Proud Boys leader covicted of seditious conspiracy

I have a long believed that Trump intended to destroy the USA from the start. And that the entire “birther campaign” was simply market research on whether he could effectively sell his lies to enough American voters to get himself elected. 30% of Republican voters believed his lie without question.

Trump is always seeking to destroy those he thinks have wronged him. Look how he treated the Puerto Rican people after hurricanes destroyed their island.

Trump blames the Puerto Rican government for the bankruptcy and failure of his Puerto Rican resort. He stuck them with the $30 million bill for infrastructure for his failed resort - water treatment facilities, roads, utility lines, communications infrastructure. Imagine if the Puerto Ricans had had that $30 million which they spent on Trump’s resort, to invest in infrastructure and the electrical grid for the island residents.

Similarly, Trump blames American banks who have refused to lend money to Trump or his corporations since the year 2000, in the wake of his 4 bankruptcies in Atlantic City. He openly bragged about walking away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million in his pocket.

Trump is the worst business businessman in the history of the world. Nobody has lost more money than Donald Trump or had more failed companies and bankruptcies in world history than Donald Trump. But as we know, nothing is ever Donald’s fault. It’s always someone else’s fault. Never Trump.

So Trump set out to destroy the USA and get retribution on the economic system he blames for his failures.

When Trump said that he intended to run the country the way he ran. His businesses, I shuddered.
I am very afraid that the impending debt ceiling fight may give MAGA an opportunity to further weaken the US. If McCarthy, the puppet of Margie Greene, refuses to move on his insane list of cuts in order to assure we pay our bills, this country could go into default for the first time. Our economy and our security will be at the mercy of Authoritarians.

If we do default, the sharks like Poootin, Xi, and other trump favorites will be lining up to bash this country. trump would be gleeful seeing this happen. Then he can swoop in with a 2024 win and be set as Dictator. Can you imagine the trump family as our Royalties? They would sell to the Saudis or the highest bidder our country's secrets. Who knows, they may have already sold them?
I am very afraid that the impending debt ceiling fight may give MAGA an opportunity to further weaken the US. If McCarthy, the puppet of Margie Greene, refuses to move on his insane list of cuts in order to assure we pay our bills, this country could go into default for the first time. Our economy and our security will be at the mercy of Authoritarians.

If we do default, the sharks like Poootin, Xi, and other trump favorites will be lining up to bash this country. trump would be gleeful seeing this happen. Then he can swoop in with a 2024 win and be set as Dictator. Can you imagine the trump family as our Royalties? They would sell to the Saudis or the highest bidder our country's secrets. Who knows, they may have already sold them?

And if Biden caves in to McCarthy, the cuts will result in the loss of a of hundreds of thousands of jobs and push the country into a recession.

To be perfectly honest, the resulting financial chaos would be exactly the sort of thing that the Republicans would want to create in order to discredit Biden.

I don’t think defaulting on the debt will be the big winner for the Republican party that McCarthy et al think it will be. In both cases, when Republicans of shut down the government over the debt ceiling, Republicans have been blamed and lost the ensuing election.
And if Biden caves in to McCarthy, the cuts will result in the loss of a of hundreds of thousands of jobs and push the country into a recession.

To be perfectly honest, the resulting financial chaos would be exactly the sort of thing that the Republicans would want to create in order to discredit Biden.

I don’t think defaulting on the debt will be the big winner for the Republican party that McCarthy et al think it will be. In both cases, when Republicans of shut down the government over the debt ceiling, Republicans have been blamed and lost the ensuing election.
The MAGA repubs are more concerned about power than they are about the welfare of the Country. They may try to force a default so that the US will be weakened on the world stage. Then the MAGA cult, lead by the POS named trump, can swoop in and justify an autocratic state. I tell you, these are dangerous times for our democracy.

Another one bites the dust. The instigator still walks free.
All that says is that the judges know that if they make Pelosi climax, they are made lgbtqabc men who get rich quick. The creeps would crucify Jesus Christ again since Pelosi is so allergic to the truth, demonic representative that she is.
Just pointing out the hypocracy of the Democrat filth. The goddamn Negroes can get away with anything they want, including a major insurrection, when the Democrats run the Justice Department but American Patriots are punished for opposing the Democrat reign of terror.
Awe, poor wittle but hurt Trumptard.. Love watching juries put you traitorous scum away. Hopefully it will be you soon.
Don't you have an ass full of paid media hacks by now?


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