Proof How Your Religion Could Be Made Up

You just dont like she points out all the problems with your gods and she does it rather well
lol.....ranting is not proving....I will admit she has ranting down pat.......
lol....your ability to defend your polytheism is.......tragically inept.......

Religion, what is it good for?! WAR! The Crusades, Thirty Years’ War, French Wars of Religion, Nigerian Civil War, Lebanese Civil War, Ethiopian-Adal War, the Dungan Revolt, the Sacred Wars and the Seven Year War, just to name a few, and all of them were sanctioned by God and religion.

You could even add our modern conflicts, such as acts of terrorism and the conflict in Gaza. Both have their roots in religious belief.
Do you know what Horus, Attis, Mithra, Krishna, Dionysus and Jesus all have in common? Just about everything. From the virgin birth, miracles and resurrection, they are all the same with only minor variations from culture to culture, but the basics of the messiah myth never change. So there is nothing unique about Jesus, the newest member of the Messiah Club, and like the others, he too will be replaced by a shinier, new version.
they have nothing in common....only someone totally ignorant about Horus, Attis, etc would pretend they did....for example, tell me something that Krishna and Jesus have in common and I will prove you are a fool using nothing except non-Christian sources describing think he had a virgin birth?.....he was the eighth child of his mother, do understand what the word "virgin" means, right?.....
Krishna - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
This is occasionally cited as evidence that "virgin birth" tales are fairly common in non-Christian religions around the world.[53][54][55] However, there is nothing in Hindu scriptures to suggest that it was a "virgin" birth. By the time of conception and birth of Krishna, Devaki was married to Vasudeva and had already borne 7 children.[56]

Horus was conceived using a dildo made from the penis of his murdered father.....again, he had older need to brush up on your understanding of biology....
Ancient Egypt the Mythology - Horus
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or maybe you want to hang your hat on resurrection.....Attis?.....he died from cutting off his own genitals he apparently turned into a pine tree....
Attis - Greek Mythology Link

the same source says he wasn't conceived from an almond plucked from the tree which grew out of the remains of Agdistis' penis, but was the son of Phrygian Calaus and was a eunuch from birth

Diyonisus hardly shared the nativity story....
Dionysus was the son of Zeus and Semele, and he was the only god with a mortal parent. Zeus went to Semele in the night, unseen by human eyes, but could be felt as a divine presence. Semele was pleased to be the lover of a god, even though she did not know which one. Word soon got around and Hera quickly assumed who was responsible. She went to Semele in disguise and convinced her she should see her lover as he really was. When Zeus visited her again, she made him promise to grant her one wish. She went so far as to make him swear on the River Styx that he would grant her request. Zeus was madly in love and agreed. She then asked him to show her his true form. Zeus was unhappy knowing what was about to happen, but bound by his oath, he had no choice. He appeared in his true form and Semele was instantly burnt to a crisp by the sight of his glory. Zeus managed to rescue the fetal Dionysus and stitched him into his thigh until he would be ready to be born. His birth from Zeus conferred immortality upon him.

so not only was his mother not a virgin, she was burned to a crisp during a night of hot sex.......
Do you know what Horus, Attis, Mithra, Krishna, Dionysus and Jesus all have in common? Just about everything. From the virgin birth, miracles and resurrection, they are all the same with only minor variations from culture to culture, but the basics of the messiah myth never change. So there is nothing unique about Jesus, the newest member of the Messiah Club, and like the others, he too will be replaced by a shinier, new version.
they have nothing in common....only someone totally ignorant about Horus, Attis, etc would pretend they did....for example, tell me something that Krishna and Jesus have in common and I will prove you are a fool using nothing except non-Christian sources describing think he had a virgin birth?.....he was the eighth child of his mother, do understand what the word "virgin" means, right?.....
Krishna - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
This is occasionally cited as evidence that "virgin birth" tales are fairly common in non-Christian religions around the world.[53][54][55] However, there is nothing in Hindu scriptures to suggest that it was a "virgin" birth. By the time of conception and birth of Krishna, Devaki was married to Vasudeva and had already borne 7 children.[56]

Horus was conceived using a dildo made from the penis of his murdered father.....again, he had older need to brush up on your understanding of biology....
Ancient Egypt the Mythology - Horus
The jeebus tale has him born from a magically impregnated virgin.

They don't teach biology at your madrassah?
or maybe you want to hang your hat on resurrection.....Attis?.....he died from cutting off his own genitals he apparently turned into a pine tree....
Attis - Greek Mythology Link

the same source says he wasn't conceived from an almond plucked from the tree which grew out of the remains of Agdistis' penis, but was the son of Phrygian Calaus and was a eunuch from birth

Diyonisus hardly shared the nativity story....
Dionysus was the son of Zeus and Semele, and he was the only god with a mortal parent. Zeus went to Semele in the night, unseen by human eyes, but could be felt as a divine presence. Semele was pleased to be the lover of a god, even though she did not know which one. Word soon got around and Hera quickly assumed who was responsible. She went to Semele in disguise and convinced her she should see her lover as he really was. When Zeus visited her again, she made him promise to grant her one wish. She went so far as to make him swear on the River Styx that he would grant her request. Zeus was madly in love and agreed. She then asked him to show her his true form. Zeus was unhappy knowing what was about to happen, but bound by his oath, he had no choice. He appeared in his true form and Semele was instantly burnt to a crisp by the sight of his glory. Zeus managed to rescue the fetal Dionysus and stitched him into his thigh until he would be ready to be born. His birth from Zeus conferred immortality upon him.

so not only was his mother not a virgin, she was burned to a crisp during a night of hot sex.......
Even Medusa was a virgin that a god raped and a female god punished her for being raped. Medusa is a sad figure we should feel sorry for not fear. It wasn't her fault she was so beautiful.
I hope both of you realize that neither of your comments support the silly claim that virgin births are common in mythological religions that predate Christianity......the fact remains that once again your arguments have been proven wrong......
Even Medusa was a virgin that a god raped and a female god punished her for being raped. Medusa is a sad figure we should feel sorry for not fear. It wasn't her fault she was so beautiful.
once again proving you know jackshit about mythology......
She was originally a golden-haired, fair maiden, who, as a priestess of Athena, was devoted to a life of celibacy; however, after being wooed by Poseidon and falling for him, she forgot her vows and married him. For this offence, she was punished by the goddess in a most terrible manner.

or do you consider every married woman to be a rape victim?....
Even Medusa was a virgin that a god raped and a female god punished her for being raped. Medusa is a sad figure we should feel sorry for not fear. It wasn't her fault she was so beautiful.
once again proving you know jackshit about mythology......
She was originally a golden-haired, fair maiden, who, as a priestess of Athena, was devoted to a life of celibacy; however, after being wooed by Poseidon and falling for him, she forgot her vows and married him. For this offence, she was punished by the goddess in a most terrible manner.

or do you consider every married woman to be a rape victim?....
Not the story i heard in an official documentary on Zeus Poseidon Medusa Hercules etc. They said she was raped.

Anyways the Greek gods impregnated lots of virgins. What would you tell your neighbors when your whore daughter gets pregnant and has no man. And what do you tell your kid he has no daddy.

Point is Marys not the first
Even Medusa was a virgin that a god raped and a female god punished her for being raped. Medusa is a sad figure we should feel sorry for not fear. It wasn't her fault she was so beautiful.
once again proving you know jackshit about mythology......
She was originally a golden-haired, fair maiden, who, as a priestess of Athena, was devoted to a life of celibacy; however, after being wooed by Poseidon and falling for him, she forgot her vows and married him. For this offence, she was punished by the goddess in a most terrible manner.

or do you consider every married woman to be a rape victim?....
I just found it. Medusa was raped by Poseidon in the temple of athena but that may have been written after the Christ story I must admit.

But you can google poseidon raped Medusa in temple and see I didn't make it up
I hope both of you realize that neither of your comments support the silly claim that virgin births are common in mythological religions that predate Christianity......the fact remains that once again your arguments have been proven wrong......
It's just that magical tales of virgin pregnancies are not uncommon in religions and those superstitions are incorporated in religions that derive their theology from earlier religions.

The fact remains...... you wouldn't know a fact if your Madrassah leader beat you with it......
Of course they don't tell children Medusa was raped. We don't want to traunatize them.and suggest gods rape.
Even Medusa was a virgin that a god raped and a female god punished her for being raped. Medusa is a sad figure we should feel sorry for not fear. It wasn't her fault she was so beautiful.
once again proving you know jackshit about mythology......
She was originally a golden-haired, fair maiden, who, as a priestess of Athena, was devoted to a life of celibacy; however, after being wooed by Poseidon and falling for him, she forgot her vows and married him. For this offence, she was punished by the goddess in a most terrible manner.

or do you consider every married woman to be a rape victim?....
Not the story i heard in an official documentary on Zeus Poseidon Medusa Hercules etc. They said she was raped.

Anyways the Greek gods impregnated lots of virgins. What would you tell your neighbors when your whore daughter gets pregnant and has no man. And what do you tell your kid he has no daddy.

Point is Marys not the first
lol....there is an "official" documentary on mythology?......point is, your are an idiot if you think Jesus isn't got another deity who incarnated to sacrifice himself for the sins of humanity?.......
Even Medusa was a virgin that a god raped and a female god punished her for being raped. Medusa is a sad figure we should feel sorry for not fear. It wasn't her fault she was so beautiful.
once again proving you know jackshit about mythology......
She was originally a golden-haired, fair maiden, who, as a priestess of Athena, was devoted to a life of celibacy; however, after being wooed by Poseidon and falling for him, she forgot her vows and married him. For this offence, she was punished by the goddess in a most terrible manner.

or do you consider every married woman to be a rape victim?....
I just found it. Medusa was raped by Poseidon in the temple of athena but that may have been written after the Christ story I must admit.

But you can google poseidon raped Medusa in temple and see I didn't make it up
dude, I already provided you with a link to my findings on don't need to google anything....just click on the link......
I hope both of you realize that neither of your comments support the silly claim that virgin births are common in mythological religions that predate Christianity......the fact remains that once again your arguments have been proven wrong......
It's just that magical tales of virgin pregnancies are not uncommon in religions and those superstitions are incorporated in religions that derive their theology from earlier religions.
actually they aren't nearly as common as atheist's lies about the Christian religion.........those are a dime a dozen........
I'm not arguing that the Mormon story is better than the Jesus myth. Its way dumber. But I want to use mormonism as an example of how a lie can be told and yet millions will believe it.

If the Mormon faith is all a lie made up 215 years ago why can't christians imagine maybe Jesus didn't really perform miracles. Maybe he didn't really rise from the grave.

The virgin birth story isn't even original.

How can christians look at jehovas Muslims and Mormons and not see they're no different? It baffles me.

Simpler proof comes in finding out if the religion gives the "priests" or whatever serves that function absolute authority over adherents. Judaism does, or at least Talmudic Judaism (majority of world Judaism is Talmudic,) says whatever a rabbi says is as if its' come from God himself. That's obviously setting the stage for massive abuses of power. Thus stands exposed as something Man came up with and gave himself all that power. If a god that actually existed gave us a religion to worship it, you'd think the god would keep absolutely authority only for itself. If some rabbi or priest can come along millenia later on and radically change things (as was done in Reform (Talmudic) Judaism then you gotta ask how legit it in fact is if people are now able to define and redefine "what God believes."
Even Medusa was a virgin that a god raped and a female god punished her for being raped. Medusa is a sad figure we should feel sorry for not fear. It wasn't her fault she was so beautiful.
once again proving you know jackshit about mythology......
She was originally a golden-haired, fair maiden, who, as a priestess of Athena, was devoted to a life of celibacy; however, after being wooed by Poseidon and falling for him, she forgot her vows and married him. For this offence, she was punished by the goddess in a most terrible manner.

or do you consider every married woman to be a rape victim?....
I just found it. Medusa was raped by Poseidon in the temple of athena but that may have been written after the Christ story I must admit.

But you can google poseidon raped Medusa in temple and see I didn't make it up
dude, I already provided you with a link to my findings on don't need to google anything....just click on the link......

As a matter of fact, the guy who wrote about Medusa being raped was born before Jesus and died 17a.d. Maybe Mary is where he got the idea that Medusa was a virgin. Because maybe he heard about Mary. Naaah. The Greeks were writing about gods fucking beautiful mortal virgins long before Jesus.

Medusa was originally a ravishingly beautiful maiden, "the jealous aspiration of many suitors," but because Poseidon had raped her in Athena's temple, the enraged Athena transformed Medusa's beautiful hair to serpents and made her face so terrible to behold that the mere sight of it would turn onlookers to stone

See how sure you were but then now you're hearing another version of the story? And aren't their 11 different versions of Jesus? Have you read them all so you can study the differences? Then you are nuts. Reading the same book 11 times. LOL.
I hope both of you realize that neither of your comments support the silly claim that virgin births are common in mythological religions that predate Christianity......the fact remains that once again your arguments have been proven wrong......
It's just that magical tales of virgin pregnancies are not uncommon in religions and those superstitions are incorporated in religions that derive their theology from earlier religions.
actually they aren't nearly as common as atheist's lies about the Christian religion.........those are a dime a dozen........

Miraculous births are a common element in historical literature and religious texts. Stories of miracle births often include conceptions by miraculous circumstances and features such as intervention by a deity, supernatural elements, astronomical signs, hardship or in the case of some mythologies complex plots related to creation.

In the story of Krishna the deity is the agent of conception and also the offspring. Because of his sympathy for the earth, the divine Vishnu himself descended into the womb of Devaki and was born as her son
I hope both of you realize that neither of your comments support the silly claim that virgin births are common in mythological religions that predate Christianity......the fact remains that once again your arguments have been proven wrong......
It's just that magical tales of virgin pregnancies are not uncommon in religions and those superstitions are incorporated in religions that derive their theology from earlier religions.

The fact remains...... you wouldn't know a fact if your Madrassah leader beat you with it......

I found this guy did extensive research and the subject. He wrote: I recently watched documentaries about stories that predate Jesus but have striking parallels. I found several websites run by Christians who obviously disputed all claims of any parallels (postmodern types). As a non-christian, I am approaching this topic purely as an interested observer. I am assuming half of the people who read this will automatically say the claims are false and the other half will say they are true. The truth I found is that it is difficult to know for sure.

10 Christ-like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus - Listverse

Homeric tales about Odysseus emphasize his suffering life, just as in Mark Jesus said that he, too, would suffer greatly. Odysseus is plagued with unfaithful and dim-witted companions who display tragic flaws. These sailors are comparable to Jesus’ disciples, who disbelieve Jesus, ask foolish questions, and show general ignorance about everything.

Wow! Think about it. Jesus' own disciples disbelieved him. And they were looking right at him. Truth is, if god came back in someones body and walked up to postmodern, even that schmuck wouldn't believe it. She too would ask for proof. But we're not suppose to ask for any.
Even Medusa was a virgin that a god raped and a female god punished her for being raped. Medusa is a sad figure we should feel sorry for not fear. It wasn't her fault she was so beautiful.
once again proving you know jackshit about mythology......
She was originally a golden-haired, fair maiden, who, as a priestess of Athena, was devoted to a life of celibacy; however, after being wooed by Poseidon and falling for him, she forgot her vows and married him. For this offence, she was punished by the goddess in a most terrible manner.

or do you consider every married woman to be a rape victim?....
I just found it. Medusa was raped by Poseidon in the temple of athena but that may have been written after the Christ story I must admit.

But you can google poseidon raped Medusa in temple and see I didn't make it up
dude, I already provided you with a link to my findings on don't need to google anything....just click on the link......

You think your link is the only one true link, just like your bible. LOL

Romulus is born of a vestal virgin, which was a priestess of the hearth god Vesta sworn to celibacy. His mother claims that the divine impregnated her, yet this is not believed by the King. Romulus and his twin brother, Remus, are tossed in the river and left for dead. (A “slaughter of the innocents” tale which parallels that of Matthew 2:13-16). Romulus is hailed as the son of god. He is “snatched away to heaven” by a whirlwind (It is assumed that the gods took him), and he makes post mortem appearances. In his work Numa Pompilius, Plutarch records that there was a darkness covering the earth before his death (Just as there was during Jesus’ death according to Mark 15:33). He also states that Romulus is to be know afterwards as ‘Quirinus’; A god which belonged to the Archiac Triad (a “triple deity” similar to the concept of the Trinity).

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