Protesters Raise Money To Send Trump Baby Blimp To President’s El Paso Rally

Pretty accurate portrayal of the tangerine tyrant. In real life his mouth looks more like a butthole though.
Remember when the rodeo clown with the Obama face was fired? What would happen if there was an Obama float? Would you laugh it off? I would love to see people use rifles to shoot it down.
Crazy far right cult vehicles are hilarious, I laugh at them all the time. Want me to post some?

A major protest is planned as Trump kicks off his first campaign rally of the year in the Texas border city.

In less than a day, activists from El Paso raised enough money to transport the mocking Donald Trump baby blimp to the Texas city in time for the president’s first campaign rally of the year on Monday, which is expected to center on his demand for border wall funding.

The “Baby Trump Does El Paso” GoFundMe page had $4,086 as of Friday, easily meeting a $3,500 goal. Extra funds will be donated to the Annunciation House in El Paso, a nonprofit that provides support to immigrants.

The GoFundMe campaign’s organizer, Laura Valdez, noted in a post that the blimp was “already on its way” from California.

More: Protesters Raise Money To Send Trump Baby Blimp To President’s El Paso Rally

Great news! Should be a fun rally. What do you think?

What would be funny would be firing a few rounds in it and watch leftards chase after it in hopes it could be patched. LOL!
Use chemtrails.
Pretty accurate portrayal of the tangerine tyrant. In real life his mouth looks more like a butthole though.
Remember when the rodeo clown with the Obama face was fired? What would happen if there was an Obama float? Would you laugh it off? I would love to see people use rifles to shoot it down.

Are you advocating violence - with firearms? Why do you hate free speech?
So you think illegal immigration is "funny". You're very sick.
I think people need to get better hobbies.

If libturds had hobbies that gave them some sort of satisfaction or purpose they might not be such a clusterfuck of sniveling petulant children.

Trolling internet boards with redundant insipid marxist agitprop isn't much of a hobby.

What a disturbing post.
Pretty accurate portrayal of the tangerine tyrant. In real life his mouth looks more like a butthole though.
Remember when the rodeo clown with the Obama face was fired? What would happen if there was an Obama float? Would you laugh it off? I would love to see people use rifles to shoot it down.

Are you advocating violence - with firearms? Why do you hate free speech?

In Texas using firearms on an insulting balloon is free speech. I recommend #8-shot & cylinder choke.
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A major protest is planned as Trump kicks off his first campaign rally of the year in the Texas border city.

In less than a day, activists from El Paso raised enough money to transport the mocking Donald Trump baby blimp to the Texas city in time for the president’s first campaign rally of the year on Monday, which is expected to center on his demand for border wall funding.

The “Baby Trump Does El Paso” GoFundMe page had $4,086 as of Friday, easily meeting a $3,500 goal. Extra funds will be donated to the Annunciation House in El Paso, a nonprofit that provides support to immigrants.

The GoFundMe campaign’s organizer, Laura Valdez, noted in a post that the blimp was “already on its way” from California.

More: Protesters Raise Money To Send Trump Baby Blimp To President’s El Paso Rally

Great news! Should be a fun rally. What do you think?

I'm just thankful for President Trump and the great job he's done at fantastic cost to himself. Clinton and Obama monetized the Presidency, increasing their net worths exponentially. Au contraire with the Trump Family-he really hasn't multiplied his bankroll at all.

Libs talk about emoluments? LOL, look at the Clinton, look at B. Hussein O who has a Public Service fortune of $100 million.

Imagine where we would be if Trump wouldn't have embarked on his epic escalator ride into history in June 2015? America would still be stuck in military quagmires, the markets would be 8 000 points lower, unemployment would be over 6.

Trump would probably be richer.

But his motivation was always patriotic, making America great again- not personal enrichment.

A major protest is planned as Trump kicks off his first campaign rally of the year in the Texas border city.

In less than a day, activists from El Paso raised enough money to transport the mocking Donald Trump baby blimp to the Texas city in time for the president’s first campaign rally of the year on Monday, which is expected to center on his demand for border wall funding.

The “Baby Trump Does El Paso” GoFundMe page had $4,086 as of Friday, easily meeting a $3,500 goal. Extra funds will be donated to the Annunciation House in El Paso, a nonprofit that provides support to immigrants.

The GoFundMe campaign’s organizer, Laura Valdez, noted in a post that the blimp was “already on its way” from California.

More: Protesters Raise Money To Send Trump Baby Blimp To President’s El Paso Rally

Great news! Should be a fun rally. What do you think?
I think Trump will be re-elected in a landslide comparable to Reagan's in 1984.

Willing to wager on that?

A major protest is planned as Trump kicks off his first campaign rally of the year in the Texas border city.

In less than a day, activists from El Paso raised enough money to transport the mocking Donald Trump baby blimp to the Texas city in time for the president’s first campaign rally of the year on Monday, which is expected to center on his demand for border wall funding.

The “Baby Trump Does El Paso” GoFundMe page had $4,086 as of Friday, easily meeting a $3,500 goal. Extra funds will be donated to the Annunciation House in El Paso, a nonprofit that provides support to immigrants.

The GoFundMe campaign’s organizer, Laura Valdez, noted in a post that the blimp was “already on its way” from California.

More: Protesters Raise Money To Send Trump Baby Blimp To President’s El Paso Rally

Great news! Should be a fun rally. What do you think?

What would be funny would be firing a few rounds in it and watch leftards chase after it in hopes it could be patched. LOL!
The funny part would be you getting arrested for discharging a firearm in public and then the owners of the blimp sueing you for damages.
Well, that does sound like the childish, petulant baby-tantrum on which you PATHETIC, failed minority crybaby pigs would LOVE to waste your time and money. Your non-white brains don't have the intelligence to understand that spewing your victim-mentality vengeance against us "white devils" will NEVER make you third-world primitives intellectual equal to the race which split the atom, put men on the moon, invented MOST of the modern technology/machinery you sniveling babies enjoy 24/7, and wrote a greater volume of great literature than ALL other races on this planet put together and multiplied several times over.

You know the most amusing thing about you non-whites stompy-foot, babyish hatred against us whites? In reality it's hurting you crybabies 1000x more than it's hurting us "white devils." With your minority "victim mentality" hate, it's like you non-whites are guzzling a poison and expecting us whites to die from it, lol! Your non-white brains aren't intelligent enough to know that carrying that much poison against us whites are actually CORRODING the non-white-brain receptacle that contains your scapegoating TOXIN of us whites for every problem in your own lives you've brought on your 5-year-old selves. All because non-whites AREN'T MAN ENOUGH TO TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY to their own mistakes in life and just need to blame whites for every single misfortune in your own life you brought on yourselves with your own personal decisions.


A major protest is planned as Trump kicks off his first campaign rally of the year in the Texas border city.

In less than a day, activists from El Paso raised enough money to transport the mocking Donald Trump baby blimp to the Texas city in time for the president’s first campaign rally of the year on Monday, which is expected to center on his demand for border wall funding.

The “Baby Trump Does El Paso” GoFundMe page had $4,086 as of Friday, easily meeting a $3,500 goal. Extra funds will be donated to the Annunciation House in El Paso, a nonprofit that provides support to immigrants.

The GoFundMe campaign’s organizer, Laura Valdez, noted in a post that the blimp was “already on its way” from California.

More: Protesters Raise Money To Send Trump Baby Blimp To President’s El Paso Rally

Great news! Should be a fun rally. What do you think?
I think Trump will be re-elected in a landslide comparable to Reagan's in 1984.

Willing to wager on that?
Sure. If Trump wins, you leave the forum. If Trump loses, I'll leave the forum.

A major protest is planned as Trump kicks off his first campaign rally of the year in the Texas border city.

In less than a day, activists from El Paso raised enough money to transport the mocking Donald Trump baby blimp to the Texas city in time for the president’s first campaign rally of the year on Monday, which is expected to center on his demand for border wall funding.

The “Baby Trump Does El Paso” GoFundMe page had $4,086 as of Friday, easily meeting a $3,500 goal. Extra funds will be donated to the Annunciation House in El Paso, a nonprofit that provides support to immigrants.

The GoFundMe campaign’s organizer, Laura Valdez, noted in a post that the blimp was “already on its way” from California.

More: Protesters Raise Money To Send Trump Baby Blimp To President’s El Paso Rally

Great news! Should be a fun rally. What do you think?

What would be funny would be firing a few rounds in it and watch leftards chase after it in hopes it could be patched. LOL!
The funny part would be you getting arrested for discharging a firearm in public and then the owners of the blimp sueing you for damages.
Would be blamed on the "deep state".

A major protest is planned as Trump kicks off his first campaign rally of the year in the Texas border city.

In less than a day, activists from El Paso raised enough money to transport the mocking Donald Trump baby blimp to the Texas city in time for the president’s first campaign rally of the year on Monday, which is expected to center on his demand for border wall funding.

The “Baby Trump Does El Paso” GoFundMe page had $4,086 as of Friday, easily meeting a $3,500 goal. Extra funds will be donated to the Annunciation House in El Paso, a nonprofit that provides support to immigrants.

The GoFundMe campaign’s organizer, Laura Valdez, noted in a post that the blimp was “already on its way” from California.

More: Protesters Raise Money To Send Trump Baby Blimp To President’s El Paso Rally

Great news! Should be a fun rally. What do you think?
I think Trump will be re-elected in a landslide comparable to Reagan's in 1984.

Willing to wager on that?
Sure. If Trump wins, you leave the forum. If Trump loses, I'll leave the forum.

Not just wins, but wins in a landslide comparable to Reagan's in 1984.

So, the map will need to look close to something like this..

A major protest is planned as Trump kicks off his first campaign rally of the year in the Texas border city.

In less than a day, activists from El Paso raised enough money to transport the mocking Donald Trump baby blimp to the Texas city in time for the president’s first campaign rally of the year on Monday, which is expected to center on his demand for border wall funding.

The “Baby Trump Does El Paso” GoFundMe page had $4,086 as of Friday, easily meeting a $3,500 goal. Extra funds will be donated to the Annunciation House in El Paso, a nonprofit that provides support to immigrants.

The GoFundMe campaign’s organizer, Laura Valdez, noted in a post that the blimp was “already on its way” from California.

More: Protesters Raise Money To Send Trump Baby Blimp To President’s El Paso Rally

Great news! Should be a fun rally. What do you think?

What would be funny would be firing a few rounds in it and watch leftards chase after it in hopes it could be patched. LOL!
The funny part would be you getting arrested for discharging a firearm in public and then the owners of the blimp sueing you for damages.
Would be blamed on the "deep state".

Everything is blamed on the deep state. It is the go to catch phrase for the sheep.

A major protest is planned as Trump kicks off his first campaign rally of the year in the Texas border city.

In less than a day, activists from El Paso raised enough money to transport the mocking Donald Trump baby blimp to the Texas city in time for the president’s first campaign rally of the year on Monday, which is expected to center on his demand for border wall funding.

The “Baby Trump Does El Paso” GoFundMe page had $4,086 as of Friday, easily meeting a $3,500 goal. Extra funds will be donated to the Annunciation House in El Paso, a nonprofit that provides support to immigrants.

The GoFundMe campaign’s organizer, Laura Valdez, noted in a post that the blimp was “already on its way” from California.

More: Protesters Raise Money To Send Trump Baby Blimp To President’s El Paso Rally

Great news! Should be a fun rally. What do you think?
Glad to see you guys squandering your money.
Pretty accurate portrayal of the tangerine tyrant. In real life his mouth looks more like a butthole though.
Remember when the rodeo clown with the Obama face was fired? What would happen if there was an Obama float? Would you laugh it off? I would love to see people use rifles to shoot it down.

Are you advocating violence - with firearms? Why do you hate free speech?
Ask people who wear MAGA hats. They will tell you.
What do you think?

You, the person who created the fundraiser, and everyone who donated to it, are as immature as Donald. This whole thing was funny the first time it was used. But it's become the obnoxious guy at the office who only ever came up with one joke, and is still telling it two years later despite the fact we've all heard it a hundred times already.

A major protest is planned as Trump kicks off his first campaign rally of the year in the Texas border city.

In less than a day, activists from El Paso raised enough money to transport the mocking Donald Trump baby blimp to the Texas city in time for the president’s first campaign rally of the year on Monday, which is expected to center on his demand for border wall funding.

The “Baby Trump Does El Paso” GoFundMe page had $4,086 as of Friday, easily meeting a $3,500 goal. Extra funds will be donated to the Annunciation House in El Paso, a nonprofit that provides support to immigrants.

The GoFundMe campaign’s organizer, Laura Valdez, noted in a post that the blimp was “already on its way” from California.

More: Protesters Raise Money To Send Trump Baby Blimp To President’s El Paso Rally

Great news! Should be a fun rally. What do you think?

What would be funny would be firing a few rounds in it and watch leftards chase after it in hopes it could be patched. LOL!
The funny part would be you getting arrested for discharging a firearm in public and then the owners of the blimp sueing you for damages.
Would be blamed on the "deep state".
Only by low IQ tRumpkins.
A major protest is planned as Trump kicks off his first campaign rally of the year in the Texas border city.

In less than a day, activists from El Paso raised enough money to transport the mocking Donald Trump baby blimp to the Texas city in time for the president’s first campaign rally of the year on Monday, which is expected to center on his demand for border wall funding.

The “Baby Trump Does El Paso” GoFundMe page had $4,086 as of Friday, easily meeting a $3,500 goal. Extra funds will be donated to the Annunciation House in El Paso, a nonprofit that provides support to immigrants.

The GoFundMe campaign’s organizer, Laura Valdez, noted in a post that the blimp was “already on its way” from California.

More: Protesters Raise Money To Send Trump Baby Blimp To President’s El Paso Rally

Great news! Should be a fun rally. What do you think?
I think Trump will be re-elected in a landslide comparable to Reagan's in 1984.

Willing to wager on that?
Sure. If Trump wins, you leave the forum. If Trump loses, I'll leave the forum.

Not just wins, but wins in a landslide comparable to Reagan's in 1984.

So, the map will need to look close to something like this..
View attachment 245032

What's the point? We all know that if Trump lost, BSF would really live up to the agreement and leave the forum. We all know that even if Trump won in a Reaganish landslide, you would stay, claiming some technicality, denial or other change of topic excuse.
A major protest is planned as Trump kicks off his first campaign rally of the year in the Texas border city.

In less than a day, activists from El Paso raised enough money to transport the mocking Donald Trump baby blimp to the Texas city in time for the president’s first campaign rally of the year on Monday, which is expected to center on his demand for border wall funding.

The “Baby Trump Does El Paso” GoFundMe page had $4,086 as of Friday, easily meeting a $3,500 goal. Extra funds will be donated to the Annunciation House in El Paso, a nonprofit that provides support to immigrants.

The GoFundMe campaign’s organizer, Laura Valdez, noted in a post that the blimp was “already on its way” from California.

More: Protesters Raise Money To Send Trump Baby Blimp To President’s El Paso Rally

Great news! Should be a fun rally. What do you think?
I think Trump will be re-elected in a landslide comparable to Reagan's in 1984.

Willing to wager on that?
Sure. If Trump wins, you leave the forum. If Trump loses, I'll leave the forum.

Not just wins, but wins in a landslide comparable to Reagan's in 1984.

So, the map will need to look close to something like this..
View attachment 245032

What's the point? We all know that if Trump lost, BSF would really live up to the agreement and leave the forum. We all know that even if Trump won in a Reaganish landslide, you would stay, claiming some technicality, denial or other change of topic excuse.

Way to jump in and defend the honor of your fellow Trumpian! I have to hand to you worshipers of Trump, you are a damn loyal group.
What do you think?

You, the person who created the fundraiser, and everyone who donated to it, are as immature as Donald. This whole thing was funny the first time it was used. But it's become the obnoxious guy at the office who only ever came up with one joke, and is still telling it two years later despite the fact we've all heard it a hundred times already.
Stormy is it true Donald had sex with other porn stars while his wife was pregnant besides you? I hear those conservative values are pretty loose/fake.

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