Proud Boys leader covicted of seditious conspiracy

LOL!!! They are not killing anybody, you dope! I don't think they are plotting to overthrow the government either. They may be described, however, as being motivated to save the country from the leftist scourge, during which time they may have got a little carried away and then caught up in a fake leftist narrative about insurrection. Big deal. 2020 BLM protesters did far, far worse.

These are not bad folks. Some of those boys may be your neighbor. But you are willing to dehumanize them and let them rot in prison because of a fake narrative. That is bullshit.
One person died in Charlottesville. That is the extent of the right wing murder spree. That was quite a while ago.
One person died in Charlottesville. That is the extent of the right wing murder spree. That was quite a while ago.
I don't think Charlottesville was the Proud Boys. It was some schmuck acting on his own accord ramming his car into people. Nice try though, retard.
LOL!!! They are not killing anybody, you dope! I don't think they are plotting to overthrow the government either. They may be described, however, as being motivated to save the country from the leftist scourge, during which time they may have got a little carried away and then caught up in a fake leftist narrative about insurrection. Big deal. 2020 BLM protesters did far, far worse.

These are not bad folks. Some of those boys may be your neighbor. But you are willing to dehumanize them and let them rot in prison because of a fake narrative. That is bullshit.

Well, Lord Short Dick, you could not be more wrong.

They were on camera plotting the overthrow of the US government. They were so fucking arrogant that they thought they were doing God’s work, and they wanted it recorded for posterity. Instead, it was prima facie evidence in their seditious conspiracy trial.

They’ll have 20 years to reconsider their choices
Well, Lord Short Dick, you could not be more wrong.

They were on camera plotting the overthrow of the US government. They were so fucking arrogant that they thought they were doing God’s work, and they wanted it recorded for posterity. Instead, it was prima facie evidence in their seditious conspiracy trial.

They’ll have 20 years to reconsider their choices
Golly you Trump haters sure get angry about J6! Are the Democrats spiking your Kool-Aid?
It’s gonna be awfully hard for Trump to try to overthrow the next elections since all of his army are either in jail or fed up with the his lying to them.

A real leader is prepared to die for his people. A despot asks his people to die for him.

Zelensky is a leader. Trump is an asshole who gets other killed.

I expect the DOJ is waving a deal to get some of these guys to rat out the person who instigated J6. A 15-20 year sentence may get someone to reveal some correspondence with the trump WH, in a deal to reduce the sentence.

As repubs like to say...."YOU DO THE CRIME, YOU DO THE TIME." In this case, even if you are white and far right.
I expect the DOJ is waving a deal to get some of these guys to rat out the person who instigated J6. A 15-20 year sentence may get someone to reveal some correspondence with the trump WH, in a deal to reduce the sentence.

As repubs like to say...."YOU DO THE CRIME, YOU DO THE TIME." In this case, even if you are white and far right.

I seriously doubt there’s a single piece of paper tying Trump to the January 6 insurrection. Other than the documents produced by the White House that the January 6 committee already has.

Trump is famous for not writing anything down, sending emails or leaving a paper trail anywhere. That’s why he was tearing up documents and stuffing the pieces down the toilet when he was in the White House. That’s why he gets angry about lawyers taking notes of their conversations.

The legal term is “plausible deniability”. Trump can deny he ever said, or ordered anybody to do anything because there’s no evidence that he did, unless it’s on a audio recording. Then, when his crimes and schemes are exposed, he throws some underling under the bus, and lets them go to jail while denying he had anything to do with their crimes. See Michael Cohen, Rick Gates,Papageorgio, and others.

Why do you think everybody’s tape recording him when they meet with him or talk on the phone?

Roger Stone hired several of the now convicted of seditious conspirators, as his personal bodyguards in the weeks before January 6th.

Stone, Bannon, Guiliani and all the players in the War Room in the Washington Hotel, many of whom would have been able to speak directly with Trump, could easily coordinate with the Proud Boys in their planning.
I seriously doubt there’s a single piece of paper tying Trump to the January 6 insurrection. Other than the documents produced by the White House that the January 6 committee already has.

Trump is famous for not writing anything down, sending emails or leaving a paper trail anywhere. That’s why he was tearing up documents and stuffing the pieces down the toilet when he was in the White House. That’s why he gets angry about lawyers taking notes of their conversations.

The legal term is “plausible deniability”. Trump can deny he ever said, or ordered anybody to do anything because there’s no evidence that he did, unless it’s on a audio recording. Then, when his crimes and schemes are exposed, he throws some underling under the bus, and lets them go to jail while denying he had anything to do with their crimes. See Michael Cohen, Rick Gates,Papageorgio, and others.

Why do you think everybody’s tape recording him when they meet with him or talk on the phone?

Roger Stone hired several of the now convicted of seditious conspirators, as his personal bodyguards in the weeks before January 6th.

Stone, Bannon, Guiliani and all the players in the War Room in the Washington Hotel, many of whom would have been able to speak directly with Trump, could easily coordinate with the Proud Boys in their planning.
As I said, trump is the typical Mafia Boss who knows how to avoid responsibility for his crimes. And since he is a pathological liar, the noose is going to have to be water proof to bring him down. Here is something I heard yesterday that gives me hope.

If trump shared classified information with the Saudis, that could be the needed water proof noose. IDK....we will wait and see. For power and money, there is nothing trump will not do. He has proven that over and over.
As I said, trump is the typical Mafia Boss who knows how to avoid responsibility for his crimes. And since he is a pathological liar, the noose is going to have to be water proof to bring him down. Here is something I heard yesterday that gives me hope.

If trump shared classified information with the Saudis, that could be the needed water proof noose. IDK....we will wait and see. For power and money, there is nothing trump will not do. He has proven that over and over.

I have a long believed that Trump intended to destroy the USA from the start. And that the entire “birther campaign” was simply market research on whether he could effectively sell his lies to enough American voters to get himself elected. 30% of Republican voters believed his lie without question.

Trump is always seeking to destroy those he thinks have wronged him. Look how he treated the Puerto Rican people after hurricanes destroyed their island.

Trump blames the Puerto Rican government for the bankruptcy and failure of his Puerto Rican resort. He stuck them with the $30 million bill for infrastructure for his failed resort - water treatment facilities, roads, utility lines, communications infrastructure. Imagine if the Puerto Ricans had had that $30 million which they spent on Trump’s resort, to invest in infrastructure and the electrical grid for the island residents.

Similarly, Trump blames American banks who have refused to lend money to Trump or his corporations since the year 2000, in the wake of his 4 bankruptcies in Atlantic City. He openly bragged about walking away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million in his pocket.

Trump is the worst business businessman in the history of the world. Nobody has lost more money than Donald Trump or had more failed companies and bankruptcies in world history than Donald Trump. But as we know, nothing is ever Donald’s fault. It’s always someone else’s fault. Never Trump.

So Trump set out to destroy the USA and get retribution on the economic system he blames for his failures.

When Trump said that he intended to run the country the way he ran. His businesses, I shuddered.
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I have a long believed that Trump intended to destroy the USA from the start. And that the entire “birther campaign” was simply market research on whether he could effectively sell his lies to enough American voters to get himself elected. 30% of Republican voters believed his lie without question.

Once you have 30% of the voters in your pocket, it’s a whole lot easier to get to 50%

Exactly. And Americans lack the education to know that Trump's birtherism was an impossible lie. A laughable lie.
Exactly. And Americans lack the education to know that Trump's birtherism was an impossible lie. A laughable lie.

That’s also why he changed parties. Not to mention the right wing media are just as dishonest as Trump is, and they were prepared to support him for tax cuts.

Democrats fact check everything so he couldn’t run as a Democrat. They’re not as easily fooled.

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