public school teacher calls white people problemattic and says start a riot

Should parents flip a coin to see who's going to quit their job to stay home and play teacher?

This is precisely why school choice legislation is gaining ground and starting to pass in several states. COVID finally opened their eyes to the total cesspool we call public schools.

Another crazy left wing racist communist who needs to be committed. A very sick person. Home teach your kids.

These videos are from about two years ago. For some reason now they're resurfacing again. She is still employed by the school district as far as I know.
Why is it that every one of these loons are butt-ugly? I wonder if there is a correlation?
Because being ugly, being not one of the cool kids in HS, not getting invited to the cool kids parties, lunch table in HS etc., led them to anything that would accept them in college......Marxism. They take all of the weirdo rejects.
Because being ugly, being not one of the cool kids in HS, not getting invited to the cool kids parties, lunch table in HS etc., led them to anything that would accept them in college......Marxism. They take all of the weirdo rejects.
At my HS lunch table, I once let out a 31 second burp. The whole cafeteria got quiet. :auiqs.jpg:

There was a soda machine, and if you gulp air while drinking soda just right, it leads to extended burping.

Everyone at my lunch table did this. 7-8 people. Bought a soda and tried to get the longest burp. I still remember the guy right before me,

and it was impressive!
Why is it that every one of these loons are butt-ugly? I wonder if there is a correlation?

Because if you can't get attention by being attractive, you can still have people pay attention to you if you're a genuinely good person or intelligent or have some skill.

If you have none of those you have to get attention by being an unconscionable asshole and saying/doing the worst shit to get people to pay attention to you. They get attention by being projecting your shortcomings onto others.
Calm down. It was one conversation.
You are either being incredibly naive or completely dishonest if you think the rant involves "one conversation" as you put it.

A person would have to be both to think this crazy extremist bitch limits herself to "one conversation,".
At my HS lunch table, I once let out a 31 second burp. The whole cafeteria got quiet. :auiqs.jpg:

There was a soda machine, and if you gulp air while drinking soda just right, it leads to extended burping.

Everyone at my lunch table did this. 7-8 people. Bought a soda and tried to get the longest burp. I still remember the guy right before me,

and it was impressive!
You obviously grew up in a different environment than I did.

At my high school, the whole cafeteria would have got all quiet

And then burst into applause.
Not the point.

Just as long as we're clear that eliminating hate is not a priority.

She didn't inspire "thought and discussion", she expressed an opinion in the hopes of getting kids to agree with her.

Republican or not, free speech or not, fired or not, what she said is prejudiced. You know, that thing we've been trying so hard to combat and educate kids about.

So we have been trying real hard to eliminate free speech. Mission accomplished. I just personally disagree with that mission.
She is indoctrinating, not teaching. She is not preparing students to progress academically. She should be fired.

Maybe I am confused about the difference between having a conversation and teaching. One day I will understand. Surely you have noticed in your life that Republicans love to fight windmills. (Extra five points to anybody who gets that reference.)
Lol, retard repugs wanting to get rid of schools again. Hilarious 😂 Yep instead of sensible like fire her let's have retards teaching retards. Sounds like a great idea. Oh well less competition for my grandchildren when they hit the job market. You just go with that.

Fortunately this type of conspiracy theory knee jerk reaction isn't hereditary nor learned behavior.
No wonder no decent person would send their kids to public school if there was any way they could afford private or be able to home school.

They can afford to send their kid to private school or to home school. Complainers offen do nothing but complain. Complaining is easy.
One conversation too many.

How many? Was it just once? Humans learn to complain before they learn to walk or talk. These whiners have the maturity of a new born baby. They whine instead of fixing the problem. So they are exaggerating about the problem or they are too weak to pursue a solution.
Agreed. She can have an informal conservation and share her unpopular opinion though. You fuckers are fascists and you don't even know it.
Kids in her classrom are a captive audience. What she's doing is fascist.
These white Prog women think we are in la la land. And they are destroying the nation. They do not see it as they are living well. And their belief in Progressive Socialist agendas is contracting the real wealth. People in other nations are hurting from their own despot governments and tens of millions of people have come here in recent decades with many not assimilated. We see some of the so-called executives like the Anheuser VP and the Miller Lite commercial and they are so far out of reality that they cause consternation and resentment. The whole world revolves around them. In the end they will get millions killed and a good percentage will be them and the men who swear to defend their asses. The globalists are ingenious.
same go for the spoiled blacks in this country. they dont know how to appreciate what they got in America. Blacks who are still; in salved in africa today Are saying it after they get freed in their own articles.
same go for the spoiled blacks in this country. they dont know how to appreciate what they got in America. Blacks who are still; in salved in africa today Are saying it after they get freed in their own articles.
Give that whatever-to-English translator a whack, buddy. That's bot nonsense.

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