Proven Criminal Acts Perpetrated By Hillary Regarding Benghazi / E-mail Scandal

so, make the call ..

Siete, YOU are the one who declared the experts and links to be wrong. I asked you to prove it - as nuhuh says, 'Got no link then YOU LIE'. I am waiting for YOUR 'call'. Instead of 'manning up', as they say, you keep embarrassing yourself with these silly attempts at distraction. To help you stop doing so, I will stop asking you to do the impossible.

Not one arrest has been made in several years of investigation. I'll stop asking for action rather than vapid claims about Clinton's certain guilt.

If the RW isn't powerful enough to convict a PROVEN criminal like Clinton, they aren't powerful enough to run the country.

see how that works?
The emails scandal is only a few months old. What made you think it's been years?
It's not "imagery" nor is it "nice", Closed. It was a tragic situation.

Yes, people died but that tragedy has nothing to do with Clintons emails.

What has to have made it so much worse for the families of those four slain men however was that both the State Department and the White House lied right to their faces and tried to blame what happened on a "protest" that both State and the White House KNEW didn't happen in Benghazi!

Believe me, when they think about their dead sons the last thing they are concerned with is whether a video kicked it off or something else. You are the only one who cares about that. The family, is mourning. You're dancing on their bodies for political gain.

Not one family member has ever called anyone and said "You said a video and it was really something else OMG!!!!!"

Actually, Chris Stevens' family specifically asked that they not politicize his death. They didn't give a rats' ass about that, though.

I've yet to see them say word one about the 50 dead in a dozen attacks when baby bush was president.

their jig is up.

Sean Smith's mother doesn't appear to have gotten that liberal talking point, Jillian! She's STILL calling for answers...and Hillary's head!
Benghazi Mom: Hillary Only Cares About Herself

People deal with loss all types of ways. She's mad that Hillary didnt give her a call and thinks that something else kicked off the riot and Hilary knows the truth but lied about it.

Here was her complaint where she laid out her evidence: "All I do know is that Hillary was responsible. It was her department. And if it wasn't her, then it was Obama, who left on vacation as soon as it happened,"

All she knows is that it was Hilary! But if it wasnt the person she KNOWS is responsible its ANOTHER PERSON shes 100% is at fault.

So why didn't Clinton give her a call? When one of your people is killed...due in part to decisions that YOU have made...and you promise to keep that person's mother informed on the status of the investigation but then never call her back...what possible excuse can there be for behavior that callous?

Busy... but again, she's mad at a whole bunch of of stuff thats really just the pain of losing her son. For example: If Clinton called would be be content about the passing? Not at all, so the call doesnt mean shit honestly
She doesn't "think" Hillary Clinton lied...Sean Smith's mother KNOWS that she lied!

Yeah, and she KNOWS so much that she said IF SHE DIDNT LIE...then it was OBAMA!

I know 2+2=4. I'm not going to say I know 2+2=4 or if not its 22
Yes, people died but that tragedy has nothing to do with Clintons emails.

Believe me, when they think about their dead sons the last thing they are concerned with is whether a video kicked it off or something else. You are the only one who cares about that. The family, is mourning. You're dancing on their bodies for political gain.

Not one family member has ever called anyone and said "You said a video and it was really something else OMG!!!!!"

Actually, Chris Stevens' family specifically asked that they not politicize his death. They didn't give a rats' ass about that, though.

I've yet to see them say word one about the 50 dead in a dozen attacks when baby bush was president.

their jig is up.

Sean Smith's mother doesn't appear to have gotten that liberal talking point, Jillian! She's STILL calling for answers...and Hillary's head!
Benghazi Mom: Hillary Only Cares About Herself

People deal with loss all types of ways. She's mad that Hillary didnt give her a call and thinks that something else kicked off the riot and Hilary knows the truth but lied about it.

Here was her complaint where she laid out her evidence: "All I do know is that Hillary was responsible. It was her department. And if it wasn't her, then it was Obama, who left on vacation as soon as it happened,"

All she knows is that it was Hilary! But if it wasnt the person she KNOWS is responsible its ANOTHER PERSON shes 100% is at fault.

So why didn't Clinton give her a call? When one of your people is killed...due in part to decisions that YOU have made...and you promise to keep that person's mother informed on the status of the investigation but then never call her back...what possible excuse can there be for behavior that callous?

Busy... but again, she's mad at a whole bunch of of stuff thats really just the pain of losing her son. For example: If Clinton called would be be content about the passing? Not at all, so the call doesnt mean shit honestly

Did you really just try to use the excuse the Clinton didn't call because she was too "busy"?
Actually, Chris Stevens' family specifically asked that they not politicize his death. They didn't give a rats' ass about that, though.

I've yet to see them say word one about the 50 dead in a dozen attacks when baby bush was president.

their jig is up.

Sean Smith's mother doesn't appear to have gotten that liberal talking point, Jillian! She's STILL calling for answers...and Hillary's head!
Benghazi Mom: Hillary Only Cares About Herself

People deal with loss all types of ways. She's mad that Hillary didnt give her a call and thinks that something else kicked off the riot and Hilary knows the truth but lied about it.

Here was her complaint where she laid out her evidence: "All I do know is that Hillary was responsible. It was her department. And if it wasn't her, then it was Obama, who left on vacation as soon as it happened,"

All she knows is that it was Hilary! But if it wasnt the person she KNOWS is responsible its ANOTHER PERSON shes 100% is at fault.

So why didn't Clinton give her a call? When one of your people is killed...due in part to decisions that YOU have made...and you promise to keep that person's mother informed on the status of the investigation but then never call her back...what possible excuse can there be for behavior that callous?

Busy... but again, she's mad at a whole bunch of of stuff thats really just the pain of losing her son. For example: If Clinton called would be be content about the passing? Not at all, so the call doesnt mean shit honestly

Did you really just try to use the excuse the Clinton didn't call because she was too "busy"?

Do you really think by using the word really and quotation marks when asking a question it renders it "null and void"?
Elijah Cummings Is At It Again:

Elijah, as you may remember, was BUSTED for trying to shut down the Lois Lerner Investigation before it was discovered that he was involved (He sent Lerner an e-mail suggesting partisan questions that the IRS should ask Conservatives - they used many of them word-for-word).

"Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the top Democrat on the panel, slammed the panel for bringing in Huma Abedin, Clinton's former deputy chief of staff at State, for questioning. His comments echoed a Thursday night statement from the Clinton campaign, which said “t remains unclear why the committee is focused on her, given her lack of knowledge about the events surrounding Benghazi.”

She's Hillary's right-hand 'man' and confidante
It's been discovered that she, like Hillary, has her own personal e-mail AND an 'alias' it's under.
"Although Abedin was only a part-time employee at the State Department at that time of the attack — she was working as an outside contractor with a consulting firm while working for Clinton — she had been Clinton’s right hand person at the department for years."

Partisan sniping swirls around Abedin testimony

Cummings is a proven lying, deceitful PO$ that will do and say anything to protect the DNC, it's disgraceful leaders, and his own ass! He's never seen any Liberal scandal worth investigating...
"Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is warning Republicans on the House Select Committee on Benghazi not to leak details of a top aide’s closed-door appearance on Friday, as they allege lawmakers have done with other private briefings." Like the Libs have also done in the past...

FUNNY...this shady, lying, perjuring, deceitful law-breaking wench THREATENING anyone... :laugh:

...and if there isn't anything to hide or be ashamed of, what's there to 'leak'?
Elijah Cummings Is At It Again:

Elijah, as you may remember, was BUSTED for trying to shut down the Lois Lerner Investigation before it was discovered that he was involved (He sent Lerner an e-mail suggesting partisan questions that the IRS should ask Conservatives - they used many of them word-for-word).

"Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the top Democrat on the panel, slammed the panel for bringing in Huma Abedin, Clinton's former deputy chief of staff at State, for questioning. His comments echoed a Thursday night statement from the Clinton campaign, which said “t remains unclear why the committee is focused on her, given her lack of knowledge about the events surrounding Benghazi.”

She's Hillary's right-hand 'man' and confidante
It's been discovered that she, like Hillary, has her own personal e-mail AND an 'alias' it's under.
"Although Abedin was only a part-time employee at the State Department at that time of the attack — she was working as an outside contractor with a consulting firm while working for Clinton — she had been Clinton’s right hand person at the department for years."

Partisan sniping swirls around Abedin testimony

Cummings is a proven lying, deceitful PO$ that will do and say anything to protect the DNC, it's disgraceful leaders, and his own ass! He's never seen any Liberal scandal worth investigating...

you're only impressing other fellow idiots ...

did you call or write Trey?
you're only impressing other fellow idiots ...
did you call or write Trey?

Nice NON-dispute of the facts...but I understand. Whatever helps you sleep better at night. :)
you're only impressing other fellow idiots ...
did you call or write Trey?

Nice NON-dispute of the facts...but I understand. Whatever helps you sleep better at night. :)

you don't understand anything about facts ...

What facts? Whatt'd Huma say. Was she in bed with Hill when the 2am call came? What'd she text Hill about from her very very suspicious private cell phone acct? I'm dying to know. I know it must be scandalous.
This is just like Whitewater, where they found nothing on a Clinton land deal but parlayed it into a subpoena factory and phishing expedition, looking to cast a general cloud of mistrust (a la McCarthy & Nixon, the original dirty tricksters).

George Bush ignored an August 2001 memo about an impending attack on skyscrapers using planes. He failed to honor the most basic defense protocols by having scramble-ready planes,. He failed to protect the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, and 3000+ Americans died. Then he pressured intelligence agencies to build a case for invading Iraq, which was a pre-9/11 policy goal - and it was later revealed that his intelligence bordered on criminally negligent, and thousands of additional innocent Americans died fighting a war under false pretenses.

And guess what? Bush didn't answer any questions in front of anybody. He simply refused, and his base didn't make a peep.

Unlike the Clinton's, who face constant politically motivated subpoenas, the Republican power structure is insulated from having to answer for its actions. They exploit the law and constitutional purpose of government to hunt political enemies, and - tragically - they don't see how transparently corrupt and hypocritical they look.

And now you want us to take your fabricated Benghazi scandal seriously when we know you are doing this to harm Clinton's presidential chances ....

Are you fucking kidding?
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September 12, 2003: Bush Administration Is Sued for Supposedly Having Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks

Ellen Mariani.[Source: Ellen Mariani]


9/11 victim’s relative Ellen Mariani sues the US government, claiming that certain officials had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. “I’m 100 percent sure that they knew,” she says. In doing so, she is ineligible for government compensation from what she calls the “shut-up and go-away fund.” She believes she would have received around $500,000. According to a statement by her lawyer, her lawsuit against President Bush, Vice President Cheney, the CIA, Defense Department, and other administration members “is based upon prior knowledge of 9/11; knowingly failing to act, prevent or warn of 9/11; and the ongoing obstruction of justice by covering up the truth of 9/11; all in violation of the laws of the United States.”
9 committees later. There is no wrong doing.

"Can you READ or is you mind and your mouth just stuck on 'stupid'?"

My full quote is here, which refutes Easyt. 9 committees later. There is no wrong doing. Two staffers and a Congressmen say that the committees' function is to damage HRC. If the GOP keeps this up, the fall out will only strengthen HRC's bid for the presidency.

Easyt's proven stupidity is tiresome.
Maybe if she cooperated with investigaters this wouldn't of dragged out this long. So what difference does it make if it kills her chance to be president. It her own fault. Don't break the law.
On the bottom floor of the United States Capitol’s new underground visitors’ center, there is a secure room where the House Intelligence Committee maintains highly classified files. One of those files is titled “Finding, Discussion and Narrative Regarding Certain Sensitive National Security Matters.” It is twenty-eight pages long. In 2002, the Administration of George W. Bush excised those pages from the report of the Joint Congressional Inquiry into the 9/11 attacks. President Bush said then that publication of that section of the report would damage American intelligence operations, revealing “sources and methods that would make it harder for us to win the war on terror.”

“There’s nothing in it about national security,” Walter Jones, a Republican congressman from North Carolina who has read the missing pages, contends. “It’s about the Bush Administration and its relationship with the Saudis.”

A Void in the History of September 11th - The New Yorker

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