Prosecute Hunter Biden

Conservatives: Hunter Biden has been under investigation for a long time now, so here's a suggestion:

Take Hunter Biden to court and prosecute him!

You folks claim you have all sorts of evidence of wrongdoing by Mr. Biden, so what are you waiting for - Christmas? Or are you just planning to drag this out to score political points with your base of voters? :dunno:
No political points to be scored as they lost that game, November 3rd and all the instant replay appeals ended yesterday. I do not care about hunter one way or the other, That said, I think people who live in the public eye or people thrust into the public eye should be tried whenever possible in State courts, to preclude political pardon at the federal level. I also think federal minimum security prisons should be done away with and the federal government pay the states to house their federal minimum security (especially white collar and tax crime) in state general population state own and operated facilities.

State prisons are notoriously worse than federal ones AFAIK. Had un uncle go into state prison for 5 years. He would have preferred to do twice that in federal prison if he could have, it was abysmal.
That is exactly the reason. Punishment (sorry about uncle) should be punishment, not just time opportunity costs. How many federal white collar tax criminals would play as fast and loose if they were going to a 6 x 9 two bunk and showering with big bubba from Chicago street gangs or Hillbilly Dude from Deliverence?
Depends on the crime. Prisons should be focused on 2 things IMHO and punishment is not one of them. 1. Discouragement of crimes. IOW, it is there as a reminder to the lawful to remain so as to not end up there. 2. Reform or, better stated, the elimination or recidivism. I don't really care about retribution, I care about stopping and preventing people from being victimized. All the data I can find shows federal prison has a LOWER rate of recidivism however I do not think that the numbers correlate very well because federal crimes are typically fundamentally different than state ones. If you know of a study that compares apples to apples here I would love to see it but I am unsure one even exists. I can say that in the case of my uncle, state prison did nothing to prevent his recidivism, same as the federal one he went into before that.

I do not think that recidivism is directly related to how hard the time is. Making the time harder may indeed, and actually makes sense, cause a higher rate. The follow-up after getting out and the opportunities while still in (which tend to be far better in federal prisons) are likely far more important to stopping the same offender from doing it again. You could, of course, lock them up forever but I think that is a poor idea to apply across the board as the punishment needs to fit the crime.

Sadly, the one thing you should never do with a criminal is exactly what we do with them - group them all together in one place to network and feed off each other. Worse, the singular activity they seem to give violent people to do is lift weights because THAT is a wonderful idea.

Don't be sorry, he was 'punished' inappropriately to be honest but really was deserving of it anyway and if you are going to do things that put you in prison cant really be sorry for you. Particularly if you are like him and your crimes are violent.
Not scientific and I site no study. I believe people should be punished for their crimes. I do not feel bad for people that go to jail for their crimes, just have nothing against you and am charitable to those on the board not presently abusing me. Time opportunity cost at a fed club med is not punishment.

Having seen some of of what 'club med' is (though not incarcerated myself) I do not think that it is not punishment. Life at those places sucks significantly. Very significantly. There is a different system for the wealthy and the well connected so not counting those particular cases, just the ones that you or I would see if we did something moronic and ended up there.
Conservatives: Hunter Biden has been under investigation for a long time now, so here's a suggestion:

Take Hunter Biden to court and prosecute him!

You folks claim you have all sorts of evidence of wrongdoing by Mr. Biden, so what are you waiting for - Christmas? Or are you just planning to drag this out to score political points with your base of voters? :dunno:

I suspect that since he is the son of our next president AND A DEMOCRAT, Hunter Biden is effectively above the rule of law. The investigation will continue and result in nothing.

Maybe a member of the DOJ and FBI will stop forward and say something like, “No rational prosecutor would ever indict Hunter Biden based on the evidence we have.”
If Hillary and Joe aren't prosecuted, why should Hunter be prosecuted? That dumbbell was just following his father's orders.
It will never happen. Any chance that the rule of law will be restored ended with the stolen election.

democrats are not subject to the law, and conservatives will be persecuted with no rights.

Conservatives have yet to find these crimes that liberals are committing. Barr has been investigating Democrats since he took office and has yet to lay a single charge.

Trump had Hillary investigated 5 times since he took office, and still no charges. Not one. For anything. Mike Pompeo did a State Department Investigation of Hillary's emails that last 2 years - crickets. Every investigation of Republican Administrations produces dozens of charges and convictions. Well there was one of Clinton's cabinet secretaries who was arrested. That's it.

Democrats aren't subject to laws because they're not breaking them at every turn.
Conservatives: Hunter Biden has been under investigation for a long time now, so here's a suggestion:

Take Hunter Biden to court and prosecute him!

You folks claim you have all sorts of evidence of wrongdoing by Mr. Biden, so what are you waiting for - Christmas? Or are you just planning to drag this out to score political points with your base of voters? :dunno:
It will never happen. Any chance that the rule of law will be restored ended with the stolen election.

democrats are not subject to the law, and conservatives will be persecuted with no rights.

Conservatives have yet to find these crimes that liberals are committing. Barr has been investigating Democrats since he took office and has yet to lay a single charge.

Trump had Hillary investigated 5 times since he took office, and still no charges. Not one. For anything. Mike Pompeo did a State Department Investigation of Hillary's emails that last 2 years - crickets. Every investigation of Republican Administrations produces dozens of charges and convictions. Well there was one of Clinton's cabinet secretaries who was arrested. That's it.

Democrats aren't subject to laws because they're not breaking them at every turn.


The crimes of democrats are overwhelmingly proven. We simply don't hold them accountable.

For instance, the Inquisition persecuted Roger Stone for "lying to Congress." KGB mole and traitor John Brennan lied to congress but faced nothing. Because the law doesn't apply to democrats.


The IG report confirmed that Brennan lied to Congress. He said the Hillary-Steele dossier was not relied upon for the Obama administration’s Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA). That wasn’t the case.

In fact, it was added to the appendix.

On page 179 of the FISA report:
We asked Corney whether he recalled having any conversations with then CIA Director John Brennan or other members of the USIC about how the Steele election reports should be presented to the President. Corney stated:

I remember being part of a conversation, maybe more than one conversation, where the topic was how the [Steele] reporting would be integrated, if at all, into the IC assessment. And I don’t remember participating in debates about that. I think I was just told, in, I think, in a meeting with Clapper and Brennan and Rogers [then NSA Director], that the IC analysts found it credible on its face and gravamen of it, and consistent with our other information, but not in a position where they would integrate it into the IC assessment. But they thought it was important enough and consistent enough that it ought to be part of the package in some way, and so they had come up with this idea to make an [appendix]. I remember, I don’t think I was part of a debate about that, as I said, but I remember a conversation where I was told that’s how it would be handled and my reaction was, okay, that’s reasonable.

The ICA informed then-president Obama, president-elect Trump, and the public about Russian attempts to interfere in the 2016 election.


Stone was prosecuted - persecuted actually - Brennan was given millions of dollars.

Why? Because we are not a nation of laws and Brennan is a party member. He is not subject to the laws used to beat the peasants into submission.

Republicans go to prison if they do what Clapper, Clinton, Biden, et al do. democrats do not, laws simply don't apply to our rulers.

We do not have equal justice, we don't have any sort of justice at all. We have an Oligarchy where the connected have no laws at all.

We will require a French Revolution type adjustment in the near future if we hope to ever be a nation of laws again.
When "The Big Guy" gets into office because of the stupidity of the Useful Idiot Moon Bats all charges and investigations against Hunter will magically disappear. They won't even go through the charade of saying "he had no intent" like they did with Crooked Hillary.

That is just how the Democrat corruption machine rolls.

Sad, bit more than likely true... Nothing like getting paid by China, then having daddy cover things up.
If Hunter is prosecuted, Joe will rat out Obama and Hillary. So yeah nothings going to happen.

If Hunter is prosecuted???? How will that happen now that Trump has lost the election? I mean Trump has set the precedent whereby the President and his family and friends are above the law. And if Hunter is prosecuted and convicted, well Dad can just pardon him, like Trump has done for his criminal associates.

The Senate investigated Hunter Biden and found he had done nothing illegal.

If Barr had anything, he would have charged Hunter. If John Dunham had anything on anybody, he would have charged someone, anyone. They called Grand Jury for over a year and couldn't get a single charge laid.

But as always, Republicans are claiming that it's really the Democrats who are criminals, even as yet more Republicans are charged, tried, and found guilty.
If Hunter is prosecuted, Joe will rat out Obama and Hillary. So yeah nothings going to happen.

If Hunter is prosecuted???? How will that happen now that Trump has lost the election? I mean Trump has set the precedent whereby the President and his family and friends are above the law. And if Hunter is prosecuted and convicted, well Dad can just pardon him, like Trump has done for his criminal associates.

The Senate investigated Hunter Biden and found he had done nothing illegal.

If Barr had anything, he would have charged Hunter. If John Dunham had anything on anybody, he would have charged someone, anyone. They called Grand Jury for over a year and couldn't get a single charge laid.

But as always, Republicans are claiming that it's really the Democrats who are criminals, even as yet more Republicans are charged, tried, and found guilty.
Hunter pretty sketchy, by my standards, but do not know that he did anything to be prosecuted for. I do not care, as long as he and his sibling do not become white house staff, as the nepotistic Crime Lord and Chief brought his in to make the white house a family mafia business. Be glad when the whole damn family is out of that house.
If Hunter is prosecuted, Joe will rat out Obama and Hillary. So yeah nothings going to happen.

If Hunter is prosecuted???? How will that happen now that Trump has lost the election? I mean Trump has set the precedent whereby the President and his family and friends are above the law. And if Hunter is prosecuted and convicted, well Dad can just pardon him, like Trump has done for his criminal associates.

The Senate investigated Hunter Biden and found he had done nothing illegal.

If Barr had anything, he would have charged Hunter. If John Dunham had anything on anybody, he would have charged someone, anyone. They called Grand Jury for over a year and couldn't get a single charge laid.

But as always, Republicans are claiming that it's really the Democrats who are criminals, even as yet more Republicans are charged, tried, and found guilty.
Hunter pretty sketchy, by my standards, but do not know that he did anything to be prosecuted for. I do not care, as long as he and his sibling do not become white house staff, as the nepotistic Crime Lord and Chief brought his in to make the white house a family mafia business. Be glad when the whole damn family is out of that house.

Nobody elected Hunter Biden, and he's not working in government. What he does or does not do is irrelevant to his father's administration.
Hunter Biden (and perhaps the Biden Family) will get the Hillary Clinton Treatment. There will be a lengthy investigation that turns up numerous counts of what should be criminal wrong doing but they will never be prosecuted.

Quid Pro Joe didn't INTEND to extort the Ukrainians
If Hunter is prosecuted, Joe will rat out Obama and Hillary. So yeah nothings going to happen.

If Hunter is prosecuted???? How will that happen now that Trump has lost the election? I mean Trump has set the precedent whereby the President and his family and friends are above the law. And if Hunter is prosecuted and convicted, well Dad can just pardon him, like Trump has done for his criminal associates.

The Senate investigated Hunter Biden and found he had done nothing illegal.

If Barr had anything, he would have charged Hunter. If John Dunham had anything on anybody, he would have charged someone, anyone. They called Grand Jury for over a year and couldn't get a single charge laid.

But as always, Republicans are claiming that it's really the Democrats who are criminals, even as yet more Republicans are charged, tried, and found guilty.
Hunter pretty sketchy, by my standards, but do not know that he did anything to be prosecuted for. I do not care, as long as he and his sibling do not become white house staff, as the nepotistic Crime Lord and Chief brought his in to make the white house a family mafia business. Be glad when the whole damn family is out of that house.

Nobody elected Hunter Biden, and he's not working in government. What he does or does not do is irrelevant to his father's administration.


Not even Starkey even jumped in from of an Obama grenade the way you took one for the Biden Crime Family

If Hunter is prosecuted, Joe will rat out Obama and Hillary. So yeah nothings going to happen.

If Hunter is prosecuted???? How will that happen now that Trump has lost the election? I mean Trump has set the precedent whereby the President and his family and friends are above the law. And if Hunter is prosecuted and convicted, well Dad can just pardon him, like Trump has done for his criminal associates.

The Senate investigated Hunter Biden and found he had done nothing illegal.

If Barr had anything, he would have charged Hunter. If John Dunham had anything on anybody, he would have charged someone, anyone. They called Grand Jury for over a year and couldn't get a single charge laid.

But as always, Republicans are claiming that it's really the Democrats who are criminals, even as yet more Republicans are charged, tried, and found guilty.
Hunter pretty sketchy, by my standards, but do not know that he did anything to be prosecuted for. I do not care, as long as he and his sibling do not become white house staff, as the nepotistic Crime Lord and Chief brought his in to make the white house a family mafia business. Be glad when the whole damn family is out of that house.

Nobody elected Hunter Biden, and he's not working in government. What he does or does not do is irrelevant to his father's administration.

Stop pretending to be stupid and unaware of the kickbacks Hunter passed on to his dad Joe Biden. In fact after such a stupid post here talk to the hand. :talk2hand:
Conservatives: Hunter Biden has been under investigation for a long time now, so here's a suggestion:

Take Hunter Biden to court and prosecute him!

You folks claim you have all sorts of evidence of wrongdoing by Mr. Biden, so what are you waiting for - Christmas? Or are you just planning to drag this out to score political points with your base of voters? :dunno:

I think people are naïve to think there's any approach on law enforcement when it comes to Washington.

Personally I think people are stupid to even suggest it. To put into simple terms, the more power you have the least likely you are to be prosecuted, yet the OP believes Hunter is a straight guy despite the evidence he cannot be?

We're talking about a guy who earns millions and millions on overseas interests strictly on his name alone and his dad's influence on foreign affairs, and you fuckers think he's on the up and up?

How can anyone possibly miss on that kinda of stupid?
Conservatives: Hunter Biden has been under investigation for a long time now, so here's a suggestion:

Take Hunter Biden to court and prosecute him!

You folks claim you have all sorts of evidence of wrongdoing by Mr. Biden, so what are you waiting for - Christmas? Or are you just planning to drag this out to score political points with your base of voters? :dunno:
Hunter is a crook like his dad
Conservatives: Hunter Biden has been under investigation for a long time now, so here's a suggestion:

Take Hunter Biden to court and prosecute him!

You folks claim you have all sorts of evidence of wrongdoing by Mr. Biden, so what are you waiting for - Christmas? Or are you just planning to drag this out to score political points with your base of voters? :dunno:

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