Proud Boys leader covicted of seditious conspiracy

There is a path but your echo chamber has kept it from you. The path was laid out in the Jan 6 trial that you have been told not to watch.

It involved several parts including fake electors and removing pence so Grassley would do what pence refused. It included delaying the count of the electorial votes via an sedition so that fake electors and or legislation that benefitted Repubs could decide the election instead of the voters.

Stop sealioning and do your own research. Sedition against America is a big deal and patriots would want to know what happened.

What a bunch of fucking traitors.

LOL. How far down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole did you tumble to come up with that? Wow. Just wow.
How can a sitting President lead an insurrection and coup against himself?
Well..the coup part is what would have happened if the Senate had failed to certify the election. I don't think Trump actually led that..I think he encouraged it and was ready to take advantage of it.
The insurrection part was the crowds spontaneous behaviors coupled with the hare-brained plans of the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers and 3%ers--among others.
It all ended people are finding out, once again, that our Govt. is a lot more robust and self-protective then they give it credit for.

Another one bites the dust. The instigator still walks free.
Great news, hopefylly they serve a very long stretch in the can. Back when America was really great they wouldn't have had to worry about prison time. The punishment would have been immediate and final and richly deserved for trying to undermine our constitution and take over our country.
Why do you think it only seems to happen with Trump supporters? Because that’s what the conservative media tells you?
No probably because it is obvious. The more obvious the more you say it is not. That argument only works because of the massive corruption in our government and media. If you incapable of being honest with yourself you are only destroying your soul and are sick enough to try to take down others that value truth and justice with you.
No probably because it is obvious. The more obvious the more you say it is not. That argument only works because of the massive corruption in our government and media. If you incapable of being honest with yourself you are only destroying your soul and are sick enough to try to take down others that value truth and justice with you.
How is it obvious?
You can argue with yourself. Unfortunately...the justice system says otherwise.

So these seditionists think someone pummeling a policeman with an American flag was within their rights?
Seems crazy to me until you realize these tourists were just out to celebrate America by pummeling police and disrupting a lawful election. What’s not American about that?
Great news, hopefylly they serve a very long stretch in the can. Back when America was really great they wouldn't have had to worry about prison time. The punishment would have been immediate and final and richly deserved for trying to undermine our constitution and take over our country.
You are correct. But they were white and there were treasonous sympathizer among the Capitol police.

Had the people been people of color, blood would be flowing down the Capitol Steps. And FAUX news would be saying that they should be executed. But they were it was a "protest" and just another Capitol tour. Nothing to be concerned about.
How were they going to overthrow a legally held election? Running into the Capital Building doesnt do that. Killing everyone in Congress doesnt do that. Blowing up the Capital Building wouldnt do that. So how exactly would want these morons did do that?
Lacking success doesn’t make it any less of a coup. It just makes them bad at it.

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