Proven Criminal Acts Perpetrated By Hillary Regarding Benghazi / E-mail Scandal

Poll: Trump beats Hillary head-to-head | TheHill
The Hill
Sep 4, 2015 - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton ... In other head-to-head matchups, Trump beats out Sen

Carly Fiorina tops Hillary Clinton in head-to-head matchup ...
The Washington Times
Sep 24, 2015 - Carly Fiorina tops Hillary Clinton in head-to-head matchup: poll .... NO republican could have beaten Boxer in the liberal mecca district she ...
I rather enjoy how much effort you are putting into this to make it seem like whether it was a video of a protest is causing you to be so angry.

The decision on whether the Benghazi attack was the result of a protest of a video or not has already been proven - it wasn't.

Senate report: Attacks on U.S. compounds in Benghazi could have been prevented
What the Senate Intelligence Committee says about the deadly attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi

"The Senate Intelligence Committee says the attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 was preventable...

A long-delayed
Senate Intelligence Committee report released Wednesday faulted both the State Department and the intelligence community for not preventing attacks on two outposts in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador, in 2012.

The bipartisan report laid out more than a dozen findings regarding the assaults on a diplomatic compound and a CIA annex in the city. It said the State Department failed to increase security at its mission despite warnings, and blamed intelligence agencies for not sharing information about the existence of the CIA outpost with the U.S. military.

The report also noted, chillingly, that the FBI’s investigation of the attacks has been hampered in Libya and that 15 people “supporting the investigation or otherwise helpful to the United States” have since been killed in Benghazi. The report said it was unclear whether those killings were related to the inquiry."

-- Kinda reminiscent of the trail of bodies left behind by the Clintons in the past .... :p
Call Trey Gowdy .....


You ran your mouth earlier, making some pretty bold declarations.... still waiting for the proof. I'll save us both some time and just point out the obvious: You are long on opinion and short on fact / evidence.
9 committees later. There is no wrong doing.

"Can you READ or is you mind and your mouth just stuck on 'stupid'?"

My full quote is here, which refutes Easyt. 9 committees later. There is no wrong doing. Two staffers and a Congressmen say that the committees' function is to damage HRC. If the GOP keeps this up, the fall out will only strengthen HRC's bid for the presidency.

Easyt's proven stupidity is tiresome.

None of the committees were focused on the subject of the OP, stop with the deflection and stay on topic.
The topic is a fallacy of false statement. There are no proven criminal acts by HRC. Or Scott Walker. Or Jeb Bush. The committees can certainly be used as examples by the far right to smear HRC with false allegations, just as the OP is trying unsuccessfully to do.

So you're saying she didn't have an unsecured server in unsecured locations that contained classified and sensitive information?
here, I'll make it easy for all of you simpletons ..

About Trey

now get busy .. get serious ... demand some action !!

loser RW's howling at the moon on a message board ..

here, I'll make it easy for all of you simpletons ..

About Trey

now get busy .. get serious ... demand some action !!

loser RW's howling at the moon on a message board ..


ur the biggest loser here; and i dont mean weight leftard

so are you just going to point fingers and call names like the little child you really are, or are you going to write Trey and demand action?

typical RW's, all bullshit, no action.
White House Finally Admits: There Was No Protest in Benghazi
Katie Pavlich - White House Finally Admits: There Was No Protest in Benghazi

"During the White House daily press briefing this afternoon, Press Secretary Jay Carney finally admitted there was no protest outside of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on 9/11 when pressed by reporters on the issue."


Obama to the American People:
Benghazi was the result of a protest over a video.

Obama to Muslim Extremists / world in a speech before the UN:
'Benghazi was the result of a protest over a heinous video released in the US. "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.

Hillary to Congress:
I don't know if it was a terrorist attack or if it was just a bunch of guys out for a walk one night (with their .50 cals, grenades, ak-47s, and rocket launchers) and decides, 'lewt's go kill some Americans'...What does it matter?!'

Hillary to the Deceased's Family Members:
'They dies because of that guy who released the was a protest over the video. "We'll get the guy who released the video."

Susan Rice on every Sunday morning Talk Show:
"It was the result of a protest over the video..."

"Sooooo, that makes:

Barak Obama - LIAR

Susan Rice - LIAR

Hillary Clinton - LIAR
9 committees later. There is no wrong doing.

"Can you READ or is you mind and your mouth just stuck on 'stupid'?"

My full quote is here, which refutes Easyt. 9 committees later. There is no wrong doing. Two staffers and a Congressmen say that the committees' function is to damage HRC. If the GOP keeps this up, the fall out will only strengthen HRC's bid for the presidency.

Easyt's proven stupidity is tiresome.

None of the committees were focused on the subject of the OP, stop with the deflection and stay on topic.
The topic is a fallacy of false statement. There are no proven criminal acts by HRC. Or Scott Walker. Or Jeb Bush. The committees can certainly be used as examples by the far right to smear HRC with false allegations, just as the OP is trying unsuccessfully to do.

So you're saying she didn't have an unsecured server in unsecured locations that contained classified and sensitive information?
I am saying that no one has proven the commission of a criminal act. Two members of Congress now and a former staffer have outed the committee.
too stupid to type ?

this is even easier for simpletons.

Phone: (202) 225-6030
Fax: (202) 226-1177

call or fax Trey ...

now put up or shut up. You have all the facts, go ahead, be somebody.

Waiting ................................................................

I am saying that no one has proven the commission of a criminal act. Two members of Congress now and a former staffer have outed the committee.

No one has 'outed' anyone. Liberals are just trying to declare several people's OPINIONS are justification for Hillary's proven crimes.... FAIL!
Hillary and her partisan-zombie apologists keep insisting that the Benghazi Congressional Investigation is a 'Witch Hunt', that 'nothing has been found', and insinuating that since this was 'OBVIOUSLY' nothing more than a 'right wing conspiracy' (forget abut the 4 dead Americans as a result of HER failures) than any criminal activity and evidence that proves it should be completely ignored because it would never have been revealed if the investigation had never been initiated.

Part of their 'solid' defense is the OPINION of moronic Republicans who are attempting to speak for Gowdy's Committee without being on it or having any authority to speak for it. Then there is the completely FALSE declaration that 'nothing has come out of it.

I'm so tired of all the Liberal B$ and lies, so here's the REAL story, the SPECIFIC CRIMINAL ACTIVITY / Laws Broken already PROVEN by the Investigation / the FBI:


At issue are four sections of the law: the Federal Records Act, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the National Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) regulations and Section 1924 of Title 18 of the U.S. Crimes and Criminal Procedure Code.

The Federal Records Act requires agencies hold onto official communications, including all work-related emails, and government employees cannot destroy or remove relevant records.

- By withholding and deleting official records / work Hillary violated the FOIA requirements.

The NARA regulations dictate how records should be created and maintained. They stress that materials must be maintained "by the agency," that they should be "readily found" and that the records must "make possible a proper scrutiny by the Congress."

- The use of private email and, even further, a private email server certainly limits Archives' call for "ready retrieval of electronic records," records that are "readily found when needed" and are easily scrutinized by Congress. The State Department has already declared Hillary Clinton did NOT release all of her official government e-mails and documents over to them – AS REQUIRED BY the LAW - as she had declared under oath she had done (PERJURY).

Section 1924 of Title 18 has to do with deletion and retention of classified documents. "Knowingly" removing or housing classified information at an "unauthorized location" is subject to a fine or a year in prison.

- Hillary Clinton, when asked if she knew the rules and laws pertaining to the handling and retention (storage) of classified material, responded by saying her server was secure and she never sent / received any e-mails marked as SECRET. BOTH of these were proven NOT to be true within a week of her declaring this.

+ Her server was NOT Encrypted as required by the law, with legally authorized encryption software, and the software that was used was installed improperly, meaning her Server was NOT technically secured. Furthermore, her server was found in the BATHROOM of a small IT company working out of an apartment, the employees and technicians of which did NOT have a classified security clearance, especially one high enough to handle and store TOP SECRET TS/SI material. In days following the investigation Hillary’s lawyer revealed he had all of her e-mails, to include classified information…yet he does NOT have a security clearance that would allow him to have such information in his possession. The law also requires such storage devices and material to be stored in very specific authorized security containers / safes…which it was NOT

+ The law is also very specific regarding the authorized destruction of classified material/ data, to include hard drives and servers. The FBI has revealed this law was NOT followed when Hillary tried to ‘wipe’ her hard drive, erasing her e-mails and any MORE evidence of wrong-doing, AND the FBI is in the process of retrieving that erased data. So far, the FBI – for example – revealed that Hillary had received and sent e-mails that had classified markings on them, proving that Hillary committed perjury when she stated she had not done so, and by doing so she broke the law regarding improper handling of classified information. The State Department then issued a statement of how the e-mails found proves Hillary did NOT turn over all of her official government documents as she had declared she had done, another FELONY case of Perjury.

FACTCHECK.ORG concluded their article on this matter by issuing the following opinion:

“The bottom line is this: No one will likely ever know what was deleted from Clinton's server. Barring one of the 30,000 emails Clinton turned over to the State Department being deemed "classified," it's also unlikely she will ever be found to have violated the letter of the law.”

We now KNOW, thanks to what the FBI has found and revealed, some of what was on her ‘wiped’ server, and what has been found proves she has committed perjury and broke the law…and the FBI has not even retrieved a quarter of what is on her server yet. We KNOW more than what was used to convict David patraeus has been found.

Clinton did not use an official government email account while serving as the country's top diplomat. Instead, she used a private email account and kept all of her emails on a private server in her home. The server has been wiped clean, according to the Republican-led Benghazi committee.

- Lied to Committee about not knowing Benghazi was a Terrorist Attack (Not under oath so no Perjury)
- Illegal HANDLING, STORAGE, AND DESTRUCTION of Classified Information (e-mails, servers, satellite imagery, etc...Lawyer, Huma, IT Firm all without security clearance to have access)
- Perjury; statements under oath proven now to be lies
- Obstruction of Justice
- Violations of Federal Records Act, FOIA, and NARA.
...and there are quite a few more!

More evidence of illegal activity has been found and proven against Hillary than was needed to charge and convict David Patraeus! Hillary has been CAUGHT breaking the law, jeopardizing our national security, and is still engaged in the cover-up as the FBI continues their CRIMINAL investigation of Hillary Clinton.

So to the Liberals who keep spewing the B$ Liberal Propaganda of how Hillary is such a 'innocent victim' of the repeatedly DIS-proven 'Right Wing Conspiracy'.


Actually nvm. It's not very funny how the GOP is shamelessly using the lives of 4 dead Americans for a political stunt.
Bullshit. Scooter Libbey was convicted on a process charge. Meaning he lied to investigators. Hillary did much....much worse.

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