Proof of citizenship to cast ballots in federal elections


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

House Democrats launched a united effort to vote against a Republican-backed election bill that would require voters provide proof of citizenship to cast ballots in federal elections.

Republicans are pushing the passage of the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, otherwise known as the SAVE Act, which would amend the National Voter Registration Act, and require states to obtain proof of citizenship from voters for federal elections, as well as purge noncitizens from voter rolls.

Democratic leadership is urging its House members to vote against the bill in the lead-up to the vote, saying it would place "an extreme burden [on] countless Americans" in order to vote.

Well of course the Democrats are low class trash liars and cheaters.
When the Democrats allow non-citizens to vote in our elections, they are violating everyone's Right to Vote.
The Democrats are against Voting Rights.
This should be a huge election issue.
The Dirty Democrats are saving our "democracy" by violating everyone's Right to Vote.....perfect oxymoron

House Democrats launched a united effort to vote against a Republican-backed election bill that would require voters provide proof of citizenship to cast ballots in federal elections.

Republicans are pushing the passage of the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, otherwise known as the SAVE Act, which would amend the National Voter Registration Act, and require states to obtain proof of citizenship from voters for federal elections, as well as purge noncitizens from voter rolls.

Democratic leadership is urging its House members to vote against the bill in the lead-up to the vote, saying it would place "an extreme burden [on] countless Americans" in order to vote.

Well of course the Democrats are low class trash liars and cheaters.
When the Democrats allow non-citizens to vote in our elections, they are violating everyone's Right to Vote.
The Democrats are against Voting Rights.
This should be a huge election issue.
The Dirty Democrats are saving our "democracy" by violating everyone's Right to Vote.....perfect oxymoron
Wisconsin Supreme Court just lifted the ban on ballot drop boxes. Let the vote tampering begin!!!

House Democrats launched a united effort to vote against a Republican-backed election bill that would require voters provide proof of citizenship to cast ballots in federal elections.

Republicans are pushing the passage of the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, otherwise known as the SAVE Act, which would amend the National Voter Registration Act, and require states to obtain proof of citizenship from voters for federal elections, as well as purge noncitizens from voter rolls.

Democratic leadership is urging its House members to vote against the bill in the lead-up to the vote, saying it would place "an extreme burden [on] countless Americans" in order to vote.

Well of course the Democrats are low class trash liars and cheaters.
When the Democrats allow non-citizens to vote in our elections, they are violating everyone's Right to Vote.
The Democrats are against Voting Rights.
This should be a huge election issue.
The Dirty Democrats are saving our "democracy" by violating everyone's Right to Vote.....perfect oxymoron
At stake for the statist left marxinazis is there cherished "One World Without Borders" nightmare. Being completely devoid of any understanding what so ever about the human condition(human nature) the ignorant statist lefties stumble on blindly assured in their groupthink that they will save the world from individualism by replacing the before mentioned with totalitarianism.

The statist left, don't leave sanity without them!
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At stake for the statist left marxinazis is there cherished "One World Without Borders" nightmare. Being completely devoid of any understanding what so ever about the human condition(human nature) the ignorant statist lefties stumble on blindly assured in their groupthink that that will save the world from individualism by replacing the before mentioned with totalitarianism.

The statist left, don't leave sanity without them!
The Left has a crazy oxymoron, "diversity is our strength", but they demand that everyone to be the same.
They want gender to be endogenous.
They want everyone to be mixed race.
They want everyone to have the same income.
They are against borders that define nationality.
it's insane that the Democrats claim to be saving our "democracy" ballot box stuffing
It's the only way the statist left marxinazis can win, like their statist left religion is only popular with their elitists @ the top rung of the ladder. The rank & file statist left are mindless groupthinkers that only know to follow the leader without question. For the statist left overall the only thing that counts for them is to make sure that their leaders(evolved gods) win so their leaders can give them a paradise existence.

The statist left, don't leave sanity without them!

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