Public school children forced to pray to Allah

believe what you want.

the video that was produced by a group that opposed the mosque, or the guy that runs the mosque.
frankly, i've got better things to worry about.
if this was such a HUGE issue, how come no one said a word in may, when it happened? not. a. fucking. word.

have a nice day

If this happened at a Christian church you'd be upset.

no, i wouldn't, but then, i'm rational and you, apparently, are a fuckwit.

Explain to me why lefties are not upset about this but they would be upset if the teacher took them to a baptist service?
If this happened at a Christian church you'd be upset.

no, i wouldn't, but then, i'm rational and you, apparently, are a fuckwit.
Actually, a "fuckwit" would be a parent who has no problem with somebody else shoving a religion down the throat of ones child in a PUBLIC SCHOOL, or PUBLIC SCHOOL provided field trip.......FUCKWIT!:cuckoo:

yes, that parent was so upset that she did nothing about, despite being there when it happened. the teachers fucked up; it's the end of the fucking world.

jesus, get a grip :lol:
Video: kids bowing to allah.


School Trip to ?Moderate? Mosque: Inside Video Captures Kids Bowing to Allah



Act for America <[email protected]>

threads merged

Tell them to leave.
You won't have to tell the Gulf'ies to take their money with them which they invested in your economy big time.
believe what you want.

the video that was produced by a group that opposed the mosque, or the guy that runs the mosque.
frankly, i've got better things to worry about.
if this was such a HUGE issue, how come no one said a word in may, when it happened? not. a. fucking. word.

have a nice day
Because we live in the age of a liberal dominated MSM. They don't give a shit if children are being indoctrinated. At least not when the indoctrination involves one of their fucked up causes.

are you this stupid in real life?
NO!......i'm not the one who is approving of having my child participating in a religious prayer session on a PUBLIC SCHOOL provided field trip.....That would be you!
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no, i wouldn't, but then, i'm rational and you, apparently, are a fuckwit.

Explain to me why lefties are not upset about this but they would be upset if the teacher took them to a baptist service?

i'm sorry, you'll have to ask a lefty. maybe at your next fuckwit meeting you can ask one?

Serioiusly, the left makes sure that no mention of Jesus during class, no bibles, no jesus T-shirts, etc. Looks like this just slipped through the cracks.
Because we live in the age of a liberal dominated MSM. They don't give a shit if children are being indoctrinated. At least not when the indoctrination involves one of their fucked up causes.

are you this stupid in real life?
NO!......i'm not the one who is approving of having my child participating in a religious prayer session PUBLIC SCHOOL provided field trip.....That would be you!

do those wadded up panties make you walk funny?

sorry, i don't have to approve of something to laugh at you buffoons making a mountain out of a mole hill.

rationality-give it a try :lol:
I can't believe they made it out of the mosque without being beheaded!!!

Ravi-No savvy,

The sarcasm notwithstanding, the kids are being "beheaded" in the sense that they are being BRINWASHED to the point that if they won't be able to freely use their brains. being INDOCRINATED, intellectually speaking......THEY MIGHT AS WELL BE fucking Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd Swine.

You, and your ilk, are part of the LIEberrhoid ROT which is destroying America.

YOU ARE THE ENEMY WITHIN.....that is if you are an American citizen.

Your kind of ROT is the ROT most responsible for the destruction of civilizations other than Wars of Annihilation, ex: Genghiz Khan.
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are you this stupid in real life?
NO!......i'm not the one who is approving of having my child participating in a religious prayer session PUBLIC SCHOOL provided field trip.....That would be you!

do those wadded up panties make you walk funny?

sorry, i don't have to approve of something to laugh at you buffoons making a mountain out of a mole hill.

rationality-give it a try :lol:
I wear boxers. My huge cock would make wearing panties quite uncomfortable.

I'll leave the panty wearing to fucked up in the head parents who approve of having religion shoved down the throats of their children on PUBLIC SCHOOL provided field trips.....Fuckin' libs!:cuckoo:
NO!......i'm not the one who is approving of having my child participating in a religious prayer session PUBLIC SCHOOL provided field trip.....That would be you!

do those wadded up panties make you walk funny?

sorry, i don't have to approve of something to laugh at you buffoons making a mountain out of a mole hill.

rationality-give it a try :lol:
I wear boxers. My huge cock would make wearing panties quite uncomfortable.

I'll leave the panty wearing to fucked up in the head parents who approve of having religion shoved down the throats of their children on PUBLIC SCHOOL provided field trips.....Fuckin' libs!:cuckoo:

there's a word for guys who talk about their penises and can't comprehend english.

the word is loser. :thup:
Because we live in the age of a liberal dominated MSM. They don't give a shit if children are being indoctrinated. At least not when the indoctrination involves one of their fucked up causes.

are you this stupid in real life?
NO!......i'm not the one who is approving of having my child participating in a religious prayer session on a PUBLIC SCHOOL provided field trip.....That would be you!

Don't be a nitwit, nitwit. Don't sign the permission slip and keep your kid home.
mmmmmmmmmm....damn this thread went viral.

I have to admit to being confused. Rightwingloons want God back in the classroom...well here he is, using the name of Allah.

All or nothing kids, you wished for something you didn't want.
Jack Fate, don't sign the permission slip, keep your offspring home, and shut up.
are you this stupid in real life?
NO!......i'm not the one who is approving of having my child participating in a religious prayer session on a PUBLIC SCHOOL provided field trip.....That would be you!

Don't be a nitwit, nitwit. Don't sign the permission slip and keep your kid home.
Don't think I didn't notice you completely ignored my last post to you, Jane.

Why is that?......Because you know you made a complete idiot of yourself, YET AGAIN!

Quit being a loony liberal idiot, ya' loony liberal idiot!
The last thing someone here posted something from American "Thinker," it was total garbage.

I'm sure if someone took 2 minutes to do a bit of digging, I'm pretty sure that we'll find this is garbage too.
mmmmmmmmmm....damn this thread went viral.

I have to admit to being confused. Rightwingloons want God back in the classroom...well here he is, using the name of Allah.

All or nothing kids, you wished for something you didn't want.
Once again, Ravi proves she's the dumbest poster on this board!

Damn Ravi, you actually make Jane Malarkey look half way intelligent.....Oh, but then he posted again. Never mind!
mmmmmmmmmm....damn this thread went viral.

I have to admit to being confused. Rightwingloons want God back in the classroom...well here he is, using the name of Allah.

All or nothing kids, you wished for something you didn't want.

Nope. It's against the law.
No...studying religion as a cultural issue has never been illegal. You just don't like it when the culture studied is one you fear.
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