Proof that Nancy Pelosi Set Up and Framed President Trump Jan 6.

I doubt the Supreme Court hears any argument that has no merit or facts or proof.
Is that what you told the cowards in the SCOTUS, to cancel Trump's proven case? That's gonna come under scrutiny of the Senate pretty soon. :cranky:
How would he be trepassing on the Capitol grounds?
The House Speaker controls the Capitol Grounds including the Capitol Police. After that little video got out of how she planned to punch out Trump and sent people who accepted her cop's invitation to enter the Capitol building to protest wrongs done, I don't think she is going to be the House Speaker by lunch because she is going to be escorted to a prison to await her arraignment in a not-so-friendly court that gets to review her punch out Trump video. The evidence that she's been punching him out for 8 years smells like a Ft. Worth stock yard in the 60s.
She also with held COVID reflief funds when trump was president to play a political game and make him look bad. She decided that she would not let millions of Americans get money as a political attack and put her own gains ahead of the American people.

She ran her career for years purely on "getting trump". And when she wasn't everything she did was for her own gain.
You have been deceived all along,
Ah, poster Beautress, I get deceived too much in too many things too often.
But yet..... I persevere.

"It never ceases to amaze me the pretzels Trump supporters will contort themselves into to excuse his behavior."
Poster Jack, I don't mean to 'one-up' your post, but.....but I would edit your above quote for my own personal application, as in: "It never ceases to amuse me the pretzels Trumpers contort themselves into...."

Nancy Pelosi sacrificed herself to Satan.
Got a link to that, good poster Beautress?

Is that what you told the cowards in the SCOTUS, to cancel Trump's proven case?
And, as you have been queried earlier: Which case would that be? Can you offer us a link or a citation?

None of us here wish to believe that you are just over-caffeinated this morning and are making stuff up for a keyboard enema.

I don't think she is going to be the House Speaker by lunch because she is going to be escorted to a prison
OK, poster 'Beautress' 'bout laying down some odds on that one woodja?
How much you wanna bet?

Caveat: First, let's be clear on what time zone your "by lunch" applies to.
And, for that matter, which month and which year?

But, yougogirl! You've been fun for the rest of us this morning.
But, go back to de-caf. It'll help your gravitas. Trust me.
I found this video of Nancy Pelosi saying "I'm gonna punch him (Trump) out, and I'm gonna go to jail."
So how does that feel to know the big lie was on Trump for EIGHT years?
(2 years campaign, 4 years as POTUS, 2 years following cheated polls)
What are you leftists going to do now? Form a Communist Party? I dare ya!

Has anyone included what news Pelosi got which got her to say this:

I found this video of Nancy Pelosi saying "I'm gonna punch him (Trump) out, and I'm gonna go to jail."

She said it because she was told that Trump was wanting to join the rioters and lead them to the Capitol, and that was before he was told NO by the Secret Service or anyone who was with him and taken to the WH.

Had he been able to go to the Capitol and LEAD the rioters against the Legal Certification of the Ballots, he would have been braking the law.

That is why she got upset and had every right to say what she did, not that she would have ever done it. We all say things we do not mean to do.

NOW, attack Pelosi all you like.

Keep showing that you do know what the Constitution and the Rule of Law are all about.

Follow your leader, Donald J. Trump.
The House Speaker controls the Capitol Grounds including the Capitol Police. After that little video got out of how she planned to punch out Trump and sent people who accepted her cop's invitation to enter the Capitol building to protest wrongs done, I don't think she is going to be the House Speaker by lunch because she is going to be escorted to a prison to await her arraignment in a not-so-friendly court that gets to review her punch out Trump video. The evidence that she's been punching him out for 8 years smells like a Ft. Worth stock yard in the 60s.
You are literally distorting everything which happened.

This is the way your mind sees it. It is not how things happened and the 1/6 Committee has proven each and every one of their points.

You will not watch them, right? Or scream at all the proof they have shown as LIES !!!!!
The House Speaker controls the Capitol Grounds including the Capitol Police. After that little video got out of how she planned to punch out Trump and sent people who accepted her cop's invitation to enter the Capitol building to protest wrongs done, I don't think she is going to be the House Speaker by lunch because she is going to be escorted to a prison to await her arraignment in a not-so-friendly court that gets to review her punch out Trump video. The evidence that she's been punching him out for 8 years smells like a Ft. Worth stock yard in the 60s.
Its actually four people controlling the grounds of the capitol, and none of them are the speaker of the house. Collectively, they are known as the capitol police board.

Turns out, Pelosi was trying to get ahold of multiple governors, the mayor, capitol police, and the AG. All while Mitch McConnell (the other majority leader at the time you won't hear a peep of criticism from conservatives about) was standing there in silence while Pelosi and Schumer were actually trying to help the situation Trump caused.
I found this video of Nancy Pelosi saying "I'm gonna punch him (Trump) out, and I'm gonna go to jail."
So how does that feel to know the big lie was on Trump for EIGHT years?
(2 years campaign, 4 years as POTUS, 2 years following cheated polls)
What are you leftists going to do now? Form a Communist Party? I dare ya!

Pelosi vowed not to allow Impeachment to go forward without 1) bipartisanship and 2) undeniable evidence. She had neither.

During the Impeachment hearing Democrats were repeatedly xaught criminally manufacturing false evidence and submitying it as legitimate.
- Trying to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing the President in such a manner is TREASON!

She declared Trump to be such an immediate threat to the US that he had to be removed from office ASAP...and tgem withheld the Articles of Impeachment from the Senate for weeks while she abused her power by attempting to force the Senate to conduct their Impeachment hearing according to HER rules.

Pelosi and Democrats proved long ago they are seditious, criminal traitors hell-bent on taking Trump down any way possible.

The 6 Jan committee, nearly 7 years after they 1st started, is just their latest obsessed criminal 'We've got him this time' attempt...

...and everyone knows it.
I found this video of Nancy Pelosi saying "I'm gonna punch him (Trump) out, and I'm gonna go to jail."
So how does that feel to know the big lie was on Trump for EIGHT years?
(2 years campaign, 4 years as POTUS, 2 years following cheated polls)
What are you leftists going to do now? Form a Communist Party? I dare ya!

All I've heard about for the last several months is how terrifying Jan 6th was and how many people thought they were going to die that day. So terrifying that Pelosi was willing to stand up to the insurrections and Trump, and punch him in the face, as the Capitol police were so overwhelmed and being hurt and killed left and right. That's not even a good enough plot for a "B" movie.
She set President Trump up and people went to jail for a damn whole year for being welcomed into the Capitol Building by a cop Nancy was boss of.l She is a heartless witch and I hope the Pope excommunicates her and her crime family she orchestrated, not to mention the ruthless turning over of President Trump's entire l

I literally laughed out loud at this one!

You must not be CAtholic? Or if you are, you.. let's just say you haven't walked in THIS Catholic's shoes!

I am very experienced in the ways of the novus ordo Church (hesitate to even call it that). I've "seen it all."

You hope the pope excommunicates Pelosi? Why would he do that when he is on her side, or so it certainly seems to many Catholics. Sure, the pope talks a good line about abortion being murder, which it is but he mixes truth with error and most Catholics are at least somewhat CONFUSED.. In fact I'd say ALL of us are, except the ones who are "in on it."

If he were the kind to excommunicate heretical, baby-killing fake Catholics, he would havedone so a long time ago, when he first became pope. And of course he would have had to begin with himself --vis a vis heretics in the Church-- because he himself is NOT Catholic.

There has not been a valid pope since Pius XII. So I guess as of today, going on the knowledge I now have, I am what is called a Sedavacantist (meaning: the Chair [of St Peter] is vacant)
She tore up the President's speech that was several pages long. Yes, she can punch, but God's punishment on her is going to end her evil career of planning bad for half of the people who serve this country with sacrifice, love and justice. Nancy Pelosi sacrificed herself to Satan. :cranky:
as does the entire elite-level D party. The lower level, everyday Dims... They are such morons to follow the elites.. right into Hell with her/them.

This kind of thing makes me believe in Hell more than ever. You see people living well and getting away w/ all their heinous sins including murdering children.. and what? they will never have to pay for that? If so, there is no God (which is what they say anyhow). But as St Faustina said (she visited Hell, she says) Most people in Hell disbelieved in Hell.

I would add something to that:

the others there didn't believe they would go there.
She’s an old feeble lady. She couldn’t punch herself out of a paper bag.
And yet, she owned the fat former guy. :heehee: You know, ever time you call her weak or call President Biden weak.............................what it says about your LOSER fat former guy....:heehee:
No he didn't. Everything he did was torn apart in the press at the behest of Hillary Rotten, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters. They're abject criminals.
worse, they are,as you say, guilty of treason. They have deliberately destroyed our country or virtually destroyed it. They hate 50% (probably more htan that) of americans and don't give a rip about the other 50%
Just what decision was that by the SCOTUS?
I had not heard that Don Trump had presented evidence of such to the Supremes.
Can you be a little more fulsome and articulate there for us, poster Beautress?


And then there is this:

ALL of them were 'welcomed' in?
I ask 'really'? ...because, well, because I watched on the telly as TrumpRioters sprayed, stomped, and speared uniformed Capitol police officers.

I also saw TrumpRioters smashing windows and doors as they broke into the Capitol.
Maybe you didn't see those incidents that were so widely televised?

Try this:


I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume the avataree 'beautress' is intended to be a feminization of a fake name?

And if that is so, well, as you can read in the quotes above it just goes to show that misogyny ain't confined to men against women. We can find it in unexpected quarters.

Becaue of envy? Fear? Resentment? Inadequacy?
Hell, I dunno.
How could we?
My avatar and me are guys. So to speak. ;)

About my name, keep your day job, because your hocus-pocus mystic career into politics sucks lemons, doll.
And yet, she owned the fat former guy. :heehee: You know, ever time you call her weak or call President Biden weak.............................what it says about your LOSER fat former guy....:heehee:
Oh, she is strongly a criminal in designer dresses, sweets. She's far lower than you think. I've been watching little miss lying two shoes for years, and she's still a serial liar.
To me, she's on a par with the people in Baghdad who were filmed dancing in the street when 3000 American citizens died from Al Qaeda's hijacking and hitting the WTC and the Pentagon. Her fate be in God's hand, because I'm too ticked off to do anything but make her life as miserable as she has made the American taxpayer her piggy bank.

This is conduct unbefitting of a House Speaker:
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:auiqs.jpg:Trump set his own dumb ass up for 1/6, derpa....
Madam Pelosi set him up along with her deep state Demmie partners in crime of trying to heist freedom and the Constitution away from the american people and put us in debtor's hell with all those trillions of dollars she has to print out in order to make it look like everything is okay, when the bottom is ready to drop from her hatefest of a storm.
It is kind of fun though, now the defense of Trump has evolved to "he was fooled by Pelosi". Not sure how that is better, but when straws are all you have ,it is all you can grasp
It sounds like President Trump fell into the trap of a House Speaker. It used to be an honor to be House speaker. Now, it's just a black widow spider's stool complete with poison.

Nancy Pelosi's best dress, oops she left her hairdresser bankrupt:

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