Proven Criminal Acts Perpetrated By Hillary Regarding Benghazi / E-mail Scandal

"Can you READ or is you mind and your mouth just stuck on 'stupid'?"

My full quote is here, which refutes Easyt. 9 committees later. There is no wrong doing. Two staffers and a Congressmen say that the committees' function is to damage HRC. If the GOP keeps this up, the fall out will only strengthen HRC's bid for the presidency.

Easyt's proven stupidity is tiresome.

None of the committees were focused on the subject of the OP, stop with the deflection and stay on topic.
The topic is a fallacy of false statement. There are no proven criminal acts by HRC. Or Scott Walker. Or Jeb Bush. The committees can certainly be used as examples by the far right to smear HRC with false allegations, just as the OP is trying unsuccessfully to do.

So you're saying she didn't have an unsecured server in unsecured locations that contained classified and sensitive information?
I am saying that no one has proven the commission of a criminal act. Two members of Congress now and a former staffer have outed the committee.

It has been proven, what she has done with her server is a plain violation of law, the only question is will she be prosecuted? I think we will know that answer by the end of March.
It has been proven, what she has done with her server is a plain violation of law, the only question is will she be prosecuted? I think we will know that answer by the end of March.
Ok, we have the WH officially on record as admitting there was never a protest....what about the State Department?


On eve of House hearings, State Department finally admits: No, there was never any protest outside the Benghazi consulate before the attack

LINK: On eve of House hearings, State Department finally admits: No, there was never any protest outside the Benghazi consulate before the attack

"If you’ve been following the news about Benghazi, you’ll have two questions after watching this clip. One: Didn’t we already know this? Answer: Yes, “we” did, but not because our government was eager for us to find out. McClatchy published an interview with a Libyan guard wounded in the attack just two days after it happened in which he claimed that there was never any protest. Four days later, Fox News was hearing the same thing from an intelligence source on the ground. Four days after that, Eli Lake of Newsweek reported that there was intelligence early on that the attack was planned and that an Al Qaeda affiliate was involved. Right around the same time, Jay Carney started segueing from the White House’s initial ludicrous “spontaneous protest over the Mohammed movie” narrative to a “yes, of course this was a terrorist attack” admission. Not until tonight, though, I believe, did Chris Stevens’s superiors at State think to politely inform the public — not to mention Carney — that, oh right, there was never a protest."


SO, on the EVE of the hearings the State Department finally admitted there was no protest. BUT WAIT A MINUTE....Hillary declared DURING the hearings that she had no idea if the attack was because of a Protest or a terrorist attack?!

I smell :bs1:!

So Hillary is running for PRESIDENT and she just proved she can't even run the State Department because while they were admitting there was no protest SHE was supposedly being kept in the dark about this by her own agency?!

:wtf: :lmao:
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Democrats are so Damned gullible.

Their leaders could get caught red-handed for any crime.....but they think a denial is all it takes to completely exonerate them. Give them a press conference, a speech, or a debate and all of the mountains of evidence is sumarally discounted.

They just want it to be untrue....and they need only a few words to placate them.

Democrats are so Damned gullible.

Their leaders could get caught red-handed for any crime.....but they think a denial is all it takes to completely exonerate them. Give them a press conference, a speech, or a debate and all of the mountains of evidence is sumarally discounted.

They just want it to be untrue....and they need only a few words to placate them.

You speak of crimes but no indictment no proof no nothing ...its just a fantasy or delusion...
so, make the call ..

Siete, YOU are the one who declared the experts and links to be wrong. I asked you to prove it - as nuhuh says, 'Got no link then YOU LIE'. I am waiting for YOUR 'call'. Instead of 'manning up', as they say, you keep embarrassing yourself with these silly attempts at distraction. To help you stop doing so, I will stop asking you to do the impossible.
No indictment no proof no evidence and the wheels coming off the Inbred Banjo playing moron Trey Gowdy's sham wow Investigation LOl
so, make the call ..

Siete, YOU are the one who declared the experts and links to be wrong. I asked you to prove it - as nuhuh says, 'Got no link then YOU LIE'. I am waiting for YOUR 'call'. Instead of 'manning up', as they say, you keep embarrassing yourself with these silly attempts at distraction. To help you stop doing so, I will stop asking you to do the impossible.

Not one arrest has been made in several years of investigation. I'll stop asking for action rather than vapid claims about Clinton's certain guilt.

If the RW isn't powerful enough to convict a PROVEN criminal like Clinton, they aren't powerful enough to run the country.

see how that works?
Not one arrest has been made in several years of investigation.

An arrest has been made now

  • Right-Wing Benghazi Expert Arrested
  • Simmons was a frequent and favorite guest on Fox News, and was one of the conservative media's purported experts on the 2012 Benghazi attacks. Simmons joined several prominent conservative activists and media figures in calling for the House to convene a Benghazi Select Committee.
t's OK for Hilary Clinton to lie to the parents of those 4 dead Americans as their bodies were being taken off a plane in flag draped coffins...but it's not OK for the Congress to do what it's supposed to do and investigate what the Executive Branch is doing?

What did she lie to the parents about? Come on, please say she told the parents that she didnt have a home computer :rofl:

"Flag draped coffins"...nice imagery, almost like your hiding behind emotions

It's not "imagery" nor is it "nice", Closed. It was a tragic situation.

Yes, people died but that tragedy has nothing to do with Clintons emails.

What has to have made it so much worse for the families of those four slain men however was that both the State Department and the White House lied right to their faces and tried to blame what happened on a "protest" that both State and the White House KNEW didn't happen in Benghazi!

Believe me, when they think about their dead sons the last thing they are concerned with is whether a video kicked it off or something else. You are the only one who cares about that. The family, is mourning. You're dancing on their bodies for political gain.

Not one family member has ever called anyone and said "You said a video and it was really something else OMG!!!!!"

Actually, Chris Stevens' family specifically asked that they not politicize his death. They didn't give a rats' ass about that, though.

I've yet to see them say word one about the 50 dead in a dozen attacks when baby bush was president.

their jig is up.

Sean Smith's mother doesn't appear to have gotten that liberal talking point, Jillian! She's STILL calling for answers...and Hillary's head!
Benghazi Mom: Hillary Only Cares About Herself
Glen Doherty's family has a law suit pending against the State Department and the Obama Administration over the death of their son. They don't seem to be satisfied with the answers that Hillary Clinton has provided either.
t's OK for Hilary Clinton to lie to the parents of those 4 dead Americans as their bodies were being taken off a plane in flag draped coffins...but it's not OK for the Congress to do what it's supposed to do and investigate what the Executive Branch is doing?

What did she lie to the parents about? Come on, please say she told the parents that she didnt have a home computer :rofl:

"Flag draped coffins"...nice imagery, almost like your hiding behind emotions

It's not "imagery" nor is it "nice", Closed. It was a tragic situation.

Yes, people died but that tragedy has nothing to do with Clintons emails.

What has to have made it so much worse for the families of those four slain men however was that both the State Department and the White House lied right to their faces and tried to blame what happened on a "protest" that both State and the White House KNEW didn't happen in Benghazi!

Believe me, when they think about their dead sons the last thing they are concerned with is whether a video kicked it off or something else. You are the only one who cares about that. The family, is mourning. You're dancing on their bodies for political gain.

Not one family member has ever called anyone and said "You said a video and it was really something else OMG!!!!!"

Actually, Chris Stevens' family specifically asked that they not politicize his death. They didn't give a rats' ass about that, though.

I've yet to see them say word one about the 50 dead in a dozen attacks when baby bush was president.

their jig is up.

Sean Smith's mother doesn't appear to have gotten that liberal talking point, Jillian! She's STILL calling for answers...and Hillary's head!
Benghazi Mom: Hillary Only Cares About Herself

People deal with loss all types of ways. She's mad that Hillary didnt give her a call and thinks that something else kicked off the riot and Hilary knows the truth but lied about it.

Here was her complaint where she laid out her evidence: "All I do know is that Hillary was responsible. It was her department. And if it wasn't her, then it was Obama, who left on vacation as soon as it happened,"

All she knows is that it was Hilary! But if it wasnt the person she KNOWS is responsible its ANOTHER PERSON shes 100% is at fault.
Ty Woods family is asking for straight answers from Clinton and Obama as well. It's been years since their loved ones were killed and the Justice Department's "investigation" has been a joke from the start.
What did she lie to the parents about? Come on, please say she told the parents that she didnt have a home computer :rofl:

"Flag draped coffins"...nice imagery, almost like your hiding behind emotions

It's not "imagery" nor is it "nice", Closed. It was a tragic situation.

Yes, people died but that tragedy has nothing to do with Clintons emails.

What has to have made it so much worse for the families of those four slain men however was that both the State Department and the White House lied right to their faces and tried to blame what happened on a "protest" that both State and the White House KNEW didn't happen in Benghazi!

Believe me, when they think about their dead sons the last thing they are concerned with is whether a video kicked it off or something else. You are the only one who cares about that. The family, is mourning. You're dancing on their bodies for political gain.

Not one family member has ever called anyone and said "You said a video and it was really something else OMG!!!!!"

Actually, Chris Stevens' family specifically asked that they not politicize his death. They didn't give a rats' ass about that, though.

I've yet to see them say word one about the 50 dead in a dozen attacks when baby bush was president.

their jig is up.

Sean Smith's mother doesn't appear to have gotten that liberal talking point, Jillian! She's STILL calling for answers...and Hillary's head!
Benghazi Mom: Hillary Only Cares About Herself

People deal with loss all types of ways. She's mad that Hillary didnt give her a call and thinks that something else kicked off the riot and Hilary knows the truth but lied about it.

Here was her complaint where she laid out her evidence: "All I do know is that Hillary was responsible. It was her department. And if it wasn't her, then it was Obama, who left on vacation as soon as it happened,"

All she knows is that it was Hilary! But if it wasnt the person she KNOWS is responsible its ANOTHER PERSON shes 100% is at fault.

The Reason Sean Smith's mother is so angry is that she know knows Hillary Clinton lied to her face as the casket of her son was coming off that plane.
She thinks Hilary lied...and in case Hilary didn't lie she also knows that its Obama's fault...but its definitely Hilary's fault, maybe
What did she lie to the parents about? Come on, please say she told the parents that she didnt have a home computer :rofl:

"Flag draped coffins"...nice imagery, almost like your hiding behind emotions

It's not "imagery" nor is it "nice", Closed. It was a tragic situation.

Yes, people died but that tragedy has nothing to do with Clintons emails.

What has to have made it so much worse for the families of those four slain men however was that both the State Department and the White House lied right to their faces and tried to blame what happened on a "protest" that both State and the White House KNEW didn't happen in Benghazi!

Believe me, when they think about their dead sons the last thing they are concerned with is whether a video kicked it off or something else. You are the only one who cares about that. The family, is mourning. You're dancing on their bodies for political gain.

Not one family member has ever called anyone and said "You said a video and it was really something else OMG!!!!!"

Actually, Chris Stevens' family specifically asked that they not politicize his death. They didn't give a rats' ass about that, though.

I've yet to see them say word one about the 50 dead in a dozen attacks when baby bush was president.

their jig is up.

Sean Smith's mother doesn't appear to have gotten that liberal talking point, Jillian! She's STILL calling for answers...and Hillary's head!
Benghazi Mom: Hillary Only Cares About Herself

People deal with loss all types of ways. She's mad that Hillary didnt give her a call and thinks that something else kicked off the riot and Hilary knows the truth but lied about it.

Here was her complaint where she laid out her evidence: "All I do know is that Hillary was responsible. It was her department. And if it wasn't her, then it was Obama, who left on vacation as soon as it happened,"

All she knows is that it was Hilary! But if it wasnt the person she KNOWS is responsible its ANOTHER PERSON shes 100% is at fault.

So why didn't Clinton give her a call? When one of your people is killed...due in part to decisions that YOU have made...and you promise to keep that person's mother informed on the status of the investigation but then never call her back...what possible excuse can there be for behavior that callous?

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