Barry Squeals Just Like A Pig


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013

“And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free," he reportedly said. "That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk. And when you start moving in those directions, it can accelerate pretty quickly as we’ve seen in other places.”

Evidence shows the Russian Collusion Narrative was BS from the start & Obama not only knew about it but directed include going after Flynn who was blackmailed by the threat of having his son sent to prison into agreeing to a guilty plea.

This son of a bitch violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, trampled civil liberties, and even murdered Americans after while denying their Due-Process rights.

He and his criminal administration illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media US Senators, USSC Justices, political opponents, and a newly elected President.

He attempted a failed coup if a US President.

I was ok with sending his Cabinet members / agency directors and allowing the 1st Black President to be allowed to skate with a tarnished record...

But after THIS shit, I hope they go after the smug, arrogant, criminal traitor - I hope they destroy him as he did to Flynn...but legally.

I hope he is the 1st President to be indicted, charged, and sent to prison for his proven crimes.

It would be appropriate, even, if he was sentenced for his treason to be held in GITMO, the very place he swore he would close and failed to do so.

Obama turned the US into a 3rd World Banana Republic with his dictatorial regime's violations of Constitution and Rule of law...and he says he is worried that reversing that would 'accelerate the decline of the Rule of Law'?

Perhaps the dictatorial Obama Rule Of Law...

Anyone notice that Barry is starting to look like that guy on a box of rice?
See the source image
They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case
Barry knows he directed all of it....and that the finger of guilt points directly at him.
I'm seeing this COVID-19 scare as yet another attempt to delay any arrests till after the election.
Democrats hope they can take back Congress and the White House and squash this thing before the guilty parties end up behind bars.
Democrats want to delay everything and stretch out the lock down till after the election.
They'll be blaming all of the destruction they're causing Trump and hope fools enough idiots into believing it.
"Rule of law". This weeks liberal soundbite. Like a bunch of goddamn parrots.

Forgive me if I find their concern completely full of hypocrisy and bullshit.
They left out "our" before "law"
Social justice is really JUST US.....everyone else can lose their jobs and their homes and just starve and die.
This is communism folks.
They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case
Barry knows he directed all of it....and that the finger of guilt points directly at him.
I'm seeing this COVID-19 scare as yet another attempt to delay any arrests till after the election.
Democrats hope they can take back Congress and the White House and squash this thing before the guilty parties end up behind bars.
Democrats want to delay everything and stretch out the lock down till after the election.
They'll be blaming all of the destruction they're causing Trump and hope fools enough idiots into believing it.

Over 60 million of these stupid fucks are going to vote for Biden.
"Rule of law". This weeks liberal soundbite. Like a bunch of goddamn parrots.

Forgive me if I find their concern completely full of hypocrisy and bullshit.
They left out "our" before "law"
Social justice is really JUST US.....everyone else can lose their jobs and their homes and just starve and die.
This is communism folks.

Trump said he was a war time president, the virus was the enemy, and some of his soldiers would die -

so stfu and go salute commies along side the fat sob.
Trump spending all his political capital covering for the crimes of his henchmen is one of his biggest betrayals. He could have been making America great again but since he apparently can't do it with honest people he has sabotaged himself into uselessness.
They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case

Barrack really fucked up with his assumption trump woudln't win and he could just do whatever he wanted to him and his campaign

History books will not be kind to him on this topic

There is no way he approves any of this without believing trump had a shot to win even the primary

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