Proof Of IRS Felony

You really need to stop pretending the IRS did not screw up big time here, it makes you look like a conspiracy nut.

The only conspiracy nuts are the ones who of you who think Obama was sitting there in the Oval Office saying "audit the teabaggers".

Is that an attempt to make yourself look intelligent by attacking a position I do not have? Isn't there a word for that?


"The ones of you", aka, fellow Republicans.

And noting that a lot of right-wingers spent the last week crowing about how many times the IRS head visited the "White House", yeah, there are definitely a lot of people on your side thinking there was an order from the Oval Office.
You really need to stop pretending the IRS did not screw up big time here, it makes you look like a conspiracy nut.

The only conspiracy nuts are the ones who of you who think Obama was sitting there in the Oval Office saying "audit the teabaggers".

Don't think he said that.

I picture the scenario as, during one of the 157 visits to the WH, the IRS Chief telling Obama, "We're making right-wing groups jump through hoops to get the same tax exempt status we freely give to groups like MoveOn and MediaMatters"
Obama says, "Cool.....but I don't know anything about it. Ok?!" *wink, wink, nudge*


Obama didn't know about this until he saw it on the news.

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At this point is the only thing that's relevant to this discussion (unless you're a time traveler). Then again, the things that have "morphed" are a pretty clear indication that you have no idea what you're talking about. There still isn't any evidence beyond the verbal diarrhea from some right-wing talking heads that anyone other than low level employees were involved. The head of the IRS at the time was a Bush appointee. There is no getting around that one. It's an objective claim.

Damn, you really are stupid. There have been emails released shich show that the orders came from DC, and the IRS is investigating at least 88 people who might have documentation related to the scandal.

First on CNN: IRS collects docs from 88 employees in investigation ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Investigating does not equal actual involvement. Just like indictment does not equal conviction.

They wouldn't need to investigate that many people if it was only a couple of low level employees.
The only conspiracy nuts are the ones who of you who think Obama was sitting there in the Oval Office saying "audit the teabaggers".

Is that an attempt to make yourself look intelligent by attacking a position I do not have? Isn't there a word for that?


"The ones of you", aka, fellow Republicans.

And noting that a lot of right-wingers spent the last week crowing about how many times the IRS head visited the "White House", yeah, there are definitely a lot of people on your side thinking there was an order from the Oval Office.

My side is the government screwed up. Your side is that there is absolutely no evidence that anything happened despite the fact multiple people have admitted it happened under oath.

Guess which side is the crazy side.
You really need to stop pretending the IRS did not screw up big time here, it makes you look like a conspiracy nut.

The only conspiracy nuts are the ones who of you who think Obama was sitting there in the Oval Office saying "audit the teabaggers".

Don't think he said that.

I picture the scenario as, during one of the 157 visits to the WH, the IRS Chief telling Obama, "We're making right-wing groups jump through hoops to get the same tax exempt status we freely give to groups like MoveOn and MediaMatters"
Obama says, "Cool.....but I don't know anything about it. Ok?!" *wink, wink, nudge*


Did the IRS chief visits the WH 157 times?
actually, if you would have watched the hearing, you would have seen the proof, as it was shown. It doesn't matter whether it was inadvertent or purposely done, the IRS has a fiduciary obligation to protect tax information. If they don't, it is a felony, if the persons leaked wish to persue it.

i don't watch tv. The kids own the tv with sesame street.

Regardless, if there was proof it would have been shown or in the OP's link.

At least one group has said that the IRS gave it information it was not legally allowed to get. That leaves you with a choice between believing the IRS broke the law or that groups who have opposite ideological agendas are involved in a massive conspiracy to make the IRS look bad.
so an allegation, means guilt? lazy
if you had watched today you would realize the IG's comments suggested this had become quite a bit more with their actual investigation since their audit. The investigation is much more detailed than an audit as it actually investigates emails, etc., where as an audit does not.
IT was on the internet at cspan. If you truly wish to be informed, the kids dominating the tv will not prevent you from watching it as the hearings are streamed online.
So far as the proof, it was put up on a projector. It was entered into the record.
this non-scandal isnt on my high list of must watch/listen too. Its easier to read on it afterwords.

Only a fascist would dismiss the government targeting people fro their political beliefs as a non scandal.

yawn....dont be so dramatic
if you had watched today you would realize the IG's comments suggested this had become quite a bit more with their actual investigation since their audit. The investigation is much more detailed than an audit as it actually investigates emails, etc., where as an audit does not.

suggestions are not evidence. My suggestion is thats horses are better than cars.
if you had watched today you would realize the IG's comments suggested this had become quite a bit more with their actual investigation since their audit. The investigation is much more detailed than an audit as it actually investigates emails, etc., where as an audit does not.

suggestions are not evidence. My suggestion is thats horses are better than cars.

SO, let's see, if this had been going in the other direction, I would see you would be defending against all the facts that had been presented, even when the IG stated that left leaning groups had been targeted as being nothing more than hearsay, wouldn't you? Of course.:eusa_whistle:
Only a fascist would dismiss the government targeting people fro their political beliefs as a non scandal.

yawn....dont be so dramatic

That's being factual, not dramatic. Government employees targetting citizens for their political beliefs is the essence of fascism.

No, it's business as usual for the Left.
They will never admit that there was any wrongdoing. they agree with McDermott (D.Moron) that the groups themselves are at fault for even applying.
if you had watched today you would realize the IG's comments suggested this had become quite a bit more with their actual investigation since their audit. The investigation is much more detailed than an audit as it actually investigates emails, etc., where as an audit does not.

suggestions are not evidence. My suggestion is thats horses are better than cars.

SO, let's see, if this had been going in the other direction, I would see you would be defending against all the facts that had been presented, even when the IG stated that left leaning groups had been targeted as being nothing more than hearsay, wouldn't you? Of course.:eusa_whistle:

You're talking to people who believe that George W Bush personally invented the story of WMD so we could invade Iraq because Saddam threatened Bush's father. Reality is not their strong suit.
suggestions are not evidence. My suggestion is thats horses are better than cars.

SO, let's see, if this had been going in the other direction, I would see you would be defending against all the facts that had been presented, even when the IG stated that left leaning groups had been targeted as being nothing more than hearsay, wouldn't you? Of course.:eusa_whistle:

You're talking to people who believe that George W Bush personally invented the story of WMD so we could invade Iraq because Saddam threatened Bush's father. Reality is not their strong suit.

True that.
I think Obama not only smoked the weed but drank the bong water as well.

The more I hear the left play this down, the more I think Obama is guilty of committing this criminal act. I just wonder how much other stuff this president is guilty of.

Who are you referring to when you say the left is playing it down?

Your thinking process is interesting. Instead of demanding evidence of wrongdoing, you are prepared to convict based on the fact that there is a defense?

If nutters would not act like such rabid dogs......leaping on every piece of shit blog post or unsubstantiated claim that hits the all might be able to hear people like me when we say that we are prepared to prosecute any proven any level.

Of course, being that people like me trust that President Obama would do no such thing, we demand some real proof that he was involved in any way. Have you got any?

C'mon, LL

In this thread there's Plasma calling it a non-scandal.
Surf the board and you find another thread by Synth saying the same.

Most replies by the Left around here, on any thread about the IRS bullshit, are trying their damnedest to diminish the significance of it all.

To be honest, as to your last paragraph, I think you're the first one (besides Obama) I've heard call for anyone's head on a stick

when the right claims everything is a scandal, you end up loosing justification of calling something a scandal.

my one question is, What was illegal? Show me where something done was illegal, make sure its concrete, not allegations and hey you will see me say that these people should be fired, or tried in court etc. I have yet to see it. What i do see is a bunch of people whinging about the left saying its a non-scandal, and how people are blowing it off and blah blah blah excuse after excuse.

DEP is saying they projecting the paper. Show a screen cap so people can judge the info.

being objective doesnt make you liberal or a fascist or whatever stupid label you want to put on it.
suggestions are not evidence. My suggestion is thats horses are better than cars.

SO, let's see, if this had been going in the other direction, I would see you would be defending against all the facts that had been presented, even when the IG stated that left leaning groups had been targeted as being nothing more than hearsay, wouldn't you? Of course.:eusa_whistle:

You're talking to people who believe that George W Bush personally invented the story of WMD so we could invade Iraq because Saddam threatened Bush's father. Reality is not their strong suit.

yeah but claim is coming from you, so that holds zero weight anywhere.
if you had watched today you would realize the IG's comments suggested this had become quite a bit more with their actual investigation since their audit. The investigation is much more detailed than an audit as it actually investigates emails, etc., where as an audit does not.

suggestions are not evidence. My suggestion is thats horses are better than cars.

SO, let's see, if this had been going in the other direction, I would see you would be defending against all the facts that had been presented, even when the IG stated that left leaning groups had been targeted as being nothing more than hearsay, wouldn't you? Of course.:eusa_whistle:

i dont care about the otherway, that is irrelevant to this issue.
If this happened, i consider it profiling. Something the right is perfectly fine with.
The only conspiracy nuts are the ones who of you who think Obama was sitting there in the Oval Office saying "audit the teabaggers".

Is that an attempt to make yourself look intelligent by attacking a position I do not have? Isn't there a word for that?


"The ones of you", aka, fellow Republicans.

And noting that a lot of right-wingers spent the last week crowing about how many times the IRS head visited the "White House", yeah, there are definitely a lot of people on your side thinking there was an order from the Oval Office.

This is Obama, as the walls close in around him.


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