public school teacher calls white people problemattic and says start a riot

The Left has a big problem with stereotyping, prejudice, hate, racism and violence.
The amazing thing about it is that they are oblivious to their raging hypocrisy.
It is one of the symptoms of the Left being a delusional cult.
The Left has a big problem with stereotyping, prejudice, hate, racism and violence.
The amazing thing about it is that they are oblivious to their raging hypocrisy.
It is one of the symptoms of the Left being a delusional cult.
correct i agree
Oh so we aren't allowed to have personal beliefs anymore? I hate all of you people that hate freedom of speech and freedom of thought. It is a government run school. Freedom of speech is required to be protected by governments in the United States. Hell no. Don't fire teachers for inspiring thought and discussion. Fuck that. I think the teachers I disagree with have just as much right to an opinion as the ones I agree with. Have you ever been in a class room? There are lots of informal discussions that take place that isn't teaching per se. There is nothing irresponsible or illegal about a teacher having an opinion. You are sick and disgusting. It almost makes me want to become a Democrat. There are so many retarded Republicans that make an one time conversation in a classroom into a propaganda conspiracy indoctrination training program. Holy shit. You guys are nuts. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a Republican. People will think I am retarded too. Fuck your unAmerican bull shit.
She’s a teacher. She’s not teaching. She’s indoctrinating. She’s preaching hate and divisiveness. She should be fired. Period.
Oh so we aren't allowed to have personal beliefs anymore?

Not the point.
I hate all of you people that hate freedom of speech and freedom of thought.

Just as long as we're clear that eliminating hate is not a priority.
It is a government run school. Freedom of speech is required to be protected by governments in the United States. Hell no. Don't fire teachers for inspiring thought and discussion.

She didn't inspire "thought and discussion", she expressed an opinion in the hopes of getting kids to agree with her.
Fuck that. I think the teachers I disagree with have just as much right to an opinion as the ones I agree with. Have you ever been in a class room? There are lots of informal discussions that take place that isn't teaching per se. There is nothing irresponsible or illegal about a teacher having an opinion. You are sick and disgusting. It almost makes me want to become a Democrat. There are so many retarded Republicans that make an one time conversation in a classroom into a propaganda conspiracy indoctrination training program. Holy shit. You guys are nuts. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a Republican. People will think I am retarded too. Fuck your unAmerican bull shit.

Republican or not, free speech or not, fired or not, what she said is prejudiced. You know, that thing we've been trying so hard to combat and educate kids about.
The Left has a big problem with stereotyping, prejudice, hate, racism and violence.
The amazing thing about it is that they are oblivious to their raging hypocrisy.
It is one of the symptoms of the Left being a delusional cult.
Magaturds have a big problem with stereotyping, prejudice, hate, racism and violence. The amazing thing about it is that they are oblivious to their raging hypocrisy. It is one of the symptoms of magaturds being a delusional cult.

Two sides of the same pile of shit.
Exactly so why do people panic like the boogie man is eating their children with ketchup. It is an informal conversation not indoctrination. Republicans like to hyperventilate. It is sad really.
She is indoctrinating, not teaching. She is not preparing students to progress academically. She should be fired.
If she believes that education is inherently racist she isn't a teacher. She is pretending to be a teacher the same way she pretends to have purple hair.
These white Prog women think we are in la la land. And they are destroying the nation. They do not see it as they are living well. And their belief in Progressive Socialist agendas is contracting the real wealth. People in other nations are hurting from their own despot governments and tens of millions of people have come here in recent decades with many not assimilated. We see some of the so-called executives like the Anheuser VP and the Miller Lite commercial and they are so far out of reality that they cause consternation and resentment. The whole world revolves around them. In the end they will get millions killed and a good percentage will be them and the men who swear to defend their asses. The globalists are ingenious.
Lol, retard repugs wanting to get rid of schools again. Hilarious 😂 Yep instead of sensible like fire her let's have retards teaching retards. Sounds like a great idea. Oh well less competition for my grandchildren when they hit the job market. You just go with that.
Oh so we aren't allowed to have personal beliefs anymore? I hate all of you people that hate freedom of speech and freedom of thought. It is a government run school. Freedom of speech is required to be protected by governments in the United States. Hell no. Don't fire teachers for inspiring thought and discussion. Fuck that. I think the teachers I disagree with have just as much right to an opinion as the ones I agree with. Have you ever been in a class room? There are lots of informal discussions that take place that isn't teaching per se. There is nothing irresponsible or illegal about a teacher having an opinion. You are sick and disgusting. It almost makes me want to become a Democrat. There are so many retarded Republicans that make an one time conversation in a classroom into a propaganda conspiracy indoctrination training program. Holy shit. You guys are nuts. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a Republican. People will think I am retarded too. Fuck your unAmerican bull shit.

Explain why students aren’t allowed to exercise their right to free speech when they wear maga hats and tee shirts?
Oh so we aren't allowed to have personal beliefs anymore? I hate all of you people that hate freedom of speech and freedom of thought. It is a government run school. Freedom of speech is required to be protected by governments in the United States. Hell no. Don't fire teachers for inspiring thought and discussion. Fuck that. I think the teachers I disagree with have just as much right to an opinion as the ones I agree with. Have you ever been in a class room? There are lots of informal discussions that take place that isn't teaching per se. There is nothing irresponsible or illegal about a teacher having an opinion. You are sick and disgusting. It almost makes me want to become a Democrat. There are so many retarded Republicans that make an one time conversation in a classroom into a propaganda conspiracy indoctrination training program. Holy shit. You guys are nuts. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a Republican. People will think I am retarded too. Fuck your unAmerican bull shit.
A teacher can have all the personal beliefs they want. That doesn’t justify indoctrinating students. That doesn’t justify trying to create racial division in a public school classroom. She should be fired.

Another crazy left wing racist communist who needs to be committed. A very sick person. Home teach your kids.
The left will soon erect a statue in honor of this teacher.

Another crazy left wing racist communist who needs to be committed. A very sick person. Home teach your kids.
No wonder no decent person would send their kids to public school if there was any way they could afford private or be able to home school.

She needs to go on a diet

Stop stuffing her face with junk food while stuffing the students minds with woke bs

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