proposal for homes to be given to blacks for a dollar in san francisco

There was a time when Reparations would have made sense, as well as being just:
And there still might be a way for them to be made, which would be both just and make sense.

The freed slaves should have been given "40 acres and a mule", taken from the slavocracy's holdings ... maybe with compensation by long-term bonds paid for by the national government.

They should also have been given the choice of their own country, carved out of part of the American South, with generous financial assistance in the form of the resources for building a decent educational system.

It would have been very unpopular in the South, to put it mildly, but then we (I'm from the South) were in no position to complain, either militarily or morally (having just tried to do some carving of our own).

By any reasonable definition of a 'nation', Black Americans are a distinct nation. They have not assimilated and most do not really want to assimilate. (And from their point of view, why the hell should they want to assimilate to the culture of slave-owners?)

Serbs and Croats in the former Yugoslavia, Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, Ukrainians and Russians in Ukraine .. are far closer to each other culturally than whites and Blacks in the US. And they happily kill each other in order to rule themselves.

The people who really understand what's necessary for Black liberation are the Nation of Islam. (They're the only Black group the SPLC -- reluctantly -- includes on its extensive list of 'hate groups'. But that's nonsense: they're probably the most law-abiding people in America.)

The problem the Nation of Islam has is geography: if most Blacks were concentrated into one area, where they were the great majority of the population, they could pursue the traditional struggle for national liberation, as the Algerians did against the French, the Irish against the English, etc.

An American government which was really committed to dealing with the plight of Black people in America would look for some way to solve this. We're a big country and still wealthy. Why not buy out -- with really generous financial compensation -- landowners
in an area along the coast in the Southeast or Gulf of Mexico area -- so the new nation has an outlet to the sea, very important for international trade -- and allow it to become a separate, independent Black nation?

Nothing else has been remotely successful in dealing with this issue. Why not think about a radical solution? ('Radical' means 'root'. The root of the problem is that one nation, one people has been violently kidnapped, taken away from its homeland, and forced to dwell amidst another nation, and then told "You must become like us!" It hasn't worked.)
The slave doesn't dream of freedom. The slave dreams of being master. Marcus Aurelius

That's why nothing has helped blacks.
There is a lot of truth in your posts, but watch how quickly the racist try and dismiss it.
Then they're being short-sighted. The Nation of Islam is the most conservative organization in America. Its members live exemplary lives, its schools do real education (Black parents who are not Muslims try to get their children into them, because they know they'll actually learn to read and write there.)

What they say about white people, our being literally the spawn of devils, etc is understandable, given what whites did to them, and is not any crazier than the ideas taught by lots of other religions. The anti-Semitism is unfortunate, but, hey, it wasn't Black people who gassed six million Jews.

So, to my fellow rightwingers: think again about this group. We really ought to find ways to work together. (And it would drive the liberals absolutely insane to see something like that. Just think of it!)
Then they're being short-sighted. The Nation of Islam is the most conservative organization in America. Its members live exemplary lives, its schools do real education (Black parents who are not Muslims try to get their children into them, because they know they'll actually learn to read and write there.)

What they say about white people, our being literally the spawn of devils, etc is understandable, given what whites did to them, and is not any crazier than the ideas taught by lots of other religions. The anti-Semitism is unfortunate, but, hey, it wasn't Black people who gassed six million Jews.

So, to my fellow rightwingers: think again about this group. We really ought to find ways to work together. (And it would drive the liberals absolutely insane to see something like that. Just think of it!)
As if NOI would be a race traitor and work with a white!
The slave doesn't dream of freedom. The slave dreams of being master. Marcus Aurelius

That's why nothing has helped blacks.
Well, this is what a slave-owner would say, isn't it? And if slaves did dream of that, then they were just paying their masters the compliment of imitating them.

In fact, being oppressed -- as slaves or otherwise -- doesn't give people much opportunity for philosophical thought.

Look at China. For centuries, the essence of intert backwardness, despite a history of innovation a thousand years ago. They were brought over to the US to do the hardest, least skilled labor, building the railroads. Lynched as well. And everyone had contempt for them, men wearing pigtails and dresses, talking all funny in that sing-song language ... ha ha ha. Backward, illiterate peasants.

Their land turned into a giant cake for the Europeans to eat -- until those darned Japanese tried to muscle in on what was supposed to be a whites-only feast.

And then came the Chinese Revolution. Bloody, as all revolutions are. Not really seen by them as part of the international proletarian revolution for world Communism -- the first sentence Mao said at their first great victory rally was: The Chinese people have stood up!

Then a whole generation of craziness -- Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution -- then their leaders sobered up, de-socialized the economy ... and they haven't looked back since. Now they come over, not to pound spikes into railroad ties, but to study nuclear physics.

If you had predicted this a century ago, you would have been laughed out of court.

Maybe that's what the Black diaspora in America needs. A national revolution, which awakens the spirit, and makes people work hard, study hard ... because they're part of something bigger than just self-interest.

We've seen how the Nation of Islam can transform people. Read the biography of Malcolm X, a criminal transformed into a great leader, a man of sterling morality. (What a contrast to what we have now as leaders, of all colors.)
As if NOI would be a race traitor and work with a white!
No, you're mistaken there, I believe.

They may not want to 'work with' white liberals, who just want them as Democratic voting-fodder.

But what about a movement of patriots who recognize the strength of patriotism -- when you have a country to be patriotic about, which they believe they don't. A movement which will try to help them realize their vision -- their own country?

Remember, they dislike white liberals even more than we do!

And, while I'm not saying, "See, here's an example of their working with people like us!",
Rockwell at Muslim convention.jpg

here's proof that they might be willing to work with white non-liberals. In a war, you don't insist that your allies are people that you like. You just want allies who have a common enemy, the same one you have.
The communist Chinese have been economically successful because they reinvented slavery and undercut the operating costs of the world's manufacturing. Tell a Chinese today that the Chinese were once discriminated against and you get a blank stare. It's like saying the Chinese once wore animal skins.

Blacks will never succeed as a people. Only a few can escape the black will to fail and now they are the black face of white supremacy.
No, you're mistaken there, I believe.

They may not want to 'work with' white liberals, who just want them as Democratic voting-fodder.

But what about a movement of patriots who recognize the strength of patriotism -- when you have a country to be patriotic about, which they believe they don't. A movement which will try to help them realize their vision -- their own country?

Remember, they dislike white liberals even more than we do!

And, while I'm not saying, "See, here's an example of their working with people like us!", hView attachment 768136ere's proof that they might be willing to work with white non-liberals:
We are not carving out a black nation out of the United States. At least not until the general splintering.

If it were possible for blacks to experience patriotism and stop killing, surely it would be done in Africa. Instead, Africa still dominated by tribal warlords killing their neighbors. Particularly Muslim blacks killing Christians.
The communist Chinese have been economically successful because they reinvented slavery and undercut the operating costs of the world's manufacturing. Tell a Chinese today that the Chinese were once discriminated against and you get a blank stare. It's like saying the Chinese once wore animal skins.

Blacks will never succeed as a people. Only a few can escape the black will to fail and now they are the black face of white supremacy.
Whoa, guy! You're talking about the free market in wages! Everywhere in the Third World the wages are lower than in the advanced capitalist countries. And I'm sure our libertarian friends here, or the conservatives who embrace libertarian economics, will tell you that wages will rise. Not to mention the fact that most Chinese, until recently at least, were small farmers, working for themselves. That's what unleashed their economic growth.

The DID have a form of slavery, under socialism. Wages were set by the government. But after Nixon wisely recognized them, they let the free market run. Those low-paid workers in Shanghai will move to a better-paid job in a flash. That's how capitalism works. And this isn't theory, it's fact. Capitalism works!!! It makes people prosperous!

Have a look here:

Chinese Wages.png
Then they're being short-sighted. The Nation of Islam is the most conservative organization in America. Its members live exemplary lives, its schools do real education (Black parents who are not Muslims try to get their children into them, because they know they'll actually learn to read and write there.)

What they say about white people, our being literally the spawn of devils, etc is understandable, given what whites did to them, and is not any crazier than the ideas taught by lots of other religions. The anti-Semitism is unfortunate, but, hey, it wasn't Black people who gassed six million Jews.

So, to my fellow rightwingers: think again about this group. We really ought to find ways to work together. (And it would drive the liberals absolutely insane to see something like that. Just think of it!)
The then globalists had a hand in gassing Jewish people. And some of them were Jewish. The globalists wanted the state of Israel and had for many decades.
We are not carving out a black nation out of the United States. At least not until the general splintering.

If it were possible for blacks to experience patriotism and stop killing, surely it would be done in Africa. Instead, Africa still dominated by tribal warlords killing their neighbors. Particularly Muslim blacks killing Christians.
Yes, Africa is the place no one wants to talk about, at least no one on the Left.

But consider: the white colonialists left behind 'nations' that embraced many tribes -- often speaking different languages, sometimes with different religions. We had that in Europe as well, and it took several centuries to squeeze different tribes together into the Swedes, the French, the English --- and it didn't happen peacefully. The Africans have had about 60 years to do it.

And ... we were the people who 'got there first' to capitalism. A huge advantage. Nations which came later to this system found the world market already dominated by well-developed companies. You can try to start a steel mill in Africa ... lots of luck competing against US Steel and its European contemporaries.

And note this: although the colonialist powers may say they want a modern, democratic, economically-thriving Africa -- and no doubt many people in these countries do -- the economic reality is that it's in our interests to have a corrupt, easily-bribable dictator in power. This was especially true during the Cold War, when we were competing with the Russians for influence in Africa.

So I wouldn't be so quick to conclude that inability to enter the modern world is inherent in African culture, or genes. Look how much trouble even the white people of Russia are having doing that. We just don't know.

Another example: while not quite Africa, Peru and Guatemala are pretty backward. Visit the countryside in those places, and you may well think, "It's hopeless." But these people are the descendants of the Incas and the Mayas! They were doing astronomy, building monumental public buildings, inventing a positional-exponential numbering system -- then the Europeans arrived (in the case of the Incas), and ... boom!

Anyway, if the disintegration of the Republic takes a course that ends up with patriots being able to offer Black Americans a piece of land to call their own ... wouldn't that be the smart thing to do?
Tell the Uighurs about Chinese capitalism.....

In any case, the industrious Chinese cannot be compared to a black person who will do nothing on their own behalf except whine about what they are owed.
Yes, Africa is the place no one wants to talk about, at least no one on the Left.

But consider: the white colonialists left behind 'nations' that embraced many tribes -- often speaking different languages, sometimes with different religions. We had that in Europe as well, and it took several centuries to squeeze different tribes together into the Swedes, the French, the English --- and it didn't happen peacefully. The Africans have had about 60 years to do it.

And ... we were the people who 'got there first' to capitalism. A huge advantage. Nations which came later to this system found the world market already dominated by well-developed companies. You can try to start a steel mill in Africa ... lots of luck competing against US Steel and its European contemporaries.

And note this: although the colonialist powers may say they want a modern, democratic, economically-thriving Africa -- and no doubt many people in these countries do -- the economic reality is that it's in our interests to have a corrupt, easily-bribable dictator in power. This was especially true during the Cold War, when we were competing with the Russians for influence in Africa.

So I wouldn't be so quick to conclude that inability to enter the modern world is inherent in African culture, or genes. Look how much trouble even the white people of Russia are having doing that. We just don't know.

Another example: while not quite Africa, Peru and Guatemala are pretty backward. Visit the countryside in those places, and you may well think, "It's hopeless." But these people are the descendants of the Incas and the Mayas! They were doing astronomy, building monumental public buildings, inventing a positional-exponential numbering system -- then the Europeans arrived (in the case of the Incas), and ... boom!

Anyway, if the disintegration of the Republic takes a course that ends up with patriots being able to offer Black Americans a piece of land to call their own ... wouldn't that be the smart thing to do?
No. The new black nation would immediately declare war on their neighbors.
I support this. Anything that hastens the decline of the blue shitholes is a win for Real America.
Exactly. It's just common sense.

Suppose Mr Trump or Ron DeSantis announced that, if either of them became President, they would solve America's (un)fitness problem by requiring every American to run five miles every morning and do 100 push ups, while banning the sale of cakes and cookies and chocolate bars.

Liberals would be overjoyed and would do everything in their power to make this demand widely known, and would do whatever they could, covertly, to make these men stick to their pledge and implement it wherever they had power. Florida would be de-populated in six months.

Same same. That's why the smart liberals on this Board and not weighing in and supporting the Five Million Dollars demand. They're not stupid. (And for the same reason, they remain quiet when asked about their co-thinkers' honoring of the Soviet spy Ethel Rosenberg in New York, showing what they really mean about 'patriotism'.)

So ... it's up to us! FIVE MILLION OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES! Get on to every elected Democrat and pin them down on this.

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