Proof How Your Religion Could Be Made Up

Why does what I believe seem to upset you? Belief in God is based on faith. Either you believe, or don't believe. It's called free will. If you don't believe in God, that's your choice. If you do believe in God, that's your choice too. Take a deep breath and try to relax. Someday, you will know the truth. Hope it doesn't come as a surprise to you.
So you don't really believe intellectually. More that its better to be safe than sorry? And of course who doesn't want to go to heaven.

Stop believing whatever you want.

Somehow, it just doesn't seem like you are a person I should be taking advice from when it comes to my belief in God. We aren't on the same page - actually not even the same book. My religious beliefs serve me well. If I were you, I would spend some time talking to a priest.
I've heard enough from priests. They don't make any better arguments than their flock of sheep do.

Maybe I should go see a palm reader or fortune teller to? Or a rabbi or Muslim holy man. Every holy mans either a liar or fool. Sorry
Pick up a Bible, read the OT and try to understand without judging, and pray God does not send you to Hell. It is what I do and what I recommend.

Did you read the Koran and book of Mormons too?

I read the bible. It didn't convince me.

Funny its like you're telling me to read a fairytale and I have to read it with the mindset that its real and if I don't believe it I'll burn forever. You're dumb.
God's word is in the OT. I do not know about any other books. As long as they accurately communicate the law given to Moses as stated in the OT then I guess whatever text is fine. I am recommends the KJV of the OT.

God built this world. His word is like telling someone not to play on the highway or they will get hit by a car. It is not carrot and stick it is good advice. Are you going to burn forever? Are you breaking the ten commandments? Not just the letter of the law but the intent of the law. And posting them on a lawn meaningless. Read them at home and follow them everywhere. The LORD will not suffer a hypocrite. As for babies with cancer maybe they were ax murders in a previous life. I do not know but do not judge God. As for this planet Job said ask the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee (Job 12:7-8) so I think the earth would condemn us. My guess as to what is going on is God gave this earth 6000 years to live and prosper and now it is time to take count. I do not think he is pleased. As far as I know though the only thing we can do now though is try to learn his word, live our life as best we can by his word, and pray a lot, a lot.
Another Sealy thread where we are supposed to consider absolutely nothing of substance and where he demonstrates he doesn't understand any religion he is talking about.

All I'm pointing out is that if Muslim and Mormon religions are made up so could yours be.

Do you not get this?
why should we care what a guy who obviously believes things that are made up says about our religion....we can tell you're an idiot just based on the things we CAN see.......
Another Sealy thread where we are supposed to consider absolutely nothing of substance and where he demonstrates he doesn't understand any religion he is talking about.

Nor basic scientific facts. Why is it always the self proclaimed "smart people" who are so ignorant of science?
Why are so many scientists atheists?
/shrugs....why are so many of them men of faith?......why are so many atheists idiots?......
Hollie gets in because she's a good person and god rewards intelligence.
lol....she is so screwed.....
Odd, how you religious zealots presume to speak on behalf of your gawds.
don't need a gawd to tell me you have no intelligence to reward.......
The angry fundie thing is so cute,
the opposite is true of your ignorance......its quite ugly....
So you don't really believe intellectually. More that its better to be safe than sorry? And of course who doesn't want to go to heaven.

Stop believing whatever you want.

Somehow, it just doesn't seem like you are a person I should be taking advice from when it comes to my belief in God. We aren't on the same page - actually not even the same book. My religious beliefs serve me well. If I were you, I would spend some time talking to a priest.
I've heard enough from priests. They don't make any better arguments than their flock of sheep do.

Maybe I should go see a palm reader or fortune teller to? Or a rabbi or Muslim holy man. Every holy mans either a liar or fool. Sorry
Pick up a Bible, read the OT and try to understand without judging, and pray God does not send you to Hell. It is what I do and what I recommend.

Did you read the Koran and book of Mormons too?

I read the bible. It didn't convince me.

Funny its like you're telling me to read a fairytale and I have to read it with the mindset that its real and if I don't believe it I'll burn forever. You're dumb.
God's word is in the OT. I do not know about any other books. As long as they accurately communicate the law given to Moses as stated in the OT then I guess whatever text is fine. I am recommends the KJV of the OT.

God built this world. His word is like telling someone not to play on the highway or they will get hit by a car. It is not carrot and stick it is good advice. Are you going to burn forever? Are you breaking the ten commandments? Not just the letter of the law but the intent of the law. And posting them on a lawn meaningless. Read them at home and follow them everywhere. The LORD will not suffer a hypocrite. As for babies with cancer maybe they were ax murders in a previous life. I do not know but do not judge God. As for this planet Job said ask the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee (Job 12:7-8) so I think the earth would condemn us. My guess as to what is going on is God gave this earth 6000 years to live and prosper and now it is time to take count. I do not think he is pleased. As far as I know though the only thing we can do now though is try to learn his word, live our life as best we can by his word, and pray a lot, a lot.

Best we can do is not destroy this planet so we can't live on it anymore. That will ultimately happen anyways so next step would
Hollie gets in because she's a good person and god rewards intelligence.
lol....she is so screwed.....
Odd, how you religious zealots presume to speak on behalf of your gawds.
don't need a gawd to tell me you have no intelligence to reward.......
The angry fundie thing is so cute,
the opposite is true of your ignorance......its quite ugly....
You just dont like she points out all the problems with your gods and she does it rather well
Hollie gets in because she's a good person and god rewards intelligence.
lol....she is so screwed.....
Odd, how you religious zealots presume to speak on behalf of your gawds.
don't need a gawd to tell me you have no intelligence to reward.......
The angry fundie thing is so cute,
the opposite is true of your ignorance......its quite ugly....
That was...... so....... melodramatic.......somehow..... you clones......are so......predictable in your....... pointlesness.......
You just dont like she points out all the problems with your gods and she does it rather well
lol.....ranting is not proving....I will admit she has ranting down pat.......

Do you know what Horus, Attis, Mithra, Krishna, Dionysus and Jesus all have in common? Just about everything. From the virgin birth, miracles and resurrection, they are all the same with only minor variations from culture to culture, but the basics of the messiah myth never change. So there is nothing unique about Jesus, the newest member of the Messiah Club, and like the others, he too will be replaced by a shinier, new version.
You just dont like she points out all the problems with your gods and she does it rather well
lol.....ranting is not proving....I will admit she has ranting down pat.......
lol....your ability to defend your polytheism is.......tragically inept.......
not being a polytheist, there might be good reason for not being able to defend it......
There is a loss of spiritual depth when you “choose” a religion. You are forced into a fixed perception which robs you of the ability to accurately perceive reality. When you substitute real truth for religious truth, you lose clarity and cause intellectual limitations. After all, religious truths are based on myths, illusions, visions and badly copied manuscripts. Not exactly something to put your trust into.
Religion is the greatest form of nation control ever invented. With its authoritarian hierarchies it creates mindless sheep who doubt their own intellect and put their lives in the hands of external entities. It hides behind the idea of faith, mysteries, confusion and incongruencies. All of which are not to be questioned or you should upset the invisible man in the sky.
Some of the worst judgmental people you will ever meet are religious, and yes, they are judging you for not being religious as if you just killed a litter of kittens dressed as Charles Manson. And let’s not forget the egotistical arrogance involved in believing you are special and blessed because you are religious. What makes you so special that God singled you out for blessing but gave the middle finger to the starving children in Africa?
Religion likes to pass itself off as loving, caring and generous, but this is nonsense. The truth is, religion is proliferated through fear -- fear of death, the devil, threats of punishment and going to hell. This is not an attempt to appeal to logic or reason, but to instill a sense of terror and cowardice by focusing on the horrific deaths of nonbelievers.

Faith is a substitute for independent thought and individual courage.
This reminds me of Republicans:

Religion teaches you to hate people -- Black, white, Asian, infidels, Muslims, Christians, Jews, immigrants, homosexuals, women -- and has an unhealthy obsession with your sexual life and choices. It even teaches you to despise the poor, who religion professes to help!

It’s okay, though, because poverty and hate are probably part of God’s plan. Religion fosters an atmosphere of closed-minded bigotry.
God spoke to you in a burning bush? That’s reliable. Maybe it was with golden tablets no one has ever seen since. Or he sent you visions while you were living in a cave, unless that was intoxication or some other delusion causing malady. Let’s not forget there are also the problems of scribal errors, deletions, misquotes and personal agendas to consider. The “word of God” was written by men who believe in religion. What could possibly go wrong?
Everyone likes a good fantasy -- Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy and Jesus -- but that’s all they are. And no matter how many times the Jehovah’s Witnesses come to your door selling an afterlife for obedience to God, there is no such place. There is no club in heaven where your dead relatives are hanging out waiting for your arrival.

Look, no one wants to die, but belief in heaven is a coping mechanism, not a real place.
You just dont like she points out all the problems with your gods and she does it rather well
lol.....ranting is not proving....I will admit she has ranting down pat.......
lol....your ability to defend your polytheism is.......tragically inept.......
not being a polytheist, there might be good reason for not being able to defend it......
Finnish Paganism, the Canaanites, Atenism, Minoan Religion, Mithraism, Manichaeism, Tengriism, Ashurism, Vedism, Olmen Religion, Zoroastrianism and countless others, along with ancient civilizations and thousands of Gods, are all dead. They’ve been buried in the ash heap of history.

But sure, the religion you follow is the right one. Good luck with that!

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