"punks....they always get away"

Outcome of the Zimmerman trial:

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"Fucking punks....these assholes always get away" said George Zimmerman about Trayvon Martin. Opening remarks by the prosecution! Outstanding! I love this guy!

And guess what, the defense attorneys did not object. Double ooops!

Talking about "case closed".......

Only morons think those words are incriminating.

So tell us what smart people are to surmise from those comments. I'll be waiting to hear your brilliant explanation.

Once again for the illiterate and lazy:

The discovery process prior to going to trial is where both sides reveal their case, details, witnesses and evidence.

The defense was well aware that the prosecution was going to start with that quote from Zimmerman. If the defense objected to it as being false or fabricated, the prosecutor would not have said it.

There are no surprises for either side, that happens in movies and old Perry Mason episodes.

Got it?

Just shut the fuck up. Read.

Opening statement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I always enjoy seeing your fantasy figure avatar showing up on my threads. Fairly juvenile for a grown man. Unless you really are just a 15-year-old kid with too many video games and not enough time.

Lmao. That's it? You can ask a lot of people here, would a 15 year old be routinely be kicking liberal ass from one side of this board to another? And would a 15 year old be schooling you in judicial procedure?

Fucking twit.

I was not quoting the judge. You do understand what these mean: " "?

Opening statements, no witnesses called yet. That's what I mean about not starting yet.
But the defense did get on with it after apologizing to the judge.

You seriously don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You should shut up before you REALLY embarrass yourself. If you could any worse than you already have.

And you took a "class" but I am listening to the live opening statements. What are you doing besides showing your fucking bias?

No, dear. I took the whole course. I have a JD. You married a lawyer. All you have is his ring in your bathtub.

I was not quoting the judge. You do understand what these mean: " "?

Opening statements, no witnesses called yet. That's what I mean about not starting yet.
But the defense did get on with it after apologizing to the judge.

You seriously don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You should shut up before you REALLY embarrass yourself. If you could any worse than you already have.

And you took a "class" but I am listening to the live opening statements. What are you doing besides showing your fucking bias?

Speak for yourself!

"Fucking punks....these assholes always get away" said George Zimmerman about Trayvon Martin. Opening remarks by the prosecution! Outstanding! I love this guy!

And guess what, the defense attorneys did not object. Double ooops!

Talking about "case closed".......

Only morons think those words are incriminating.

So tell us what smart people are to surmise from those comments. I'll be waiting to hear your brilliant explanation.

Smart people wouldn't purport to have knowledge they don't have because they married a lawyer.
i cant believe how badly this is going...do you think zimmerman will get on the stand?

ooooooooo a 'fucking punk'

I doubt it seriously. Zimmerman is just not a sympathetic character, especially with this opening volley from the prosecution. I wonder how many of the female juries are black women. If there are at least three you can safely say Zimmerman is


Woa! Are you saying Black Women can not be impartial??????? remind me again what your signature says?
Before start interpreting a trial, you might want to thing about going to law school.

Husband is a trial attorney in Philadelphia. For over 25 years. Graduated from Georgetown with JD and LLM. I get my info from all the craziest sources, don't I?

You don't get a JD by osmosis. You know nothing.

I guess you would let your doctor's wife do surgery on you.

I doubt you even understand what an LLM is, but after living with him for 30 years, I have picked up a few pointers and attended more than a few trials, too. One was before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Google this::::: Marion Hammer was the first NRA prez who singularly rammed the Stand Your Ground law through Florida legislation in 2005 based on a lie: that she was "stalked in a parking garage by six men, one of whom wielded a "long-necked beer bottle" before she pulled out her .38 and aimed".

The rednecks in Florida ate it up like trained seals with fresh fish thrown at them. The SYG law is fatally flawed, it gives the person shooting the gun the convenient opportunity of firing first and asking questions later. And ironically it was drafted to protect white people from blacks, but looks like the law has backfired, no pun intended.

"Fucking punks....these assholes always get away" said George Zimmerman about Trayvon Martin. Opening remarks by the prosecution! Outstanding! I love this guy!

And guess what, the defense attorneys did not object. Double ooops!

Talking about "case closed".......


You dont object to opening statements. The objection comes in the defenses opening statement.

OK, with that out of the way, the case is pretty fuckin' far from closed, wackadoodle.
Husband is a trial attorney in Philadelphia. For over 25 years. Graduated from Georgetown with JD and LLM. I get my info from all the craziest sources, don't I?

You don't get a JD by osmosis. You know nothing.

I guess you would let your doctor's wife do surgery on you.

I doubt you even understand what an LLM is, but after living with him for 30 years, I have picked up a few pointers and attended more than a few trials, too. One was before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Google this::::: Marion Hammer was the first NRA prez who singularly rammed the Stand Your Ground law through Florida legislation in 2005 based on a lie: that she was "stalked in a parking garage by six men, one of whom wielded a "long-necked beer bottle" before she pulled out her .38 and aimed".

The rednecks in Florida ate it up like trained seals with fresh fish thrown at them. The SYG law is fatally flawed, it gives the person shooting the gun the convenient opportunity of firing first and asking questions later. And ironically it was drafted to protect white people from blacks, but looks like the law has backfired, no pun intended.

Yes, dear. I know what an LLM is. It is a master's in law. I have a doctorate, thankyouverymuch. That seems to be escaping you. And I am not the only one on here who has a JD. I just happen to know who they are and you do not. Just another area where your ignorance abounds.

And you are ignorant; you are an undeniable bigot; and you are making a complete and utter fool of yourself.
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"Fucking punks....these assholes always get away" said George Zimmerman about Trayvon Martin. Opening remarks by the prosecution! Outstanding! I love this guy!

And guess what, the defense attorneys did not object. Double ooops!

Talking about "case closed".......

Only morons think those words are incriminating.

Only morons would think those words weren't thought at some point in time by every juror in the courtroom.
That is what whackadoodles do, sunshine.

Daniel F. Boorstin said, "Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know.'

That lawyers wife doesn't know what she doesn't know.

Alexander Pope said, 'A little learning is a dangerous thing.'

We are most lucky here because that lawyer's wife doesn't even know enough to be dangerous.
The defense pretty much devastated the prosecution, I sat there and watched for an hour until recess. I can't wait to see them present the forensic evidence.

Zimmerman will be acquitted. His attorney has key witnesses, and most likely compelling forensic evidence. Compelling to say the least. I as a juror would be convinced solely by hearing that testimony.
11 guiltys...7 Acquited...4 Hung Jury and 3 other.

More or less and even split between jail and home.
Husband is a trial attorney in Philadelphia. For over 25 years. Graduated from Georgetown with JD and LLM. I get my info from all the craziest sources, don't I?

You don't get a JD by osmosis. You know nothing.

I guess you would let your doctor's wife do surgery on you.

I doubt you even understand what an LLM is, but after living with him for 30 years, I have picked up a few pointers and attended more than a few trials, too. One was before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Google this::::: Marion Hammer was the first NRA prez who singularly rammed the Stand Your Ground law through Florida legislation in 2005 based on a lie: that she was "stalked in a parking garage by six men, one of whom wielded a "long-necked beer bottle" before she pulled out her .38 and aimed".

The rednecks in Florida ate it up like trained seals with fresh fish thrown at them. The SYG law is fatally flawed, it gives the person shooting the gun the convenient opportunity of firing first and asking questions later. And ironically it was drafted to protect white people from blacks, but looks like the law has backfired, no pun intended.

You have proof that she lied?

What is the difference between "ramming a law through the legislature" and the normal process?
Knowing what you know today, what do you believe will be the outcome of the trial.


Please only discussions pertaining to the poll in this thread.

Kind of hard to answer. My opinion hasn't changed as I strongly believe that Zimmerman's actions that night led to a boys death. The facts on that are indisputable.

I voted 'Guilty', however, I wouldn't be surprised if he was let go.

^ :cuckoo:

nooomi says, "I strongly believe that Zimmerman's actions that night led to a boy[']s death...."

What a moron. Listen real hard, noomz. Zimmerman's actions DID (unquestionably) lead to the death of Trayvon Martin, you numb skull.

He SHOT the lad.

That's not at all in doubt. Zimmerman fully admits as much, you clump of sod.

The QUESTION is whether or not he bears any CRIMINAL liability for the action.

That's a VERY different question.

Try to keep up. Even flaming asshole idiots like Fakey can follow things that far.

"Fucking punks....these assholes always get away" said George Zimmerman about Trayvon Martin. Opening remarks by the prosecution! Outstanding! I love this guy!

And guess what, the defense attorneys did not object. Double ooops!

Talking about "case closed".......

Um, no. If the prosecution is going with "he went in there intending to shoot someone" theory, which use of this statement implies, then thier case is actually WEAKER than we think.

This is a quote, Einstein. Not an opinion or conjecture.

This opening statement combined with the fact that Zimmerman's HOA rules forbade him from carrying a gun while on Neighborhood Watch is enough.

he is not on trial for breaking HOA rules

Not Guilty. Although I can't rule out a miscarriage of justice here.

Thing is, one juror with an agenda can derail a guilty verdict - it takes the whole lot to return guilty. In this case, there is zero chance of that. I suspect he will be acquitted - but the only other possibility is a hung jury. The prosecution's case rests on racism. She does not have an all black jury - she cannot prevail on racism the way she has in the press.
Zimmerman was a self proclaimed neighborhood watch captain not belonging to any neighborhood watch organization. Neighbor watch member not allowed to carry guns.
In every presentation, “I go through what the rules and responsibilities are,” she said Thursday. The volunteers’ role, she said, is “being the eyes and ears” for the police, “not the vigilante.” Members of a neighborhood watch “are not supposed to confront anyone,” she said. “We get paid to get into harm’s way. You don’t do that. You just call them from the safety of your home or your vehicle.”

Using a gun in the neighborhood watch role would be out of the question, she said in an interview.

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