"protecting" And "serving"

I see this thread has deteriorated to juvenile level now. No surprise. Thats common among cop haters.
It's scary to see things like this...

This is an extremely interesting photo. Can you point to some info on the circumstances? What did this driver do? Who are these cops and why is he being menaced with a rifle?

Do you know?



ROSEVILLE, CA –Innocent citizens traveling down public streets had a terrifying experience when they were forced through a warrantless government checkpoint in which armed men pointed guns at their heads while they proved their innocence. Police were looking for a suspect in a recent shooting and were using the opportunity to roll out aggressive checkpoints.

Innocent citizens held at gunpoint in terrifying California checkpoints
I see this thread has deteriorated to juvenile level now. No surprise. Thats common among cop haters.

Cop haters? Or what cops became?

Since when is DoD job to militarize local police departments? Why local police departments need armored vehicles like these?

all they can do is cast innuendo Americano , some people want a standing military type force in the USA . Americans though can see the danger in that style of policing and I'm glad that they do .
I see this thread has deteriorated to juvenile level now. No surprise. Thats common among cop haters.

Cop haters? Or what cops became?

Since when is DoD job to militarize local police departments? Why local police departments need armored vehicles like these?


Easy answer.

1- Police need armored vehicles at times. People shoot at them. Especially SWAT teams. Look up the Pittsburgh SWAT shootout 2009 for example. Their armored vehicle saved many lives that day.

2- Publicly sold Armored cars are VERY expensive. 250-500k for a good one. Thats a lot of tax payer money. The military has thousands of them....for FREE.

If police start driving Abrams tanks and shooting homes with the massive artillery cannons...then ill be concerned.

But an UNARMED vehicle that happens to be a military armored surplus vehicle? So what. Its a big ass truck with armor.

People who are getting shot...are mostly being shot by patrol cops with pistols. Not SWAT teams and certainly not by tanks...because no one is driving a "tank" as you idiots call it.

Deep down...I think its just deep insecurity on your part. Problems with authority.
with a standing military type police force , its hard to apply 'posse comitatus ' so its a way around the long standing ' posse comitatus ' rule / law .
all they can do is cast innuendo Americano , some people want a standing military type force in the USA . Americans though can see the danger in that style of policing and I'm glad that they do .

You have no clue what you're talking about.

A "militarized" police force has been tried in the past. It is called "professional policing" as a didifferent approach over community policing. What is it like? VERY strict and disciplined. ..just like the military. And thus...LESS corruption. LESS incidents of bad shootings...bc cops were more disciplined and trained harder under stress.

Want less corruption? Want cops that panic less under stress? Want cops who are very disciplined? Militarized approach USED to do that. Its the root of why police are classified as a "paramilitary" force. Every nation on Earth has used "paramilitary" structure for police.

But you'd rather have guidance counselors with guns.
thing is that the USA police are being militarized , as shown by this thread and other police themed threads , you like that militarization but the vast majority of posters do not . We'll see what happens as time goes by Bucs !!
yes , other countries should be the model for the USA , well I disagree . USA should be the model for the rest of the world Bucs !!
thing is that the USA police are being militarized , as shown by this thread and other police themed threads , you like that militarization but the vast majority of posters do not . We'll see what happens as time goes by Bucs !!

How old are you? You seem very young.

You need to understand something. "Militarization" is a catch word people use who usually just dont like cops.

Police arent flying F16s or driving Abrams tanks. They dont have battleships on lakes and harbors . They dont use frag grenades or shoot missiles. They are in almost no way "militarized".

Do cops shoot guns? Obviously. Do they get into hand to hand fights? All the time. Do they get attacked by violent people? Often.

So YES...when it comes to human conflict...there is SOME overlap in how humans in the military and police are trained and equipped for some jobs.

So...why does the military carry an M4 rifle? Its FAR more accurate than a pistol or shotgun.

So...when cops may be getting into a shootout...WHY wouldnt they carry the most accurate gun? Afterall...missing can hit an innocent bystander.

Armored cars? Of course. If some nut is taking hostages or shooting up a school....go in a car thats armored. Its safer...AND evacuations of innocents is more speedy because the armored car can roll right up. And the military has a shit ton of these armored vehicles...and they're free.

Make sense?
I'm old enough to remember police from the 60s , police were alright !! Police have escalated as shown by the guy that was STOPPED because he flipped the bird . That's not right because flipping the bird is legal . Cops have AR rifles and shotguns , high cap pistols and that's cool as their taxpaying employers have AR's and shotguns . I only object to attitude shown by the cop that pulled over a finger flipping motorist because he thinks that he is SPECIAL Bucs !!
I don't like seeing military vehicles on Americas streets as the use of military vehicles and equip breeds , encourages the ATTITUDE that many police have Bucs . Police are supposed to be employees of the taxpayer rather than the 'kings men' bossing around and punishing finger flipping ' subjects' on Americas streets Bucs .
and the military vehicles , he11 they are paid for by taxpayers and should be sold to taxpayers that want them same as was done in the past with old Army DUCKS and old military surplus jeeps , Garands , 45s and M1 carbines , etc , etc !!
I'm old enough to remember police from the 60s , police were alright !! Police have escalated as shown by the guy that was STOPPED because he flipped the bird . That's not right because flipping the bird is legal . Cops have AR rifles and shotguns , high cap pistols and that's cool as their taxpaying employers have AR's and shotguns . I only object to attitude shown by the cop that pulled over a finger flipping motorist because he thinks that he is SPECIAL Bucs !!

Yes. You just made my point. Back then...police command staff and sergeants were mostly military vets from WW2, Korea, Vietnam. Police departments were very strict and disciplined. "Militarized". The push for Mayberry style cops came in the 80-90s with "community policing".

So now...some cops do shit like the bird flip arrest. Why? NO fear of strict discipline.

Its not the military. Our law defines that.

But it is a force of men and women...armed with guns...sent into areas where conflict with other humans is inevitable. Performance under stress and danger is inevitable. Not daily. But unannounced it could happen any hour any day. "Militarized" command structure and discipline should be applauded. Guns that increase accuracy...and safety for bystanders...should be applauded. Vehicles that keep officers and victims safe...while also not using much tax payer money to aquire...is a good thing.

I just dont see the problem. Green uniforms dont scare me. Its just clothing. A gun is just a gun. If cops start flying F15s or driving M1 tanks with massive cannons...then ill object.
I don't like seeing military vehicles on Americas streets as the use of military vehicles and equip breeds , encourages the ATTITUDE that many police have Bucs . Police are supposed to be employees of the taxpayer rather than the 'kings men' bossing around and punishing finger flipping ' subjects' on Americas streets Bucs .

Again...DISCIPLINE. I agree attitude is everything. And we've softened our police academies. Military style discipline fixes it. I agree there...SOME police academies are failing there.

No one on a SWAT team should be on it without a lot of discipline.

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