Proposed Bill Would Mandate North Dakota High School Seniors Pass Citizenship Test to Graduate

"Here's an interesting piece of proposed legislation in the Peace Garden State: a bipartisan bill recently unveiled to the North Dakota legislature would require high school students to take and pass the same citizenship exam given to immigrants seeking naturalization in order to graduate.

North Dakota's first lady Betsy Dalrymple and state School Superintendent Kirsten Baesler unveiled a proposed bipartisan legislation on Monday that would require every high school students to get a passing grade on the civics exam to graduate.

Initiative spokesman Sam Stone says the goal is to enact similar laws in all states by 2017, when the Constitution turns 230 years old.

He says that eight states, including the Dakotas, are supporting the idea so far.

Backers say the goal is for North Dakota high school students to learn more about how American government works before they graduate.

People seeking to become naturalized U.S. citizens must correctly answer six out of 10 questions selected randomly from a possible 100. The questions are a mix of U.S. history, current events, and basic geography, and about nine out of 10 people attempting the test pass. If this proposed bill were to become law, North Dakota's high school students would have to pass a 100-question exam, although it would be up to individual schools as to how to implement this."
Proposed Bill Would Mandate North Dakota High School Seniors Pass Citizenship Test to Graduate - Christine Rousselle

Not 6 out of 10, but 90 out of 100. Bring it baby, start teaching Civics again.

What information do you need to be a good citizen?

Know how your vote works
Understand the roles of levels of government
Understand the importance of taxation and how spending is determined

If the test is requiring you to know irrelevant historical information or government structures, I don't see the value in it
Obutthurt would fail.

Our President could teach a doctorate class in it
What you are telling us is that your hero-messiah is not operating from ignorance but that he knows how this country's government was designed to operate, but that he chooses, with malice and forethought, to do everything he's permitted to get away with to destroy US? Oh, and that you agree with his absolute determination to destroy the very nation that has given you, and the rest of us, so many opportunities to excel.
Sounds like a great idea, but what about the graduating seniors who can't read or write?
Hold them back or teach them how to dig ditches.

You can't do that in government schools any more.
What difference would it make if they expect a "living wage" for anything they do? And if they fail to "live" off the wages they earn, they can always push their paw out and have daddy gummit fill it with everything they want, anyway? I mean, where's the incentive to improve themselves?

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