Proof Obama was Willing to Anything for a Billary Victory

Remember this little nugget from the past? They just talked about grandkids my ass.

Even if true - just "scheming" is not a crime unless action is taken. What action was taken? Give us some "credible" proof - other than your News Corp. rag.
A sitting US Senator talking to foreign ambassador is not a crime. Liberals go after Sessions to protect wrongdoing by Obama administration.
Remember this little nugget from the past? They just talked about grandkids my ass.

Even if true - just "scheming" is not a crime unless action is taken. What action was taken? Give us some "credible" proof - other than your News Corp. rag.

Maybe Sessions was talking to the Russian Ambassador about their grandkids,
Sessions was not a sitting AttorneyGeneral nor was his wife under investigation by a Congressional committee.
It's okay, the people won't allow this to go on much longer, the dimshits are about to find out how much they are hated and will be a fading memory very soon. When the fbi's investigation of the oshitass leaking of the mission of the seal team that resulted in the loss of life and the loss of some of the targeted objectives. They will all be in the witness seat and lying but they will be unable to worm out of it under this administration they WILL be dealt with and cease to be a problem for America ever again. DIE LIBERALS save the country and commit suicide. HAHAAHA
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That's why they and MSM dream up illegalities on Sessions to stop him from investigating Obama administration.
Yes Facts are anything that they are saying he did is NOT a crime according to THEM, so they have already admitted he did nothing.
If you look at all the illegal things that Obama administration did, all the way from Fast and Furious, to spying on Senators and members of media, it is mind boggling that liberals even accuse Trump of anything. After the Barry presidency they have zero room to talk about illegal activities. Especially when it came to getting Billary cabal elected. Even if it included Jarrett and Bill making a secret deal not to prosecute his wife. Although her ass would have required a separate trial.
Sessions actually needs to retract his promise to recuse himself, and start a full investigation into the dimshitass actions for the last two years under the oshitass administration, and if there is even the hint of one of them spitting on the sidewalk, he need to bind ANY who are on intelligence or armed services committees, or in either department to MILITARY TRIBUNAL instead of civilian court. Trump then needs instruct his military Justice department to try them with extreme prejudice as treasonist, and insurgents with a possibility of espionage and links to terrorist. Anybody in this country that has ever bought anything on line has dealt with at least one government that is listed as a terrorist state, and if one link is found in these peoples they will be unable to prove it was not for espionage purposes, and they will be fodder for the noose or firing squad.
Remember this little nugget from the past? They just talked about grandkids my ass.

Even if true - just "scheming" is not a crime unless action is taken. What action was taken? Give us some "credible" proof - other than your News Corp. rag.

Maybe Sessions was talking to the Russian Ambassador about their grandkids,
/---- As funny and relevant that would have been, Sen Sessions is too much of a straight shooter to use that comeback. But I wouldn't put it past Pres Trump.
Remember this little nugget from the past? They just talked about grandkids my ass.

Even if true - just "scheming" is not a crime unless action is taken. What action was taken? Give us some "credible" proof - other than your News Corp. rag.

Maybe Sessions was talking to the Russian Ambassador about their grandkids,
/---- As funny and relevant that would have been, Sen Sessions is too much of a straight shooter to use that comeback. But I wouldn't put it past Pres Trump.
I don't know. Sessions might be pissed at this point.
Remember this little nugget from the past? They just talked about grandkids my ass.

Even if true - just "scheming" is not a crime unless action is taken. What action was taken? Give us some "credible" proof - other than your News Corp. rag.
A sitting US Senator talking to foreign ambassador is not a crime. Liberals go after Sessions to protect wrongdoing by Obama administration.

Lying about it is.
Remember this little nugget from the past? They just talked about grandkids my ass.

Even if true - just "scheming" is not a crime unless action is taken. What action was taken? Give us some "credible" proof - other than your News Corp. rag.

Maybe Sessions was talking to the Russian Ambassador about their grandkids,
/---- As funny and relevant that would have been, Sen Sessions is too much of a straight shooter to use that comeback. But I wouldn't put it past Pres Trump.
I don't know. Sessions might be pissed at this point.

If he's really as tight with Trump as it seems, he might even be pissed on by now.

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