public school teacher calls white people problemattic and says start a riot

If you use such a weak reason to fire somebody then every teacher would eventually be fired then Morons like you would be educating your own children. Well, until you fired your own kids too. Fire everybody! Wait. That's stupid.
its not week there dangerous. they can start killing white students. your one of these idiots who think everyone racist. that make your the moron.

Another crazy left wing racist communist who needs to be committed. A very sick person. Home teach your kids.
Sit her down. Also the Clark County school board is ridden with internecine fights and political grudges.
and the teacher is racist. she should be fired.

Why should she be fired for having a different opinion than you? Are you familiar with American principles in any way shape or form? Individuality, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, is any of this ringing a bell? Your desire to control the thoughts of other people is what got a lot of men killed by American Revolutionaries. They hated people like you and killed people like you accordingly. Those men viewed unreasonable government control of the mind to be too far for human institutions to trespass in that territory. You should thank the Lord God Almighty that you don't get fired when your views do not align with someone else.
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Did you think the teacher who gave a student extra credit for dressing up like a Grand Wizard should be fired?

He should have at least been given a mean look from the disapproving principal or superintendent depending on how long the student wore the outfit and how much the extra credit was. I'd say in a worst case scenario the governor of that state could walk down to that school and fire that teacher personally if the extra credit extended was super excessive in nature or the outfit was required to be worn longer than 2-3 hours.

What do you think Superbadbrutha ?
Why should she be fired for having a different opinion than you? Are you familiar with American principles in any way shape or form? Individuality, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, is any of this ringing a bell? Your desire to control the thoughts of other people is what got a lot of men killed by American Revolutionaries. They hated people like you and killed people like you accordingly. Those men viewed unreasonable government control of the mind to be too far for human institutions to trespass in that territory. You should thank the Lord God Almighty that you don't get fired when your views do not align with someone else.
preaching hate does not belong in school. neither do you political opinions.. my roots go back to them in related to man who fought along and saved george washington's life and they would not agree with this teacher. we are supposed to be one country freedom . not hate like dems believe., these fellows did not even want us to have political parties because of the separation that is going on now. all do to dems who want to get rid the constitution the laws of the country these men fought to make. There is nothing right about teaching children to break the law and be communists. her job is to teach not indocternate.
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Explain yourself. How is it immoral for me to have super duper oupper duperity chupper racist thoughts? Assume I just had 700 super racist thoughts in the last 48 hours. How is that morally wrong?
your evil go seek help. dem's are so sick in the head.
So no answer just insults? That sounds about right.
the pot calling the kettle black. dems are hypocrites if this was republican teacher you would all w be up in arms. what she is doing is not ok. and against the law. your surpposed to teach not indocturnate.

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