too good to get mixed up with trash like Cankles!!!
Will have to wait another few decades for that, as you can't walk a street without being politically labeled and processed.
I know I'm supposed to sit back, relax and accept the constant harranguing and bitter warfare between the parties that rule us and the other countries of the world. But, honestly, I'm just sick and tired of it. In my youth I dreamed of a U.S. that really lived up to the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence. I want my country to treat every citizen with the same respect regardless of their color, religion, ethnic background, political or social preferences, gender, or sexual orientation. I want every individual from an early age to be encouraged to pursue their own interests in life toward a career or avocation. I want open access to medical services for every citizen regardless of personal circumstances. I want to live in and promote a country that values other things in life above money. I want a nation that treats animals, both wild and domestic, with the same respect that they expect for themselves. I want every job to pay more than needed for a living wage, and to every worker regardless of race, gender, or any other factor formerly subject to personal prejudice. I want an electoral system that rejects the whole idea of gerrymandering as both illegal and immoral. I want a nation that elects officials of both genders equally, from every race claiming citizenship here, and every possible interest or specialty background. I want our leaders to work together for the benefit of their country rather than their own self-serving, selfish interests. I want to eliminate the stranglehold corporate and wealthy interests currently have on our political system, by passing laws that restrict them substantially and enforcing that law with determination. I want to see new leaders from backgrounds different from business and law, so we can broaden the vision of our government. I want a country that encourages each of us to pursue our personal joy in life because when we are joyful we become better citizens and better persons, and that affects everything and everyone we touch. I want a country that resorts to war only as a last resort, and looks to dialogue as a better way to resolve conflict. I want a country dedicated to the proposition that peace is always preferable to war. I want a country that supports the notion that we can strive to fulfill our dreams, both personally and as a nation, in any way imaginable, except we can not knowingly accept harming another living being in our pursuit of that goal.

I want to know how YOU feel about all this. :)
Try educating the voters so they stop electing and re-electing professional politicians to serve in government. Nothing is going to change until we elect pro-America representatives to serve in government. The root of our many problems is stupid ignorant voters that continue to elect and to re-elect professional politicians to serve in government, yet expect a different result with each election cycle.

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