Proof Conservative Economic Policies WORK


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom
Conservative states lead in influx of personal income, population growth, employment growth, GDP growth, and growth of labor force. While liberals love to show charts showing red states are "poorer, less educated, blah blah blah", they're looking at the static picture. In fact, many of these states just recently became quite conservative (Texas used to vote for Democrats for governor/state legislature until the mid 90's) and just began to implement these smart policies. On the same token, the income growth/prosperity in blue states was generated when they were more conservative.

The dynamic picture shows that red states are advancing while blue ones are receding.
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Carter left a fucked up situation for Reagan but Reagan kept his eye on the ball, stuck to conservative principals, and gave us the longest peace time expansion in history. 20 million jobs created. Compare that with Obama's communist policies.
Carter left a fucked up situation for Reagan but Reagan kept his eye on the ball, stuck to conservative principals, and gave us the longest peace time expansion in history. 20 million jobs created. Compare that with Obama's communist policies.

Ever hear of the Rust Belt?
Oh, I forgot, Reagan was BEFORE the Internet became popular.
Carter left a fucked up situation for Reagan but Reagan kept his eye on the ball, stuck to conservative principals, and gave us the longest peace time expansion in history. 20 million jobs created. Compare that with Obama's communist policies.

Ever hear of the Rust Belt?
Oh, I forgot, Reagan was BEFORE the Internet became popular.
A lot of this information is very ambiguous, for all I know the increase in income just accounts for the increasing wages CEO's make. Though this is on a tangent, It is imperative I remind you guys that under Reagan the worker was a complete slave with productivity skyrocketing and wages staying exactly the same.
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom
Conservative states lead in influx of personal income, population growth, employment growth, GDP growth, and growth of labor force. While liberals love to show charts showing red states are "poorer, less educated, blah blah blah", they're looking at the static picture. In fact, many of these states just recently became quite conservative (Texas used to vote for Democrats for governor/state legislature until the mid 90's) and just began to implement these smart policies. On the same token, the income growth/prosperity in blue states was generated when they were more conservative.

The dynamic picture shows that red states are advancing while blue ones are receding.

Um, this isn't evidence conservative policies work. Not to say I think they don't work, but this simply isn't evidence that they do.

However, it is a proven fact that tax cuts don't create jobs. That is a myth cons won't let go of. Bush's tax cuts did nothing to create jobs. In fact, 2.5 times more jobs were created under Obama in 5 years than Bush in all of his 8 despite what Boner will tell you.
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom
Conservative states lead in influx of personal income, population growth, employment growth, GDP growth, and growth of labor force. While liberals love to show charts showing red states are "poorer, less educated, blah blah blah", they're looking at the static picture. In fact, many of these states just recently became quite conservative (Texas used to vote for Democrats for governor/state legislature until the mid 90's) and just began to implement these smart policies. On the same token, the income growth/prosperity in blue states was generated when they were more conservative.

The dynamic picture shows that red states are advancing while blue ones are receding.

Um, this isn't evidence conservative policies work. Not to say I think they don't work, but this simply isn't evidence that they do.

However, it is a proven fact that tax cuts don't create jobs. That is a myth cons won't let go of. Bush's tax cuts did nothing to create jobs. In fact, 2.5 times more jobs were created under Obama in 5 years than Bush in all of his 8 despite what Boner will tell you.

Wow, you liberals are so easy to beat.

You fail to say why this isn't evidence for conservative policies working. The evidence shows a very strong relationship between conservative policies and economic success. Without an alternative explanation for the relationship (and it's not warm weather, or California would be near the top), this is great evidence in favor.

With regards to tax cuts, Bush had full employment (unemployment below 5-6%) from 2003-2008. His economic record wasn't perfect, but it far better than Obama's. Under Obama, the labor force is declining and the only reason Bush's jobs numbers were bad was the 2008 recession (caused by Democrats' not regulating Fannie Mae)
"Red states" are hardly an example of successful conservative policies, since most of them rely entirely upon charity from blue states to stay solvent. Red states are actually an argument for government assistance--they are net "takers" of federal tax money.

Also, red states typically have low wages and low educational achievement levels that attract companies in search of cheap labor.
"Red states" are hardly an example of successful conservative policies, since most of them rely entirely upon charity from blue states to stay solvent. Red states are actually an argument for government assistance--they are net "takers" of federal tax money.

Also, red states typically have low wages and low educational achievement levels that attract companies in search of cheap labor.

Well, welfare recipients themselves almost always vote Democrat, and since red states are often more diverse (like AL, MS, LA, SC, etc.), they tend to have more welfare recipients(since minorities are more likely to be on welfare). This is why their statistics look bad. Welfare is an epic failure. The reason those states are doing well is a good business environment.

Ask yourself - would you rather try getting a job in California or North Dakota/Texas?
"Red states" are hardly an example of successful conservative policies, since most of them rely entirely upon charity from blue states to stay solvent. Red states are actually an argument for government assistance--they are net "takers" of federal tax money.

Also, red states typically have low wages and low educational achievement levels that attract companies in search of cheap labor.

Well, welfare recipients themselves almost always vote Democrat, and since red states are often more diverse (like AL, MS, LA, SC, etc.), they tend to have more welfare recipients(since minorities are more likely to be on welfare). This is why their statistics look bad. Welfare is an epic failure. The reason those states are doing well is a good business environment.

Ask yourself - would you rather try getting a job in California or North Dakota/Texas?

Sounds like we need to bring back bush to take the country back to the way he left it.
"Red states" are hardly an example of successful conservative policies, since most of them rely entirely upon charity from blue states to stay solvent. Red states are actually an argument for government assistance--they are net "takers" of federal tax money.

Also, red states typically have low wages and low educational achievement levels that attract companies in search of cheap labor.

Well, welfare recipients themselves almost always vote Democrat, and since red states are often more diverse (like AL, MS, LA, SC, etc.), they tend to have more welfare recipients(since minorities are more likely to be on welfare). This is why their statistics look bad. Welfare is an epic failure. The reason those states are doing well is a good business environment.

Ask yourself - would you rather try getting a job in California or North Dakota/Texas?

Nonsense. Red states are full of "welfare" recipients. They just happen to be rural and white. Have you ever heard of farm subsidies?
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom
Conservative states lead in influx of personal income, population growth, employment growth, GDP growth, and growth of labor force. While liberals love to show charts showing red states are "poorer, less educated, blah blah blah", they're looking at the static picture. In fact, many of these states just recently became quite conservative (Texas used to vote for Democrats for governor/state legislature until the mid 90's) and just began to implement these smart policies. On the same token, the income growth/prosperity in blue states was generated when they were more conservative.

The dynamic picture shows that red states are advancing while blue ones are receding.

Sorry, but NJ, NY, CA, CT and IL are the wealthiest states with a per capita income much higher than the national average. Many of these states are also laying off or cutting workers which decreases state income and output as well.

This is more Art Laffer incessant bullshit. This site fails to mention that ALL of the high tax states are among, by far, the wealthiest in the nation as far as gross state product and per capita income are concerned. Sure, some people will move, but are they insinuating a surgeon from New York will move to North Carolina to practice surgery in Anytown, NC? Come on, spare me. Yeah, a NY surgeon will move to NC to practice medicine, where the gross state product is one-fourth less than NY? Yeah, ok.

Last time I checked, TX, FL, and NV ranked 33, 22 and 18 in the nation, respectively, in terms of per capita income. TX and FL have per capita income below the US national average. NY, NJ and CA rank among the highest in the nation in terms of per capita income and gross state product. Sure, states with no income taxes may create more jobs, but they tend to be low paying jobs. And the only reason they have no state income taxes is due to the fact they run surpluses as a result of trade with the rest of the country. They get away with this nonsense mostly due to comparative advantage: fewer services compared to higher tax states in the country, low wages, etc.

This is more delusional dogma by reactionaries.
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Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom
Conservative states lead in influx of personal income, population growth, employment growth, GDP growth, and growth of labor force. While liberals love to show charts showing red states are "poorer, less educated, blah blah blah", they're looking at the static picture. In fact, many of these states just recently became quite conservative (Texas used to vote for Democrats for governor/state legislature until the mid 90's) and just began to implement these smart policies. On the same token, the income growth/prosperity in blue states was generated when they were more conservative.

The dynamic picture shows that red states are advancing while blue ones are receding.

Sorry, but NJ, NY, CA, CT and IL are the wealthiest states with a per capita income much higher than the national average. Many of these states are also laying off or cutting workers which decreases state income and output as well.

This is more Art Laffer incessant bullshit. This site fails to mention that ALL of the high tax states are among, by far, the wealthiest in the nation as far as gross state product and per capita income are concerned.

Are you insinuating that higher taxes create greater wealth? If so, why not raise taxes to 100%? Please explain how this works. :cuckoo:
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom
Conservative states lead in influx of personal income, population growth, employment growth, GDP growth, and growth of labor force. While liberals love to show charts showing red states are "poorer, less educated, blah blah blah", they're looking at the static picture. In fact, many of these states just recently became quite conservative (Texas used to vote for Democrats for governor/state legislature until the mid 90's) and just began to implement these smart policies. On the same token, the income growth/prosperity in blue states was generated when they were more conservative.

The dynamic picture shows that red states are advancing while blue ones are receding.

Sorry, but NJ, NY, CA, CT and IL are the wealthiest states with a per capita income much higher than the national average. Many of these states are also laying off or cutting workers which decreases state income and output as well.

This is more Art Laffer incessant bullshit. This site fails to mention that ALL of the high tax states are among, by far, the wealthiest in the nation as far as gross state product and per capita income are concerned.

Are you insinuating that higher taxes create greater wealth? If so, why not raise taxes to 100%? Please explain how this works. :cuckoo:

I presented some basic economic data. High tax states are high tax for a reason: they're incredibly lucrative places to work and live. This is simply the reality. You don't see TX, NV or FL anywhere close to the top 10 as far as per capita income is concerned. High tax states are simply richer than low tax states. Art Laffer and his circle jerk gang of economic illiterates can say they're not until he's blue in the face, but it doesn't change any of the facts.
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Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom
Conservative states lead in influx of personal income, population growth, employment growth, GDP growth, and growth of labor force. While liberals love to show charts showing red states are "poorer, less educated, blah blah blah", they're looking at the static picture. In fact, many of these states just recently became quite conservative (Texas used to vote for Democrats for governor/state legislature until the mid 90's) and just began to implement these smart policies. On the same token, the income growth/prosperity in blue states was generated when they were more conservative.

The dynamic picture shows that red states are advancing while blue ones are receding.

Sorry, but NJ, NY, CA, CT and IL are the wealthiest states with a per capita income much higher than the national average. Many of these states are also laying off or cutting workers which decreases state income and output as well.

This is more Art Laffer incessant bullshit. This site fails to mention that ALL of the high tax states are among, by far, the wealthiest in the nation as far as gross state product and per capita income are concerned.

Are you insinuating that higher taxes create greater wealth? If so, why not raise taxes to 100%? Please explain how this works. :cuckoo:

Please look into Germany's "Industrie 4.0" initiative. Their research and investment--paid for, in large part, by their "high tax" system--is revolutionizing manufacturing and technology. It is considered as the 4th phase of the industrial revolution, and it is creating thousands of high-paying jobs and lots of revenue. They are already far ahead of the U.S. in terms of innovative application of technology in industry.

America, rotting from it's adherence to "conservative" ideology, continues to fall further behind in a world that's investing in technology, health care, eduation, and society.
The most productive energy sectors seem to be located in GOP states. I am glad they are doing well no matter their political affiliation.
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom
Conservative states lead in influx of personal income, population growth, employment growth, GDP growth, and growth of labor force. While liberals love to show charts showing red states are "poorer, less educated, blah blah blah", they're looking at the static picture. In fact, many of these states just recently became quite conservative (Texas used to vote for Democrats for governor/state legislature until the mid 90's) and just began to implement these smart policies. On the same token, the income growth/prosperity in blue states was generated when they were more conservative.

The dynamic picture shows that red states are advancing while blue ones are receding.

Sorry, but NJ, NY, CA, CT and IL are the wealthiest states with a per capita income much higher than the national average. Many of these states are also laying off or cutting workers which decreases state income and output as well.

This is more Art Laffer incessant bullshit. This site fails to mention that ALL of the high tax states are among, by far, the wealthiest in the nation as far as gross state product and per capita income are concerned. Sure, some people will move, but are they insinuating a surgeon from New York will move to North Carolina to practice surgery in Anytown, NC? Come on, spare me. Yeah, a NY surgeon will move to NC to practice medicine, where the gross state product is one-fourth less than NY? Yeah, ok.

Last time I checked, TX, FL, and NV ranked 33, 22 and 18 in the nation, respectively, in terms of per capita income. TX and FL have per capita income below the US national average. NY, NJ and CA rank among the highest in the nation in terms of per capita income and gross state product. Sure, states with no income taxes may create more jobs, but they tend to be low paying jobs. And the only reason they have no state income taxes is due to the fact they run surpluses as a result of trade with the rest of the country. They get away with this nonsense mostly due to comparative advantage: fewer services compared to higher tax states in the country, low wages, etc.

This is more delusional dogma by reactionaries.

Did you adjust for cost of living? That makes a huge difference. And of course NY has a greater total state product than has a greater population! However, NC is growing quickly while states like NY are falling behind.

You committed the exact fallacy I described in my first post. You're looking at the static picture rather than the dynamic one. States like TX and FL are moving in a very positive direction; NY, IL, and CA, not so much.
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom
Conservative states lead in influx of personal income, population growth, employment growth, GDP growth, and growth of labor force. While liberals love to show charts showing red states are "poorer, less educated, blah blah blah", they're looking at the static picture. In fact, many of these states just recently became quite conservative (Texas used to vote for Democrats for governor/state legislature until the mid 90's) and just began to implement these smart policies. On the same token, the income growth/prosperity in blue states was generated when they were more conservative.

The dynamic picture shows that red states are advancing while blue ones are receding.

Sorry, but NJ, NY, CA, CT and IL are the wealthiest states with a per capita income much higher than the national average. Many of these states are also laying off or cutting workers which decreases state income and output as well.

This is more Art Laffer incessant bullshit. This site fails to mention that ALL of the high tax states are among, by far, the wealthiest in the nation as far as gross state product and per capita income are concerned.

Are you insinuating that higher taxes create greater wealth? If so, why not raise taxes to 100%? Please explain how this works. :cuckoo:
He did not. But you are obviously too stupid to see that he did not. But, perhaps you can show a time in this country when lowering tax rates made a bad economy better. Should be easy, according to your posts.

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