Zone1 Proof that Democracy is mathematically impossible

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Today I want to introduce this forum to a concept about what is called Democracy. First what is it? It literally means we all are citizens. We all have the ability to vote on each and every issue that is tasked to Government. Think of it as you think of marriage. The husband and wife have equal voice in all family issues. If they allow one of the pair of parties to do all decisions, they are not following democracy. Assuming the wife or husband is in perfect agreement is proven wrong by simply looking at reasons for divorces. Even happy marriages do not always operate in happy harmony. This is my introduction to all here to democracy.
Others come at this with fully developed explanations. To help you all learn about this, this video will be helpful.

Today I want to introduce this forum to a concept about what is called Democracy. First what is it? It literally means we all are citizens. We all have the ability to vote on each and every issue that is tasked to Government. Think of it as you think of marriage. The husband and wife have equal voice in all family issues. If they allow one of the pair of parties to do all decisions, they are not following democracy. Assuming the wife or husband is in perfect agreement is proven wrong by simply looking at reasons for divorces. Even happy marriages do not always operate in happy harmony. This is my introduction to all here to democracy.
Others come at this with fully developed explanations. To help you all learn about this, this video will be helpful.

This country has never been a Democracy, so get that out of your mind. This is a Representative Republic, but what has happened, is that the Marxists back in the late 1990s decided that dumbing down America was a good thing, thus we ended up with the brown turd Obammy, Joe Bribem and a chance that a colored vagina will be running this country. Time for our Representatives to take back the country and actually be for the People, not themselves.

Today I want to introduce this forum to a concept about what is called Democracy. First what is it? It literally means we all are citizens. We all have the ability to vote on each and every issue that is tasked to Government. Think of it as you think of marriage. The husband and wife have equal voice in all family issues. If they allow one of the pair of parties to do all decisions, they are not following democracy. Assuming the wife or husband is in perfect agreement is proven wrong by simply looking at reasons for divorces. Even happy marriages do not always operate in happy harmony. This is my introduction to all here to democracy.
Others come at this with fully developed explanations. To help you all learn about this, this video will be helpful.

my interpretation of this guy's thesis is NOT that democracy is "impossible,' but that there are several "flavors' of democracy, including our own.
I would say democracy is conceding power to elected officials. Whomever wins can proceed to making decisions based on being elected to that office and whatever laws or rules of said government. The elected official can also be removed from office based on rules of government.

Then when the next election comes up any elected official can be removed from office or continue in that office based on rules for how long they can be in office.

Of course if the elected official does not comply with what is the law then they can be removed but it is not easy.

Majority rule with one vote for every citizen who choses to vote.

Now equal voice can be nullified. It is nullified by like minded people who vote and believe in the same thing and can outnumber others who disagree.

So then it becomes a number game. Who has more team players?
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Today I want to introduce this forum to a concept about what is called Democracy. First what is it? It literally means we all are citizens. We all have the ability to vote on each and every issue that is tasked to Government. Think of it as you think of marriage. The husband and wife have equal voice in all family issues. If they allow one of the pair of parties to do all decisions, they are not following democracy. Assuming the wife or husband is in perfect agreement is proven wrong by simply looking at reasons for divorces. Even happy marriages do not always operate in happy harmony. This is my introduction to all here to democracy.
Others come at this with fully developed explanations. To help you all learn about this, this video will be helpful.

democracy is the train you ride to total government control because people are stupid,,
"Democracy is the worst form of government - except for all the others that have been tried." -Winston Churchill
Today I want to introduce this forum to a concept about what is called Democracy. First what is it? It literally means we all are citizens.

It also means Mob Rule. In a pure democracy, the majority wins, period.

It is also a temporary state as democracies never last. All democracies eventually quickly morph into being an oligarchy.

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