Proof that parts of the left are violent and psychopathic. We all must stand against violence against women.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Let me provide my viewpoint here showing the undeniable proof that there is a specific problem with the left wing in America. So therefore it is the responsibility of Democrats including those on the US message board to stand against the far left wing violent and psycho pathic agitators in this country. These words are not used lightly and I’m not here to hurt anyone’s feelings. There are no other words to use of course there are other words but they will be too rude and I don’t believe in using foul language.

You can see in the following video a woman’s rights activist, Riley Gaines… is speaking in front of a classroom she was invited there.

But she can also hear in the background barbaric left wing agitators screaming at the top of their lungs ready to use violence in fact some of them did use violence against a woman Riley Gaines. She was punched she was physically assaulted by far left wing agitators. So that’s it there’s nothing more that needs to be said other than it is the responsibility of fellow Democrats to stand against violence against women.

I have seen democratic posters on this board who yell at other people who call other people racist without any evidence. They are frothing at the mouth with hatred, can you imagine living like this. And I am asking my fellow democratic posters to do the right thing live a good life, stay positive, stay healthy don’t be filled with hatred it doesn’t get you anywhere. And the point of this thread it is our duty to stand up against Violence against women that’s it. There is no excuse for that there’s no way around it this is a left-wing issue.

Did you hear that fellow Democrats … you see there was a time when the Democratic party used to stand up for what was right back in the days of John F. Kennedy, back in the days of FDR. You talk with any World War II veteran you talk with any Vietnam veteran like I have these people voted Democrat in the 1940s and in the 1960s.

If one does not stand against violence against women they cannot call themselves a liberal. It is the duty of liberals to stand up to violence against women. There is no cases of a liberal left-wing speaker going to any college in America and then having to face hundreds of white men and women screaming at the top of their lungs at them ready to attack them. This is a left-wing issue to address.
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The left cannot turned a blind eye to this, they can’t whine or complain about it, if they are not addressing this issue that means they are part of the problem. It’s time to be part of the solution. Many Democrats are now becoming part of the solution… they’re not voting for far left Democrats anymore. They will vote Republican if they feel the need to. I have done so and many other Democrats have done so.

Proof that parts of the left are violent and psychopathic.​

Gee, I had the WHOLE PARTY written off as psychopaths! But I suppose there are still a few decent democrats in hiding, afraid to openly cross swords with their own party for fear of having their house burned down, their family attacked and their employer notified of their heinous rebellion so they can fire them.
Let me provide my viewpoint here showing the undeniable proof that there is a specific problem with the left wing in America. So therefore it is the responsibility of Democrats including those on the US message board to stand against the far left wing violent and psycho pathic agitators in this country. These words are not used lightly and I’m not here to hurt anyone’s feelings. There are no other words to use of course there are other words but they will be too rude and I don’t believe in using foul language.

You can see in the following video a woman’s rights activist, Riley Gaines… is speaking in front of a classroom she was invited there.

But she can also hear in the background barbaric left wing agitators screaming at the top of their lungs ready to use violence in fact some of them did use violence against a woman Riley Gaines. She was punched she was physically assaulted by far left wing agitators. So that’s it there’s nothing more that needs to be said other than it is the responsibility of fellow Democrats to stand against violence against women.

I have seen democratic posters on this board who yell at other people who call other people racist without any evidence. They are frothing at the mouth with hatred, can you imagine living like this. And I am asking my fellow democratic posters to do the right thing live a good life, stay positive, stay healthy don’t be filled with hatred it doesn’t get you anywhere. And the point of this thread it is our duty to stand up against Violence against women that’s it. There is no excuse for that there’s no way around it this is a left-wing issue.

Did you hear that fellow Democrats … you see there was a time when the Democratic party used to stand up for what was right back in the days of John F. Kennedy, back in the days of FDR. You talk with any World War II veteran you talk with any Vietnam veteran like I have these people voted Democrat in the 1940s and in the 1960s.

If one does not stand against violence against women they cannot call themselves a liberal. It is the duty of liberals to stand up to violence against women. There is no cases of a liberal left-wing speaker going to any college in America and then having to face hundreds of white men and women screaming at the top of their lungs at them ready to attack them. This is a left-wing issue to address.

The problem as I evaluate it with the statist left(you term them far left) is that the statist left appear to me to tank up on "unreasonable fear" which can trigger emotionally charged violent outbursts. Narcissism is DEFINITELY a contributing factor to these more violent individuals that harbor the statist left religion. Worse yet, the statist left are well known to cater to a "hive mentality" that leads to a "follow the leader" mentality(unaccountability for the followers). Both psychopathic/sociopathic are often interchangeable terms in todays world. Back in the 80's the two terms carried separate definitions. Not enough time to go into that here, but I will include links on the subject below.

Mental disorders are very COMMON regarding societies in general around our "Blue Marble". Actually mental disorders appear to have accompanied humanity/societies clear back to the Akkadian empire & maybe even further back in time than the Akkadian & Barbarian era. You present your opinions with both class & respect for your audience, like I REALLY RESPECT those traits in a speaker/poster a LOT but hey, it takes all types to make a world class M/B like USMB!

I checked out several sites & the three below links I deemed very informative for the layman. As you read through the links below the info in them may better help you understand what you are dealing with regarding the statist left. These links are obviously current in terminology. My major was the field of sociology, but I found out that I benefited from taking both psych & philosophy classes to compliment my major.

Let me provide my viewpoint here showing the undeniable proof that there is a specific problem with the left wing in America. So therefore it is the responsibility of Democrats including those on the US message board to stand against the far left wing violent and psycho pathic agitators in this country. These words are not used lightly and I’m not here to hurt anyone’s feelings. There are no other words to use of course there are other words but they will be too rude and I don’t believe in using foul language.

You can see in the following video a woman’s rights activist, Riley Gaines… is speaking in front of a classroom she was invited there.

But she can also hear in the background barbaric left wing agitators screaming at the top of their lungs ready to use violence in fact some of them did use violence against a woman Riley Gaines. She was punched she was physically assaulted by far left wing agitators. So that’s it there’s nothing more that needs to be said other than it is the responsibility of fellow Democrats to stand against violence against women.

I have seen democratic posters on this board who yell at other people who call other people racist without any evidence. They are frothing at the mouth with hatred, can you imagine living like this. And I am asking my fellow democratic posters to do the right thing live a good life, stay positive, stay healthy don’t be filled with hatred it doesn’t get you anywhere. And the point of this thread it is our duty to stand up against Violence against women that’s it. There is no excuse for that there’s no way around it this is a left-wing issue.

Did you hear that fellow Democrats … you see there was a time when the Democratic party used to stand up for what was right back in the days of John F. Kennedy, back in the days of FDR. You talk with any World War II veteran you talk with any Vietnam veteran like I have these people voted Democrat in the 1940s and in the 1960s.

If one does not stand against violence against women they cannot call themselves a liberal. It is the duty of liberals to stand up to violence against women. There is no cases of a liberal left-wing speaker going to any college in America and then having to face hundreds of white men and women screaming at the top of their lungs at them ready to attack them. This is a left-wing issue to address.

It isn't a liberal problem.
Gee, I had the WHOLE PARTY written off as psychopaths! But I suppose there are still a few decent democrats in hiding, afraid to openly cross swords with their own party for fear of having their house burned down, their family attacked and their employer notified of their heinous rebellion so they can fire them.
You live in a fantasy world.
It isn't a liberal problem.
You're right. There are no liberals in sight, anywhere.

There's only stupid little leftard lemmings and the psychopaths who manipulate them.

Liberals are nowhere to be found, there aren't any.
LOL, the righties on this board are so respectful, with hardly any name calling.

Har de har har.

Hell there are posters here who have avatars that are openly white supremacist. So respectful without a hint of hate.

Holy crap the OP is hilariously ironic.

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