Public school children forced to pray to Allah

I had to look twice to make sure I was in the right forum. This is the "Education and History" forum, isn't it?

Now I'd like for a muslim to explain to all of us who are curious just exactly what al taquiyya is? Thanks.
Making up quotes from other posters is CLEARLY against the rules
:lol: No it isn't.

It proves your dishonesty and lack on integrity. You're not going to win many converts like that. By the way, What is al taquiyya?

You know what is HILARIOUS. I did something similar in the flame forum to prove a very specific point 2 months ago, and her and her little buddies continuously blast me for it.

Hypocrisy PROVEN.
:lol: No it isn't.

It proves your dishonesty and lack on integrity. You're not going to win many converts like that. By the way, What is al taquiyya?

You know what is HILARIOUS. I did something similar in the flame forum to prove a very specific point 2 months ago, and her and her little buddies continuously blast me for it.

Hypocrisy PROVEN.

This is so much fun. I love poking them and watching them react like bratty spoiled children who can't get their way so they rant and rail and stamp their feet.
There sure are a lot of liberals here excusing Islam's misogyny. I thought you guys supported women's rights? Why are you throwing women under the bus?
Muslim women are treated better and get far more respect than women in the West.

If by respect you mean abused, made to dress like mummies, and generally treated like a piece of furniture. Then yes I agree with you.

Otherwise you're a lying terrorist.
Yes, he did say something about that in Timothy. So what?
So that shows us that telling women to keep quiet didn't apply exclusively to the Corinthians as you originally suggested. Do try to keep up.

If you want to get into the bible then you're gonna get fried.
I see you completely missed the point of my last post. Read it again.

What is al taquiyya?
If there's something you want to say, go ahead.
If by respect you mean abused, made to dress like mummies, and generally treated like a piece of furniture. Then yes I agree with you.

Otherwise you're a lying terrorist.
I believe you don't have a clue how to treat a woman or respect her.
Keep in mind that CornDog is the one who urinated on a woman and broke her arm. :lol:

btw what is all of this terrorist talk???
I don't think he knows what "terrorism" is.
Yes, he did say something about that in Timothy. So what?
So that shows us that telling women to keep quiet didn't apply exclusively to the Corinthians as you originally suggested. Do try to keep up.

If you want to get into the bible then you're gonna get fried.
I see you completely missed the point of my last post. Read it again.

What is al taquiyya?
If there's something you want to say, go ahead.

Another straw man. I never said that it was exclusively in Corinthians. You're really having a tough time, thus your need to set up straw men to knock over. Pathetic.

What is al taquiyya?
Jack Fate is pretending to be a Christian, when he is nothing more than a religious fanatic that no follower of Christ would want in his congregation.

Go to, Jack Fate, with your hate, go to.
Another straw man. I never said that it was exclusively in Corinthians.
Then why did you fail to mention anything other than the Corinthians? Forget about Timothy?

You're really having a tough time, thus your need to set up straw men to knock over. Pathetic.
I see that you failed to read that post of mine again. Do you need a grown-up to read it to you?

What is al taquiyya?
Tell us.
Keep in mind that CornDog is the one who urinated on a woman and broke her arm.
Yea, I heard about that from other posters.

Then he is either talking about beating women or on a thread about masturbation.

He must get off thinking about beating women while..........well you know :eek:

I wonder if it's a Christian thing or if it's just CornDog? :eusa_whistle:
Another straw man. I never said that it was exclusively in Corinthians.
Then why did you fail to mention anything other than the Corinthians? Forget about Timothy?

You're really having a tough time, thus your need to set up straw men to knock over. Pathetic.
I see that you failed to read that post of mine again. Do you need a grown-up to read it to you?

What is al taquiyya?
Tell us.

I'm not a muslim. You are. This is the "Education and History" forum. Educate us, Mr. muslim. We want to make sure we get it right.

What is al taquiyya?
All the muslims and their useful idiots have are insults and deflections. What are they hiding? Why will they not answer my question? Why? They claim to have answers to our questions? Why will they not answer what al taquiyya is?
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Keep in mind that CornDog is the one who urinated on a woman and broke her arm.
Yea, I heard about that from other posters.

Then he is either talking about beating women or on a thread about masturbation.

He must get off thinking about beating women while..........well you know :eek:

Thread about masturbation? I don't even know what you're talking about there my friend. Oh and I'm wondering when someone will chastise you for accusing me of beating women.
You're a muslim and you're here in the "Education and History" forum. Educate us, Mr. muslim. Call up one of your Imams. What is al taquiyya?

Read my user name.

It says "Sunni" man

Here is a free clue numb nuts.

Al taquiyya is standard practice among Shite's not Sunni's

So go to a Shia site and ask your question. :cool:

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