Proof That Chelsea Clinton is a Moron

What do you get when you mate a crooked lawyer with an Arkansas politician? A complete and total moron. Chelsea is saying that her feelings on abortion are so strong that she left the baptist church because of it... At age 6! Apparently instead of being into Barney the dinosaur or Barbies or Dora the Explorer this dumb bitch was into abortion rights... At SIX YEARS OLD!

Obviously this is a lie. But the stupid twat cannot even make up plausible lies. Six years old? Are you fucking kidding me?!? It takes a special kind of stupid to float this kind of bullshit.

Chelsea Clinton: I Left the Church at Age Six Over Abortion
this is by far a dumber and more unbelievable statement;

“My mother is very deeply a person of faith,” Chelsea said. “It is deeply authentic and real for my mother, and it guides so much of her moral compass, but also her life’s work.”

hillary is a vile and evil twunt, there is nothing she won't stoop to for power and glory
She ought to be irrelevant. However, as long as that idiot is interjecting herself in the presidential campaign and is getting media coverage she is relevant.
No she's not.
Then we disagree.
Yes. Chelsea isn't running for anything and children of candidates have no bearing on a person's ability to be president - or in this case - inability to be president.
Children of candidates are off limits when they are children. Not when they are in their 30's and trying to talk people into voting for mom.
Do you know of a child that wouldn't talk people into voting for mom?
I guess Chelsea is special.. Afterall,
Chelsea is saying that her feelings on abortion are so strong that she left the baptist church because of it... At age 6!
Bet she hated that sniper fire in Bosnia as well. Her poor husband....:(
What do you get when you mate a crooked lawyer with an Arkansas politician? A complete and total moron. Chelsea is saying that her feelings on abortion are so strong that she left the baptist church because of it... At age 6! Apparently instead of being into Barney the dinosaur or Barbies or Dora the Explorer this dumb bitch was into abortion rights... At SIX YEARS OLD!

Obviously this is a lie. But the stupid twat cannot even make up plausible lies. Six years old? Are you fucking kidding me?!? It takes a special kind of stupid to float this kind of bullshit.

Chelsea Clinton: I Left the Church at Age Six Over Abortion
How incredibly sad she has the genes of her mother.

I agree.
she is a moron a little shit moron...
be gone from the map soon we her crook parents
So, possibly a misreading of Chelsea's quote. She didn't necessarily say she left the church at six. She said at six she didn't understand why the Baptists were talking to her about abortion. Very possible she mulled over the idea for awhile and then went Methodist as I believe Hillary Clinton is.

She did say she left the Baptists before Bill Clinton did which was 1999, she would have been about 19 at that time.

Anyway, it would be nice to know exactly what she meant but in the end, this is kind of a non story.
I read this earlier today somewhere and my reaction was pppffftttt....and I moved on.
What do you get when you mate a crooked lawyer with an Arkansas politician? A complete and total moron. Chelsea is saying that her feelings on abortion are so strong that she left the baptist church because of it... At age 6! Apparently instead of being into Barney the dinosaur or Barbies or Dora the Explorer this dumb bitch was into abortion rights... At SIX YEARS OLD!

Obviously this is a lie. But the stupid twat cannot even make up plausible lies. Six years old? Are you fucking kidding me?!? It takes a special kind of stupid to float this kind of bullshit.

Chelsea Clinton: I Left the Church at Age Six Over Abortion


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