Proof That Chelsea Clinton is a Moron

"I left the Baptist church before my dad did, because I didn’t know why they were talking to me about abortion when I was 6 in Sunday school — that’s a true story.”

yeah, it sounds like a very grown-up subject for a Sunday school to talk to young children about. But that doesn't mean it didn't happen. I recall being age 7, and receiving an assignment to draw a dude nailed to a couple of wooden planks. Churches can be crazy.
What do you get when you mate a crooked lawyer with an Arkansas politician? A complete and total moron. Chelsea is saying that her feelings on abortion are so strong that she left the baptist church because of it... At age 6! Apparently instead of being into Barney the dinosaur or Barbies or Dora the Explorer this dumb bitch was into abortion rights... At SIX YEARS OLD!

Obviously this is a lie. But the stupid twat cannot even make up plausible lies. Six years old? Are you fucking kidding me?!? It takes a special kind of stupid to float this kind of bullshit.

Chelsea Clinton: I Left the Church at Age Six Over Abortion

She's had the benefit of learning from two pros for decades. I'd be surprised if she didn't bullshit well.
That's the point: she is too damn stupid to bullshit well. When she says dumb shit like this I wonder if there is any of Bill's DNA in her at all.

It's all hilary and web hubble.....
So, possibly a misreading of Chelsea's quote. She didn't necessarily say she left the church at six. She said at six she didn't understand why the Baptists were talking to her about abortion. Very possible she mulled over the idea for awhile and then went Methodist as I believe Hillary Clinton is.

She did say she left the Baptists before Bill Clinton did which was 1999, she would have been about 19 at that time.

Anyway, it would be nice to know exactly what she meant but in the end, this is kind of a non story.

Yeah, those Methodists really love abortion, unlike Baptists.
Who? Chelsea? Of course she does! She's balls deep in that shady "Clinton Foundation" and it political money laundering scheme.

The Clinton Foundation was subpoenaed last fall by State Department investigators for records relating to charity projects that might have come before the department when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, a source confirmed Thursday.

The development was first reported by The Washington Post. A representative for the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation confirmed the details to Fox News.
now why would they be subpoenaed if they were 100% honest ?

100% honest............
So, possibly a misreading of Chelsea's quote. She didn't necessarily say she left the church at six. She said at six she didn't understand why the Baptists were talking to her about abortion. Very possible she mulled over the idea for awhile and then went Methodist as I believe Hillary Clinton is.

She did say she left the Baptists before Bill Clinton did which was 1999, she would have been about 19 at that time.

Anyway, it would be nice to know exactly what she meant but in the end, this is kind of a non story.

Yeah, those Methodists really love abortion, unlike Baptists.

Who said they (or anyone for that matter) love abortion? But, perhaps you should look up what their views are on the subject before assuming.

Social Principles: The Nurturing Community - The United Methodist Church

Anyway, I believe Chelsea's point is that the Baptists were talking about abortion to a 6 year old. I guess she didn't like it.
So, possibly a misreading of Chelsea's quote. She didn't necessarily say she left the church at six. She said at six she didn't understand why the Baptists were talking to her about abortion. Very possible she mulled over the idea for awhile and then went Methodist as I believe Hillary Clinton is.

She did say she left the Baptists before Bill Clinton did which was 1999, she would have been about 19 at that time.

Anyway, it would be nice to know exactly what she meant but in the end, this is kind of a non story.

Yeah, those Methodists really love abortion, unlike Baptists.

Who said they (or anyone for that matter) love abortion? But, perhaps you should look up what their views are on the subject before assuming.

Social Principles: The Nurturing Community - The United Methodist Church

Anyway, I believe Chelsea's point is that the Baptists were talking about abortion to a 6 year old. I guess she didn't like it.


You boarded that train and ran it until the track ran out! As a member of a Methodist church, I think I am well aware of what you are obviously not.

The Methodist standpoint is in direct conflict with that of Chelsea's momma and every other stupid liberal's position on abortion. Saying she ran to the Methodist Church because of abortion is bull shit, pure and simple!

That is all libs know how to do. They all have Ph.D.s in bullshit. Piled higher and Deeper!
So, possibly a misreading of Chelsea's quote. She didn't necessarily say she left the church at six. She said at six she didn't understand why the Baptists were talking to her about abortion. Very possible she mulled over the idea for awhile and then went Methodist as I believe Hillary Clinton is.

She did say she left the Baptists before Bill Clinton did which was 1999, she would have been about 19 at that time.

Anyway, it would be nice to know exactly what she meant but in the end, this is kind of a non story.

Yeah, those Methodists really love abortion, unlike Baptists.

Who said they (or anyone for that matter) love abortion? But, perhaps you should look up what their views are on the subject before assuming.

Social Principles: The Nurturing Community - The United Methodist Church

Anyway, I believe Chelsea's point is that the Baptists were talking about abortion to a 6 year old. I guess she didn't like it.


You boarded that train and ran it until the track ran out! As a member of a Methodist church, I think I am well aware of what you are obviously not.

The Methodist standpoint is in direct conflict with that of Chelsea's momma and every other stupid liberal's position on abortion. Saying she ran to the Methodist Church because of abortion is bull shit, pure and simple!

That is all libs know how to do. They all have Ph.D.s in bullshit. Piled higher and Deeper!

The Methodist church appears to not advocate for abortion to be illegal, I provided a link and you've chosen to ignore it. Anyway, I think the point Chelsea was making wasn't the Methodist's view on abortion but that the Baptists were talking to her about it when she was 6 about the subject. So she went elsewhere and this thread is just another example of attempting to make something out of nothing.
I didn't know Wade Hubble, felt so strongly about abortion.

You know she was named after Chelsea Handler.
So, possibly a misreading of Chelsea's quote. She didn't necessarily say she left the church at six. She said at six she didn't understand why the Baptists were talking to her about abortion. Very possible she mulled over the idea for awhile and then went Methodist as I believe Hillary Clinton is.

She did say she left the Baptists before Bill Clinton did which was 1999, she would have been about 19 at that time.

Anyway, it would be nice to know exactly what she meant but in the end, this is kind of a non story.

Yeah, those Methodists really love abortion, unlike Baptists.

Who said they (or anyone for that matter) love abortion? But, perhaps you should look up what their views are on the subject before assuming.

Social Principles: The Nurturing Community - The United Methodist Church

Anyway, I believe Chelsea's point is that the Baptists were talking about abortion to a 6 year old. I guess she didn't like it.


You boarded that train and ran it until the track ran out! As a member of a Methodist church, I think I am well aware of what you are obviously not.

The Methodist standpoint is in direct conflict with that of Chelsea's momma and every other stupid liberal's position on abortion. Saying she ran to the Methodist Church because of abortion is bull shit, pure and simple!

That is all libs know how to do. They all have Ph.D.s in bullshit. Piled higher and Deeper!

The Methodist church appears to not advocate for abortion to be illegal, I provided a link and you've chosen to ignore it. Anyway, I think the point Chelsea was making wasn't the Methodist's view on abortion but that the Baptists were talking to her about it when she was 6 about the subject. So she went elsewhere and this thread is just another example of attempting to make something out of nothing.

You seem to have a real problem separating fact from fiction. Maybe that is why you defend Hillary and her minions.
So, possibly a misreading of Chelsea's quote. She didn't necessarily say she left the church at six. She said at six she didn't understand why the Baptists were talking to her about abortion. Very possible she mulled over the idea for awhile and then went Methodist as I believe Hillary Clinton is.

She did say she left the Baptists before Bill Clinton did which was 1999, she would have been about 19 at that time.

Anyway, it would be nice to know exactly what she meant but in the end, this is kind of a non story.

Yeah, those Methodists really love abortion, unlike Baptists.

Who said they (or anyone for that matter) love abortion? But, perhaps you should look up what their views are on the subject before assuming.

Social Principles: The Nurturing Community - The United Methodist Church

Anyway, I believe Chelsea's point is that the Baptists were talking about abortion to a 6 year old. I guess she didn't like it.


You boarded that train and ran it until the track ran out! As a member of a Methodist church, I think I am well aware of what you are obviously not.

The Methodist standpoint is in direct conflict with that of Chelsea's momma and every other stupid liberal's position on abortion. Saying she ran to the Methodist Church because of abortion is bull shit, pure and simple!

That is all libs know how to do. They all have Ph.D.s in bullshit. Piled higher and Deeper!

The Methodist church appears to not advocate for abortion to be illegal, I provided a link and you've chosen to ignore it. Anyway, I think the point Chelsea was making wasn't the Methodist's view on abortion but that the Baptists were talking to her about it when she was 6 about the subject. So she went elsewhere and this thread is just another example of attempting to make something out of nothing.

You seem to have a real problem separating fact from fiction. Maybe that is why you defend Hillary and her minions.

Fiction? I gave you a direct source.
She has that DUH look...
Chelsea Clinton Will Run for City Council Instead of Congress
April 7, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

At least Clinton III is realistically evaluating her options. Considering how awful the New York City Council is, she could do no worse.

Three years ago, Chelsea Clinton suggested that her sights were set higher.

"Right now I'm grateful to live in a city, in a state and a country where I strongly support my mayor, my governor, my president, my senators and my representative," she told NBC's "Today" in an interview that aired Monday.


Chelsea Clinton Will Run for City Council Instead of Congress


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