Proof That Obama Is A Mistake

the government is in the process of seizing powers to the point that soon we won't be able to frighten them any more because they will have made themselves immune to consequences of public opinion. This may be the last generation with any real voice.

A liberal simply lacks the IQ to see government as anything but a Santa Claus. They are no better than children.

"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." Jeffferson

"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground."-Jefferson

While I doubt you will find many liberals who will agree with that characterizationl--using definition of modern American liberal as that will be different than the dictionary definition or most European definitions--I think most American liberals do see themselves as better people, nicer people, more compassionate people, etc. It isn't a matter of intelligence or even problem solving to them. It is a matter of making sure the noble and righteous thing is done, and they look to government to make that happen.

You know the old joke:

The Republican has two cows. So?
The Democrat has one cow. Because it is unfair that the Republican has two cows, the Democrat takes one of the the Republican's cows and gives it to somebody who won't give it food or water and it dies.
The Republican is pissed and sees no advantage in trying to acquire a second cow.
The Democrat feels righteous.
Sooner or later all the cows die of old age and because nobody was growing cattle herds there is nothing to replace them.

And it is because our current Fearless Leader wouldn't even understand the analogy, much less appreciate it, that we are in danger of losing the herd.
It is a matter of making sure the noble and righteous thing is done, and they[libturds] look to government to make that happen.

yes, they want personal and crippling bailouts always and constantly given to more and more Americans, but a one time bailout, to be paid back, of the banks is somehow frought with moral hazard.

the very best you can say about liberals is that they are very very stupid. If this does not seem accurate please say why.
As far as the current board unrest goes, I'm with you. Those moving to another site will probably be very happy with it, and while I'll miss some of those, I won't miss all the drama and sh*t stirring here. I prefer to let things shake out and see how they go. It will either result in a better board or there will be no change or it will be worse. At any rate, it won't affect me one way or the other except that I might have to find some other place to play. The world won't end. My life in general won't change. It is not all that big a deal.

That is not the case however re government policy. I can see the negative consequences of people or families who presume to live greatly beyond their means and the prognosis for that is evident in that it has NEVER turned out for the better for anybody who has ever done that.

And as a student of history, I can say that the very same prognosis and results is true for nations every single time certain policies or practices are implemented. There is no reason to believe that the USA's current fiscal policies do not have us on a steady course to complete disaster that will very likely occur within the next few years.

I'm NOT willing to sit on my hands and allow that to happen without speaking up.

No one said you had to sit on your hands FoxFyre. You're smart enough to know almost all of it is out of those hands. As a student of history you know that very few people get the chance to rework multi-generational movements.

I am smart enough to know that our elected leaders are first and foremost interested in protecting their own power, influence, prestige, and ability to continually increase their personal fortunes. I am smart enough to know that if enough people express their anger and concerns sufficiently that those elected leaders feel their power, influence, prestige, and personal fortune is threatened, they will do what the people want. It has to be more than just juvenile bitching and childish follow the leader stuff. It has to be people who have a real personal stake in the problem who make their voices heard loud and long.

It was such grass roots pressures that ended slavery, brought about women's suffrage, ended prohibition, and time and again has rolled back more onerous regulation and too costly policy. But the government is in the process of seizing powers to the point that soon we won't be able to frighten them any more because they will have made themselves immune to consequences of public opinion. This may be the last generation with any real voice.

And it may not.
No one said you had to sit on your hands FoxFyre. You're smart enough to know almost all of it is out of those hands. As a student of history you know that very few people get the chance to rework multi-generational movements.

I am smart enough to know that our elected leaders are first and foremost interested in protecting their own power, influence, prestige, and ability to continually increase their personal fortunes. I am smart enough to know that if enough people express their anger and concerns sufficiently that those elected leaders feel their power, influence, prestige, and personal fortune is threatened, they will do what the people want. It has to be more than just juvenile bitching and childish follow the leader stuff. It has to be people who have a real personal stake in the problem who make their voices heard loud and long.

It was such grass roots pressures that ended slavery, brought about women's suffrage, ended prohibition, and time and again has rolled back more onerous regulation and too costly policy. But the government is in the process of seizing powers to the point that soon we won't be able to frighten them any more because they will have made themselves immune to consequences of public opinion. This may be the last generation with any real voice.

And it may not.

yes, the liberal wants personal and crippling bailouts always and constantly given to more and more Americans, but a one time bailout, to be paid back, of the banks is somehow frought with moral hazard.

A liberal will have non idea about common sense.

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