Proof Of IRS Felony

C'mon, LL

In this thread there's Plasma calling it a non-scandal.
Surf the board and you find another thread by Synth saying the same.

Most replies by the Left around here, on any thread about the IRS bullshit, are trying their damnedest to diminish the significance of it all.

To be honest, as to your last paragraph, I think you're the first one (besides Obama) I've heard call for anyone's head on a stick

when the right claims everything is a scandal, you end up loosing justification of calling something a scandal.

my one question is, What was illegal? Show me where something done was illegal, make sure its concrete, not allegations and hey you will see me say that these people should be fired, or tried in court etc. I have yet to see it. What i do see is a bunch of people whinging about the left saying its a non-scandal, and how people are blowing it off and blah blah blah excuse after excuse.

DEP is saying they projecting the paper. Show a screen cap so people can judge the info.

being objective doesnt make you liberal or a fascist or whatever stupid label you want to put on it.

This makes Watergate look like a church social. If that does not raise to the level of scandal in your book I suggest you need a new book.

Yes, yes. everything Obama does makes watergate look like an church social.
You guys gave been using that line from the very first "scandal" you guys have been whining about.

Get something new.
Hey Peach.....maybe you can help, I can't seem to find the answer...

When will the IRS have the floor to respond to the allegations made today? Is that scheduled for tomorrow? I am looking forward to it.

I haven't heard anything one way or the other on it yet.
I think that their was only 2 for this week. Yesterday was the IRS and today was the targeted groups.
Did he visit the WH only once, which was his original statement?

Provide that statement, please. And provide the context. Nutters tend to disregard that part.

And please know ahead of time.......liberals are interested in the evidence and the facts. Even when it comes to prosecuting this Bush appointee. Why do you think that is?

which was appointed in bipartisan fashion as he is a Democrat. That seems to always be left out of the equation when it is important.
There have been facts presented, even by the IG, yet some of you refuse to acknowledge that fact even.
when the right claims everything is a scandal, you end up loosing justification of calling something a scandal.

my one question is, What was illegal? Show me where something done was illegal, make sure its concrete, not allegations and hey you will see me say that these people should be fired, or tried in court etc. I have yet to see it. What i do see is a bunch of people whinging about the left saying its a non-scandal, and how people are blowing it off and blah blah blah excuse after excuse.

DEP is saying they projecting the paper. Show a screen cap so people can judge the info.

being objective doesnt make you liberal or a fascist or whatever stupid label you want to put on it.

I believe it is illegal to ask what the content of their prayers are, which was done to one group. I believe it is illegal to ask for their donor lists with a 501c(4) which was done. There were other incidences, those are just off the top of my head.
what you believe and what is reality might be two different things. This is not proof.

Seriously show me some proof to get me on your side. Don't show me allegations, or say watch a news feed video on something. If this was such a bombshell of news, then it should be easy to locate.

I'm not asking you to fly to the moon, i'm asking for evidence, and all i am getting are lazy excuses.

You are the guy that claims there is no proof the IRS targeted conservatives even though they admitted it and an IG report found conclusively that it happened. That leads a rational person to conclude that you don't want evidence, you merely want to pretend you have a way of defending the government when it does something reprehensible.
when the right claims everything is a scandal, you end up loosing justification of calling something a scandal.

my one question is, What was illegal? Show me where something done was illegal, make sure its concrete, not allegations and hey you will see me say that these people should be fired, or tried in court etc. I have yet to see it. What i do see is a bunch of people whinging about the left saying its a non-scandal, and how people are blowing it off and blah blah blah excuse after excuse.

DEP is saying they projecting the paper. Show a screen cap so people can judge the info.

being objective doesnt make you liberal or a fascist or whatever stupid label you want to put on it.

This makes Watergate look like a church social. If that does not raise to the level of scandal in your book I suggest you need a new book.

Yes, yes. everything Obama does makes watergate look like an church social.
You guys gave been using that line from the very first "scandal" you guys have been whining about.

Get something new.

Why do you keep bring up Obama? Do you have some sort of evidence that he is involved?

So....he did not. Thanks for the info. Now....when are you going to post a retraction?

Some nit-pickin' shit, LL

You can't see the dog for the flea

****In the early days of President Barack Obama's sweeping new health care law, Douglas Shulman, then the commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, was cleared to visit the White House 157 times over three years, official visitor logs show.****

****The majority of the visits were set to be held in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which houses office suites for administration aides.****
So he visited (with) the White House (administration)

Sorry if I can't believe that, at no time, he never mentioned this little game he was playing
I believe it is illegal to ask what the content of their prayers are, which was done to one group. I believe it is illegal to ask for their donor lists with a 501c(4) which was done. There were other incidences, those are just off the top of my head.
what you believe and what is reality might be two different things. This is not proof.

Seriously show me some proof to get me on your side. Don't show me allegations, or say watch a news feed video on something. If this was such a bombshell of news, then it should be easy to locate.

I'm not asking you to fly to the moon, i'm asking for evidence, and all i am getting are lazy excuses.

You are the guy that claims there is no proof the IRS targeted conservatives even though they admitted it and an IG report found conclusively that it happened. That leads a rational person to conclude that you don't want evidence, you merely want to pretend you have a way of defending the government when it does something reprehensible.

i dont deny it, i asked what was illegal about it. Didnt really get an answer for this.

Keep trying QW
This makes Watergate look like a church social. If that does not raise to the level of scandal in your book I suggest you need a new book.

Yes, yes. everything Obama does makes watergate look like an church social.
You guys gave been using that line from the very first "scandal" you guys have been whining about.

Get something new.

Why do you keep bring up Obama? Do you have some sort of evidence that he is involved?

yes....he was behind the fence as Kennedy drove by.

Oh shit wrong scandal, so many are being claimed to be scandals by you retards that i got confused.
when the right claims everything is a scandal, you end up loosing justification of calling something a scandal.

my one question is, What was illegal? Show me where something done was illegal, make sure its concrete, not allegations and hey you will see me say that these people should be fired, or tried in court etc. I have yet to see it. What i do see is a bunch of people whinging about the left saying its a non-scandal, and how people are blowing it off and blah blah blah excuse after excuse.

DEP is saying they projecting the paper. Show a screen cap so people can judge the info.

being objective doesnt make you liberal or a fascist or whatever stupid label you want to put on it.

I believe it is illegal to ask what the content of their prayers are, which was done to one group. I believe it is illegal to ask for their donor lists with a 501c(4) which was done. There were other incidences, those are just off the top of my head.
what you believe and what is reality might be two different things. This is not proof.

Seriously show me some proof to get me on your side. Don't show me allegations, or say watch a news feed video on something. If this was such a bombshell of news, then it should be easy to locate.

I'm not asking you to fly to the moon, i'm asking for evidence, and all i am getting are lazy excuses.

cspan is not a newsfeed video. Cspan is the actual hearing exactly as it played out. Guess that won't do, though, as then you would actually see the evidence, and couldn't continue denying it. Live on with your fantasy bubble as it will soon be burst, whether you like it or not. The IRS is guilty of targeting. Someone within the IRS released tax payor data in which that is a felony. If you really wish to continue to deny that which has even been proven, then have at it. It is you and only you and others that believe the same that look foolish and diminish any credibility you may have ever had.
I believe it is illegal to ask what the content of their prayers are, which was done to one group. I believe it is illegal to ask for their donor lists with a 501c(4) which was done. There were other incidences, those are just off the top of my head.
what you believe and what is reality might be two different things. This is not proof.

Seriously show me some proof to get me on your side. Don't show me allegations, or say watch a news feed video on something. If this was such a bombshell of news, then it should be easy to locate.

I'm not asking you to fly to the moon, i'm asking for evidence, and all i am getting are lazy excuses.

cspan is not a newsfeed video. Cspan is the actual hearing exactly as it played out. Guess that won't do, though, as then you would actually see the evidence, and couldn't continue denying it. Live on with your fantasy bubble as it will soon be burst, whether you like it or not. The IRS is guilty of targeting. Someone within the IRS released tax payor data in which that is a felony. If you really wish to continue to deny that which has even been proven, then have at it. It is you and only you and others that believe the same that look foolish and diminish any credibility you may have ever had.
link it up. You would think there would be a simple break down for this evidence dont you?
what you believe and what is reality might be two different things. This is not proof.

Seriously show me some proof to get me on your side. Don't show me allegations, or say watch a news feed video on something. If this was such a bombshell of news, then it should be easy to locate.

I'm not asking you to fly to the moon, i'm asking for evidence, and all i am getting are lazy excuses.

You are the guy that claims there is no proof the IRS targeted conservatives even though they admitted it and an IG report found conclusively that it happened. That leads a rational person to conclude that you don't want evidence, you merely want to pretend you have a way of defending the government when it does something reprehensible.

i dont deny it, i asked what was illegal about it. Didnt really get an answer for this.

Keep trying QW

And, as I said, there is one left wing group that admits they got information they were not legally allowed to have.
Yes, yes. everything Obama does makes watergate look like an church social.
You guys gave been using that line from the very first "scandal" you guys have been whining about.

Get something new.

Why do you keep bring up Obama? Do you have some sort of evidence that he is involved?

yes....he was behind the fence as Kennedy drove by.

Oh shit wrong scandal, so many are being claimed to be scandals by you retards that i got confused.

I didn't blame Obama. you did.
You are the guy that claims there is no proof the IRS targeted conservatives even though they admitted it and an IG report found conclusively that it happened. That leads a rational person to conclude that you don't want evidence, you merely want to pretend you have a way of defending the government when it does something reprehensible.

i dont deny it, i asked what was illegal about it. Didnt really get an answer for this.

Keep trying QW

And, as I said, there is one left wing group that admits they got information they were not legally allowed to have.

Testimony: IRS Leaked Info About Donors to Liberal Groups - One News Page [US]

the link shows someone claiming it happened, but again no evidence....just that it showed up on huffpost later on.

link up this leftwing group, i would like to read it.
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i dont deny it, i asked what was illegal about it. Didnt really get an answer for this.

Keep trying QW

And, as I said, there is one left wing group that admits they got information they were not legally allowed to have.

Testimony: IRS Leaked Info About Donors to Liberal Groups - One News Page [US]

the link shows someone claiming it happened, but again no evidence....just that it showed up on huffpost later on.

link up this leftwing group, i would like to read it.
what you believe and what is reality might be two different things. This is not proof.

Seriously show me some proof to get me on your side. Don't show me allegations, or say watch a news feed video on something. If this was such a bombshell of news, then it should be easy to locate.

I'm not asking you to fly to the moon, i'm asking for evidence, and all i am getting are lazy excuses.

cspan is not a newsfeed video. Cspan is the actual hearing exactly as it played out. Guess that won't do, though, as then you would actually see the evidence, and couldn't continue denying it. Live on with your fantasy bubble as it will soon be burst, whether you like it or not. The IRS is guilty of targeting. Someone within the IRS released tax payor data in which that is a felony. If you really wish to continue to deny that which has even been proven, then have at it. It is you and only you and others that believe the same that look foolish and diminish any credibility you may have ever had.
link it up. You would think there would be a simple break down for this evidence dont you?

IRS Scrutiny of Non-Profit Organizations - C-SPAN Video Library
IRS Scrutiny of Non-Profit Organizations, Part 2 - C-SPAN Video Library
IRS Scrutiny of Non-profit Organizations - C-SPAN Video Library
Internal Revenue Service Scrutiny of Non-Profit Groups, Part 1 - C-SPAN Video Library
Internal Revenue Service Scrutiny of Non-Profit Groups, Part 2 - C-SPAN Video Library
IRS Scrutiny of Non-profit Organizations, Part 1 - C-SPAN Video Library
IRS Scrutiny of Non-profit Organizations, Part 2 - C-SPAN Video Library
It doesnt matter. Unless you have a Youtube video of Obama ordering the IRS to assassinate conservative group members useless tools like Scumball will never admit the gov't did any wrong. Of course when Bush was president the slightest rumor on a blog constituted absolute proof of wrongdoing. Libs are the biggest hypocrites onthe planet.
You really need to stop pretending the IRS did not screw up big time here, it makes you look like a conspiracy nut.

The only conspiracy nuts are the ones who of you who think Obama was sitting there in the Oval Office saying "audit the teabaggers".

Don't think he said that.

I picture the scenario as, during one of the 157 visits to the WH, the IRS Chief telling Obama, "We're making right-wing groups jump through hoops to get the same tax exempt status we freely give to groups like MoveOn and MediaMatters"
Obama says, "Cool.....but I don't know anything about it. Ok?!" *wink, wink, nudge*


More cries from the party of the Wolfe.

[ame=]The Guess Who - "Clap For The Wolfman" (1974) Tribute "Wolfman Jack" (1938-1995) - YouTube[/ame]
You do realize that targeting political groups is illegal according to both the first, that guarantees freedom of speech, and the fourteenth that guarantees equal treatment under the law, right?

It is not equal or free to eliminate privileges of one group over another because of political ideology. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge even that simple truth is insanely partisan.

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