"punks....they always get away"

Outcome of the Zimmerman trial:

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
11 guiltys...7 Acquited...4 Hung Jury and 3 other.

More or less and even split between jail and home.

However, the vote is based on desire, rather than likely outcome. Diddly and the other leftists WANT Zimmerman lynched. The simply spew the party line of hatred toward what they view as a white person. There is no reason, no logic, to support their position, only hatred and racism.
OOOPS! Prosecution just objected with Defense's opening statement and the judge sustained. Sorry, Katzy. You are wrong. Judge just told the lame Defense that he needs to stick to evidence, not a story about his own damn family!


WTF? You just said 'it hasn't started yet.' Sounds to me like it has started. And I don't believe the judge said 'damn.'

Every intelligent person understands that when NoTeaPartyPleez said "it hasn't started yet," that phrase was meant in the spirit of "you ain't seen nothing yet," not literally that the trial hadn't started yet. NoTeaPartyPleez's meaning seems quit clear to me.
I guess it helps to undertand the nuances of the English language.

In addition, NOTeaPartyPleez was not directly quoting the judge, so wasn't necessarily meaning to say that the judge actually said "damn."

Look this word up, maybe it will help you to understand...PARAPHRASE.
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"Fucking punks....these assholes always get away" said George Zimmerman about Trayvon Martin. Opening remarks by the prosecution! Outstanding! I love this guy!

And guess what, the defense attorneys did not object. Double ooops!

Talking about "case closed".......

Only morons think those words are incriminating.

So tell us what smart people are to surmise from those comments. I'll be waiting to hear your brilliant explanation.

They surmise that Zimmerman doesn't like getting robbed by ghetto punks, and that judges always let them off with a slap on the wrist.

What rational person would disagree?
Um, no. If the prosecution is going with "he went in there intending to shoot someone" theory, which use of this statement implies, then thier case is actually WEAKER than we think.

This is a quote, Einstein. Not an opinion or conjecture.

This opening statement combined with the fact that Zimmerman's HOA rules forbade him from carrying a gun while on Neighborhood Watch is enough.

he is not on trial for breaking HOA rules


Yes, but this information, that he was breaking those rules, lends credence to the overall contention that his behavior was inappropriate.
Only morons think those words are incriminating.

So tell us what smart people are to surmise from those comments. I'll be waiting to hear your brilliant explanation.

They surmise that Zimmerman doesn't like getting robbed by ghetto punks, and that judges always let them off with a slap on the wrist.

What rational person would disagree?

I guess some people aren't getting that Zimmerman was the "punk" in this story. I sure don't want the likes of him running around my neighborhood at night.

"Fucking punks....these assholes always get away" said George Zimmerman about Trayvon Martin. Opening remarks by the prosecution! Outstanding! I love this guy!

And guess what, the defense attorneys did not object. Double ooops!

Talking about "case closed".......

Um, no. If the prosecution is going with "he went in there intending to shoot someone" theory, which use of this statement implies, then thier case is actually WEAKER than we think.

This is a quote, Einstein. Not an opinion or conjecture.

This opening statement combined with the fact that Zimmerman's HOA rules forbade him from carrying a gun while on Neighborhood Watch is enough.

Horseshit. I've never heard of an HOA that had a rule against carrying guns.

This is a quote, Einstein. Not an opinion or conjecture.

This opening statement combined with the fact that Zimmerman's HOA rules forbade him from carrying a gun while on Neighborhood Watch is enough.

he is not on trial for breaking HOA rules


Yes, but this information, that he was breaking those rules, lends credence to the overall contention that his behavior was inappropriate.

It doesn't lend credence to a damn thing. Furthermore, HOA's don't have authority to tell anyone they can't carry a gun. Next you'll tell us they have rules against smoking on your own property.

HOA rules govern the maintenance, design and use of your property. Carrying a gun isn't a use of your property.
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You don't get a JD by osmosis. You know nothing.

I guess you would let your doctor's wife do surgery on you.

I doubt you even understand what an LLM is, but after living with him for 30 years, I have picked up a few pointers and attended more than a few trials, too. One was before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Google this::::: Marion Hammer was the first NRA prez who singularly rammed the Stand Your Ground law through Florida legislation in 2005 based on a lie: that she was "stalked in a parking garage by six men, one of whom wielded a "long-necked beer bottle" before she pulled out her .38 and aimed".

The rednecks in Florida ate it up like trained seals with fresh fish thrown at them. The SYG law is fatally flawed, it gives the person shooting the gun the convenient opportunity of firing first and asking questions later. And ironically it was drafted to protect white people from blacks, but looks like the law has backfired, no pun intended.

Yes, dear. I know what an LLM is. It is a master's in law. I have a doctorate, thankyouverymuch. That seems to be escaping you. And I am not the only one on here who has a JD. I just happen to know who they are and you do not. Just another area where your ignorance abounds.

And you are ignorant; you are an undeniable bigot; and you are making a complete and utter fool of yourself.

Actually, you are the complete and utter fool, Sunshine. How often must you pompously remind us that you are a law school graduate PLUS a certified nurse practitioner? And because of that you consider yourself a know-it-all. :doubt:

Yet you couldn't even get your facts straight about shingles in a discussion with an amateur like me. ROFL

And the fact that you are a certified nurse practitioner, IF you are in fact a certified nurse practitioner, makes me all the more motivated to live a healthy lifestyle so I don't find myself at the mercy of some psychopath like you. It's really kind of terrifying to think that a mean-hearted, cold person like yourself has some kind of medical credentials.

Why is it you have to personally attack posters instead of just addressing the subject at hand? That habit will get you the same treatment in response from me, whether in defense of myself or another poster.

And you can neg rep me all you want, I don't give a fuck.
So tell us what smart people are to surmise from those comments. I'll be waiting to hear your brilliant explanation.

They surmise that Zimmerman doesn't like getting robbed by ghetto punks, and that judges always let them off with a slap on the wrist.

What rational person would disagree?

I guess some people aren't getting that Zimmerman was the "punk" in this story. I sure don't want the likes of him running around my neighborhood at night.

What liberals don't seem to fathom is that lots of people have had encounters with punks like Treyvon and they are rooting for Zimmerman's acquittal.

I recall a news story when I lived in Tampa that described how the driver of a car reached into his glovebox, pulled out his Glock and blew away some punk who was trying to highjack his car. Everyone in my office cheered when they learned about that.
he is not on trial for breaking HOA rules


Yes, but this information, that he was breaking those rules, lends credence to the overall contention that his behavior was inappropriate.

It doesn't lend credence to a damn thing. Furthermore, HOA's don't have authority to tell you can't carry a gun. Next you'll tell us they have rules against smoking on your own property.

HOW rules government the maintenance and design and use of your property. Carrying a gun isn't a use of your property.

It doesn't matter whether it lends credence in your mind. What matters is if it will make the jurors go "Hmmmmm." And I think it will give them some food for thought, that's for sure.
So tell us what smart people are to surmise from those comments. I'll be waiting to hear your brilliant explanation.

They surmise that Zimmerman doesn't like getting robbed by ghetto punks, and that judges always let them off with a slap on the wrist.

What rational person would disagree?

I guess some people aren't getting that Zimmerman was the "punk" in this story. I sure don't want the likes of him running around my neighborhood at night.

Wrong. Treyvon was the punk. Now he's a dead punk - a big improvement in my book.
Husband is a trial attorney in Philadelphia. For over 25 years. Graduated from Georgetown with JD and LLM. I get my info from all the craziest sources, don't I?

You don't get a JD by osmosis. You know nothing.

I guess you would let your doctor's wife do surgery on you.

I doubt you even understand what an LLM is, but after living with him for 30 years, I have picked up a few pointers and attended more than a few trials, too. One was before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Google this::::: Marion Hammer was the first NRA prez who singularly rammed the Stand Your Ground law through Florida legislation in 2005 based on a lie: that she was "stalked in a parking garage by six men, one of whom wielded a "long-necked beer bottle" before she pulled out her .38 and aimed".

The rednecks in Florida ate it up like trained seals with fresh fish thrown at them. The SYG law is fatally flawed, it gives the person shooting the gun the convenient opportunity of firing first and asking questions later. And ironically it was drafted to protect white people from blacks, but looks like the law has backfired, no pun intended.

Sorry dumb ass they are not using the stand your ground defense.
They surmise that Zimmerman doesn't like getting robbed by ghetto punks, and that judges always let them off with a slap on the wrist.

What rational person would disagree?

I guess some people aren't getting that Zimmerman was the "punk" in this story. I sure don't want the likes of him running around my neighborhood at night.

What liberals don't seem to fathom is that lots of people have had encounters with punks like Treyvon and they are rooting for Zimmerman's acquittal.

I recall a news story when I lived in Tampa that described how the driver of a car reached into his glovebox, pulled out his Glock and blew away some punk who was trying to highjack his car. Everyone in my office cheered when they learned about that.

Yes, but Trayvon Martin wasn't trying to hijack anyone's car or do anything else but run to the store for some refreshments and go back home.

But the way, I'm not a "liberal." Don't call me a liberal, it pisses me off. I am totally in favor of the right to carry a gun and the right to defend yourself. What I am not in favor of is someone provoking a situation against an unarmed person and then trying to call it self-defense. That's bullshit.
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Yes, but this information, that he was breaking those rules, lends credence to the overall contention that his behavior was inappropriate.

It doesn't lend credence to a damn thing. Furthermore, HOA's don't have authority to tell you can't carry a gun. Next you'll tell us they have rules against smoking on your own property.

HOW rules government the maintenance and design and use of your property. Carrying a gun isn't a use of your property.

It doesn't matter whether it lends credence in your mind. What matters is if it will make the jurors go "Hmmmmm." And I think it will give them some food for thought, that's for sure.

I doubt it will affect their decision one way or the other. It proves exactly nothing.
They surmise that Zimmerman doesn't like getting robbed by ghetto punks, and that judges always let them off with a slap on the wrist.

What rational person would disagree?

I guess some people aren't getting that Zimmerman was the "punk" in this story. I sure don't want the likes of him running around my neighborhood at night.

Wrong. Treyvon was the punk. Now he's a dead punk - a big improvement in my book.

Wow. You are glad because an unarmed kid making a trip to the store for some candy and iced tea was provoked into some kind of encounter by a fucker with a gun and then shot dead. And you think that's a good thing.

It doesn't lend credence to a damn thing. Furthermore, HOA's don't have authority to tell you can't carry a gun. Next you'll tell us they have rules against smoking on your own property.

HOW rules government the maintenance and design and use of your property. Carrying a gun isn't a use of your property.

It doesn't matter whether it lends credence in your mind. What matters is if it will make the jurors go "Hmmmmm." And I think it will give them some food for thought, that's for sure.

I doubt it will affect their decision one way or the other. It proves exactly nothing.

Well, it affects my thinking, and I'm a pretty typical woman, just like the jurors.
I guess some people aren't getting that Zimmerman was the "punk" in this story. I sure don't want the likes of him running around my neighborhood at night.

Wrong. Treyvon was the punk. Now he's a dead punk - a big improvement in my book.

Wow. You are glad because an unarmed kid making a trip to the store for some candy and iced tea was provoked into some kind of encounter by a fucker with a gun and then shot dead. And you think that's a good thing.


The facts do not support that story line. Zimmerman stopped following him and was returning to his car. Martin Confronted him not the other way around. Further the evidence shows that if martin had just gone home he would have been inside his house when the confrontation occurred further supporting the contention that martin confronted Zimmerman.

The evidence will show that Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding his head into the ground which supports Zimmerman's contention that martin threatened his life not the other way around.
They surmise that Zimmerman doesn't like getting robbed by ghetto punks, and that judges always let them off with a slap on the wrist.

What rational person would disagree?

I guess some people aren't getting that Zimmerman was the "punk" in this story. I sure don't want the likes of him running around my neighborhood at night.

Wrong. Treyvon was the punk. Now he's a dead punk - a big improvement in my book.

They were both punks if you ask me. One Deputy Barnie Fife wanna a be and a wanna be Gansta...They were both looking to pick a fight.
They surmise that Zimmerman doesn't like getting robbed by ghetto punks, and that judges always let them off with a slap on the wrist.

What rational person would disagree?

I guess some people aren't getting that Zimmerman was the "punk" in this story. I sure don't want the likes of him running around my neighborhood at night.

What liberals don't seem to fathom is that lots of people have had encounters with punks like Treyvon and they are rooting for Zimmerman's acquittal.

I recall a news story when I lived in Tampa that described how the driver of a car reached into his glovebox, pulled out his Glock and blew away some punk who was trying to highjack his car. Everyone in my office cheered when they learned about that.

Yeah, well in my town some punks broke into a guy's house to steal the stash of weed is son had told them he had, and he managed to get to his gun and shoot and kill one of them while the other two ran away. And the police didn't charge him with anything, no charges for the shooting and no charges for having the weed.

And we all cheered that one. I get that. But that's not an equivalent scenario to what happened to Trayvon Martin. He wasn't stealing anyone's car or breaking into anyone's house. He was minding his own business and Zimmerman should have minded his own business...or let the police handle it.
I guess some people aren't getting that Zimmerman was the "punk" in this story. I sure don't want the likes of him running around my neighborhood at night.

What liberals don't seem to fathom is that lots of people have had encounters with punks like Treyvon and they are rooting for Zimmerman's acquittal.

I recall a news story when I lived in Tampa that described how the driver of a car reached into his glovebox, pulled out his Glock and blew away some punk who was trying to highjack his car. Everyone in my office cheered when they learned about that.

Yeah, well in my town some punks broke into a guy's house to steal the stash of weed is son had told them he had, and he managed to get to his gun and shoot and kill one of them while the other two ran away. And the police didn't charge him with anything, no charges for the shooting and no charges for having the weed.

And we all cheered that one. I get that. But that's not an equivalent scenario to what happened to Trayvon Martin. He wasn't stealing anyone's car or breaking into anyone's house. He was minding his own business and Zimmerman should have minded his own business...or let the police handle it.

The evidence does not support your claim. Zimmerman was returning to his car. Martin backtracked and confronted him. Martin would have been inside his home if he had not backtracked. Further the evidence and testimony will show that Zimmerman was on the bottom getting his head pounded into the ground. Which supports his claim that martin threatened to take his firearm and shoot him.

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